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[GAME OVER] Marvel Endgame Mafia


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Finally, forum's back. I've been meaning to respond to this for a while.

9 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

tl;dr everyone is Town so I don't antagonize anyone.

In all fairness, based on interactions, my only solid town read is Orange. (And technically Shade via GM confirmation as well, I suppose.) Everyone else is sort of wishy-washy.

9 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

I would like to know more about "targeting the wrong person". I assume it means you webbing any Town and I, as Happy, will reprimand you for it and take away the tools Mr. Stark provided to you. So if you were to web Irish, would he be the wrong person?


9 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

Reading this again, you can target anyone except me. Presumably, anyway. If your wrong person is in fact me, I think we've just cleared each other for Town.


9 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:


Could you clarify on your ability a bit more for your target? This could help us clear you and another player.

Okay, full disclosure time (for my day ability, anyway). Every other day, I can web up another player, blocking them from taking any day actions. This includes voting, by the way. However, if I target the wrong person, the action gets disabled. Now, I asked Jeod what that meant, because I initially read it like FRAYDO did at first. When he clarified, Jeod specifically referenced the "synergy thing" from one of Irish's games. I didn't get anything beyond "a specific person," though, so I had to figure it out based on who was who. I've narrowed it down to being either Irish or FRAYDO, and I'd say that there's about a 75% chance that FRAYDO is who I shouldn't target. 

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13 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

Okay, full disclosure time (for my day ability, anyway). Every other day, I can web up another player, blocking them from taking any day actions. This includes voting, by the way. However, if I target the wrong person, the action gets disabled. Now, I asked Jeod what that meant, because I initially read it like FRAYDO did at first. When he clarified, Jeod specifically referenced the "synergy thing" from one of Irish's games. I didn't get anything beyond "a specific person," though, so I had to figure it out based on who was who. I've narrowed it down to being either Irish or FRAYDO, and I'd say that there's about a 75% chance that FRAYDO is who I shouldn't target. 

That's an interesting mechanic to give you multiple uses for it, and means you should probably have multiple targets to use it on.

Which probably means an infinity stone might grant some form of day protection also...

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1. Only solid town read. I still said that I'm slightly townreading a good chunk of the players, he's just the only one that's above 90%.

2. By what metric do you define "doing something to help town?" As stated, he's taken the initiative with questioning, and has been doing a good job at keeping the flow of information under control. That is to say, making sure we know what would be helpful to Town, and only that.

Going to bed now. Hopefully there will be others when I get up in the afternoon.

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12 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

1. Only solid town read. I still said that I'm slightly townreading a good chunk of the players, he's just the only one that's above 90%.

2. By what metric do you define "doing something to help town?" As stated, he's taken the initiative with questioning, and has been doing a good job at keeping the flow of information under control. That is to say, making sure we know what would be helpful to Town, and only that.

Going to bed now. Hopefully there will be others when I get up in the afternoon.

Sigh, you do realize the obvious flaws and holes in iLTS claim though, he believes himself to be a counter to someone stealing the infinity stones, an then immediately targets himself when he doens't have an infinity stone, despite stating he believes his ability should be used to prevent someone else from losing an infinity stone and indicates that we have to have a thief in game?

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Alright, we're back! It doesn't look like the CvC has changed, remind me if you voted/unvoted.


Since the day started early, there will be no extension. Hammer is in 11 hours! Keep in mind that I may not be able to resolve day actions until hammer due to work.

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6 hours ago, Shade939 said:

Also, you're only Town read is Orange, who hasn't done anything at all the entire game to actually help out Town?

I have a plan, one I can't talk about right now, but I will be able to, soon.  I know that's not satisfying, but on the bright side, there's nothing you can do to stop me from executing my plan, so I can be passive-aggressive about it all I want :p

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You know, while I hate to say it, ILTS is actually on the scummier end of my reads, even if I'm not particularly enthusiastic about him.  Everything he's done makes sense, he just doesn't have any actual backing like whatever this FRAYDO-KY thing is....

Other alternatives are the low posters Brigitte and Louis... But I don't think either of them are very attractive options either.

(If you can't tell, this is the signal that we need to start getting our lynch in order, before we run out of time)

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Mojoman: (leaning scummy)
I've got a slightly scummy read on him. Granted he's been out of mafia for quite some time, but his post content is kind of lacking. It feels like activity to just check off the "town activity" checkbox. Mostly a null read but I'm suspiscious.

Killing_You: (seems like scum)
When I first started talking about a thief being in the game KY seemed to be a little too aggressive trying to get more information from me. Then he backed off once Shade started aggroing on me and started focusing on Shade. His behavior this day just strikes me as opportunistic. He's also been too quick to write off players as town. He's the scummiest read I have right now.

OrangeP47: (leaning town)
An enigma wrapped in an enigma... So far he's been pretty pro-town with trying to control information and scum hunt. For example, not wanting specific information on the infinity stones out there is the right thing to do. I don't see anything to indicate he's scum right now. But, that's been true of games where he is scum... I don't think there's even a remote reason to lynch him, but he's still worth keeping an eye on.

FRAYDO: (seems like town)
He's been pretty active and has actually been putting the pressure on players with some scum hunting. Based on that and his interactions with Irishman I'm thinking he's town.

Brigitte: (null read)
I don't think I've had any games with her, but all of her content is just spam. Somehwat active but seems to be activity for the sake of activity. Null read.

