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[Game Over] Game of Thrones Conquest Mafia RPG


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@Louis You have to be blind to see that shubeci are just doing the same threatening things as orange. The difference is who you align with. Of course you’re going to be threatened if you side with the enemy. You’d also be threatened by them if you sided with us. They have the ability to attack too, and “neutral” factions usually don’t get to attack.

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@rubeci Indeed, I think we have similar concerns on the issue. Because of you and Shade being Independent, I don't like the two of you plus Louis having voting power over me when I can't be sure that you don't have a goal in taking power for yourselves. Granted, I did notice that you could have seized power during the last vote but chose not to in the end, yet you may have done so because taking power while Orange was still alive would have effectively been suicide. At the same time, it is unacceptable for you guys to leave me+Orange in the position of power because it would be possible for him to take you guys out. I get it, it's a tough spot to be in.

Orange represents a threat to you, but is also the only controllable form of power I currently have given that I can't just order the army around as I wish, thus my wish to keep him around as a form of balance of power. Both of you can eliminate each other easily so long as I don't intervene but an assurance that I will use the army on either of you should you attack should keep everyone playing nicely. For you guys to accept such a deal would require some trust in me from you guys, and I'll understand if you just can't accept that. That is just how this game works, unfortunately. But that's what I'm asking for. Give up a vote, receive protection from me. If you don't give up a vote, I'll have to view you as a potential threat and will not go out of my way to help you.

Remember that I have my own motivation to keep Orange in check because he is potentially a threat to me as well. If he starts to take you guys down, I have to respond. Yes, he did attempt once, but he failed, and he's much weaker now for it. I specifically only sent a small force to defend Orange because I wanted to know if he was attacked at all, and then I didn't want to reduce his losses by very much. He has now taken so much damage that he's dependent on my protection and is only a threat to me if he really wants to go the murder-suicide path. Had he actually succeeded, we would be having a different discussion today.

I want as much manpower as possible to be ready for what I presume is a coming battle. Assuming Orange can play nicely, his ability should prove very useful when dealing with the necromorphs whatever the fuck it is this time. If he's on the wall, he'll provide little in the matter of troops and will not have his ability. Louis should still have a significant army and has said nothing about having something that would prove useful for defending the kingdom. I think we need extra forces on the wall, and I consider her the best person to send.

And lastly, Orange is easier to deal with as long as he is in the kingdom. As soon as he's on the wall...well, I suspect you know better than I do about how well someone can be reigned in.

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Here's how the wall works: when sent, one can choose to join Rangers, Builders, or Stewards. Retaliation joined Builders, which lets the wall operate much like kingdom projects. Shade joined Rangers, as did Voe. Rangers can go on expeditions beyond the wall. The problem with this is they "get lost", causing the wall to lose 1000 troops each time and presumably they take over empty holdings in the kingdom. Supposedly rubeci has something to do with this--I'd presume an expedition means a doc with rubeci where he can choose to invite Rangers to join him as a more "permanent" scum since Rebellion is cyclical.

Voe did report the day before his expedition that he didn't see any walkers, only rubeci's forces.

I can't tell you what Stewards do yet, but they're diplomacy and faith-based.

So yes, while most of Louis's troops would go to the wall and stay, she always has the option to leave via rubeci and thus further harm the kingdom side of things.

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If they were to agree to send Louis to the wall, we'd have to consider that Rubeci is probably not a threat to the kingdom and thus Louis bailing from the wall to join him wouldn't be a big deal. That's why I'm making this proposal. It's a way to effectively test if they are reliable as allies or not.

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2 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

If they are a threat to the kingdom, there isn't a whole hell of a lot we can do about it, as they control the vote.

For now. Hope you've got an empty holding for me.

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Of course, Voe will probably occupy it if you have one available. So I'll be delayed. However, unless Louis is sent to the wall and then takes over an available empty holding, I'll return from the depths of hell to do battle with the "Free" Folk the following day.

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Well, @Cat5 you said yourself that you really didn't want me from the start to be hand and that hurts a lot. You were already bias towards me and expecting me to betray you, and still are.

Orange won't kill you. But im a high Target for him since I'm one of the other royals remaining in the game.

I want to live.

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1 minute ago, Louis said:

Well, @Cat5 you said yourself that you really didn't want me from the start to be hand and that hurts a lot. You were already bias towards me and expecting me to betray you, and still are.

Orange won't kill you. But im a high Target for him since I'm one of the other royals remaining in the game.

I want to live.

You didn't prove him wrong when you had the chance to.

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14 minutes ago, Louis said:

Well, @Cat5 you said yourself that you really didn't want me from the start to be hand and that hurts a lot. You were already bias towards me and expecting me to betray you, and still are.

Orange won't kill you. But im a high Target for him since I'm one of the other royals remaining in the game.

I want to live.

I don't target people just for the fun of it.  What use is a kingdom if there's nobody to rule over.  Remember my speeches about how ideally those taking power want to just take over the kingdom not destroy it.

That said, for the moment, I will do as Cat 5 says.  You guys need me out here with my abilities for winter, because as you've also forgotten, I'm ALSO THE DAMN MEDIC.

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3 hours ago, Louis said:

What do you mean by that?

And by the time I get on everyone's had me set in mind when I haven't had the chance to defend myself. But here I am.

I mean you voted against his plan.

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4 hours ago, Louis said:

Well, @Cat5 you said yourself that you really didn't want me from the start to be hand and that hurts a lot. You were already bias towards me and expecting me to betray you, and still are.

Orange won't kill you. But im a high Target for him since I'm one of the other royals remaining in the game.

I want to live.

Orange won't be able to get you if you're sent to the wall.

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4 minutes ago, Louis said:

Well I am my own person, Shade trusted me first and so I will trust him, Cat5 or Orange never once gave me a chance

Then presumably you will not complain when this blows up in your face.  Shade is not your friend.  I'm not pretending otherwise.  I have the honesty points going for me.

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