ChopBam: (null-scum read)
He's been fairly active this game. But in terms of actual content from him, it feels kind of week. He's mostly just made jabs at other players. Mostly a null read, but leaning towards scummy.

TheIrishMan: (neutral or third-party)
At this point I'm fairly certain he isn't town. Whether his interest align with ours or not is up for debate. If we're out of ideas we could always try a second lynch... But I don't think that would be productive.

Louis: (null read)
I haven't played with him before either and I don't see much actual content from him yet. I've got a null read on him.

Shade939: (somehow town)
Well, I would have a scum read on him. But he's now confirmed town.

Now, let's talk about Cat5's death. Looking back at his D1 posts, the only realy content he had was calculating what would happen on a D1 lynch. He didn't actually build a case against anybody. Mafia killing him doesn't put suspicion on anybody, nor does it take pressure off of anybody. Either they killed him randomly (which I doubt) or they killed him because he was an experienced player and they knew he was not-mafia.

With that in mind, I think we ought to consider a KY, ChopBam, or Mojoman lynch today. I would definitely want to see a read list from the last two though. @Mojoman @ChopBam

Also, if anybody who has experience playing with Brigitte or Louis could chime in that would be appreciated. Not sure if this is how they usually play.

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4 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Also, if anybody who has experience playing with Brigitte or Louis could chime in that would be appreciated. Not sure if this is how they usually play.

I have the same experience as anybody, though Irish could probably speak more about Louis as he recruited her, but from what I've seen, they're both kind of aggressive players, and them both attacking Irish D1 seems to fit the bill for that, so there's nothing out of the ordinary IMO.  That doesn't mean they can't be scum, just that they haven't done any scum tells *yet*.

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4 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I posted right after I woke up... I forgot they were playing, doh!

Anywho, back to this.  My read on Mojo is still the same as yesterday.  I didn't like that neutral claim, but was willing to give him a chance.  That said, if Irish is neutral/TP, that makes the likelyhood of Mojo being one of those go down... but like I said yesterday it could be some kind of tell between partners that aren't in communication or something.

As for Chop, I believe he did actually ability claim (and again I'll rant that may be ill advised....), but beyond that hasn't done much.  I'll second the call for more activity.  I guess we really should just ask EVERYONE to reads list at this point.

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7 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I posted right after I woke up... I forgot they were playing, doh!

That's exactly why I'm suspicious. If you forget somebody is playing that can be a scum tell.

Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Anywho, back to this.  My read on Mojo is still the same as yesterday.  I didn't like that neutral claim, but was willing to give him a chance.  That said, if Irish is neutral/TP, that makes the likelyhood of Mojo being one of those go down... but like I said yesterday it could be some kind of tell between partners that aren't in communication or something.

As for Chop, I believe he did actually ability claim (and again I'll rant that may be ill advised....), but beyond that hasn't done much.  I'll second the call for more activity.  I guess we really should just ask EVERYONE to reads list at this point.

Chop did claim a targeted lightning rod/bodyguard style role.

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4 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I'm famously pretty bad until I have my caffeine no matter what I am.

Sorry if that wasn't clear, didn't mean that you are scum. Meant that it's a scum tell for other players if we forget that they're playing. i.e. trying to fly under the radar

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1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Sorry if that wasn't clear, didn't mean that you are scum. Meant that it's a scum tell for other players if we forget that they're playing. i.e. trying to fly under the radar

Yeah, though 11 is more than we usually have, so it's easier to blend in.  I guess even though Louis and Brigitte are what I think of as "low posters" right now, they've done enough to stand out.  Well, just the Irish push I guess, which actually would look pretty good for them... if Irish was actually scum... but neutral/TP scum could push them too.  Chop/Mojo has just been more plain invisible.

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3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Yeah, though 11 is more than we usually have, so it's easier to blend in.  I guess even though Louis and Brigitte are what I think of as "low posters" right now, they've done enough to stand out.  Well, just the Irish push I guess, which actually would look pretty good for them... if Irish was actually scum... but neutral/TP scum could push them too.  Chop/Mojo has just been more plain invisible.

If I were to pick just one of the two, I'm leaning towards Mojoman for scum.

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2 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

If I were to pick just one of the two, I'm leaning towards Mojoman for scum.

I'd probably make the same call if this was hammer, but hopefully further interaction today can provide more insight.

Though that said, I might be gone for hammer today.  I'll be around like up to 30 minutes before hammer, but then might have to leave, so I'll still be here for EoD discussion hopefully.  (And I might even still be around for hammer, it's hard to say)

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2 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

I have a plan, one I can't talk about right now, but I will be able to, soon.  I know that's not satisfying, but on the bright side, there's nothing you can do to stop me from executing my plan, so I can be passive-aggressive about it all I want :p

I'm not asking for your ability, I'm asking for iLTS's because by all rights there's no reason to think he's not lieing about his ability, and in actuality he's a thief...

Or that he actaully dis mean an item thief instead of an ability thief when he started his entire gambit.

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I can get on board with a Mojo lynch. Out of my three null reads (Mojo, Chop, Louis), he's my least town-y read. 

As for iLTS, did he claim that his ability is a targeted one? This whole time, I've been thinking that it's a passive.

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1 minute ago, Killing_You said:

I can get on board with a Mojo lynch. Out of my three null reads (Mojo, Chop, Louis), he's my least town-y read. 

As for iLTS, did he claim that his ability is a targeted one? This whole time, I've been thinking that it's a passive.

The only thing I've really confirmed about my ability is that I self-targeted. And that's all I intend to reveal today.

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