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  1. Maybe even have abandoned Yuri structures that grant access to Yuri tech if you captured them?
  2. Beings there are plenty of old and sometimes even ugly games that have a bigger fan base than APB I think its safe to say that the gameplay is the issue. I guess its possible with better PR they could get more people to play it, but beings Renegade still has ~50 people in a single server periodically through out the day I'd guess that it has more issues than just PR.
  3. This is for the unit and the faction. Now, I know the faction will not be in the game as a normal faction, that's been made clear. I'll get to that in a moment. What I am unclear on is the soviet Yuri unit/psicorps trooper. the FAQ on moddb says the unit will be in the game. However, a dev (forget who) said about a year ago in a match the unit and mind control as a whole won't be present. Which is it, and how will the unit work in-game if it is in? As for the army, It's perfectly understandable they won't be a full faction. However, What about special Co-op matches or crate drops (virus sniper rifle anyone?)? Some of the relatively "easy" Yuri stuff like gatling guns, initiates, non-functional base structures, and maybe even their own engineers/technicians, while leaving the difficult stuff like psychic towers and chaos tech out of the equation. That way, you can still have Yuri without a need for balancing and coding the hard abilities his forces possess. Keep in mind I'm just thorwing out ideas. No one's demanding this be done. Sometimes I get yelled at for far-fetched ideas, hehe.
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  4. zunnie started this because he was frustrated with the APB developers at the time. Now that he's friendly with APB again, there's no reason for the game to exist any more. At the time it was funny because this appeared on Renforums. NSFW by the way.
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  5. If the maps with the vehicular overload on MP's map cycle are any indication of what that would produce; erhm. I mean, sure, it's kinda fun...?
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  6. *sigh* Yes, Ok Syn, I'll go ask Zunnie or something. If you read my original post, I asked one simple question, if anyone knew anything about it. It's a w3d mod, this is w3d hub... I'll go ask on another w3d based forum...
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  7. It's okay to not want a discussion on a subject. It's another to participate in that discussion, encourage that discussion, and then call for it to be stopped entirely because it's not going the direction that you want it to. What motivations do you expect to glean from us? No one here worked on RA:FPS. You would have to ask Zunnie for that information, and he doesn't post here.
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  8. Arguing "I like it, so you can't argue with the fact that I like it" doesn't further a conversation. Your personal preferences aren't being debated. I don't care about what you enjoy playing - what I care about is what can be objectively measured. There is something wrong with APB that has destroyed its player base from the heights it experienced in 2004-2007 and nothing has changed that. Also, for what it's worth: you brought up APB and chatted with us about it. Even if you didn't, someone would because RA:FPS is difficult to discuss without bringing APB into it.
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  9. ^ This: entirely subjective. Not even going to debate it with you as there is still a semi-active community who do enjoy playing. I enjoy knocking one out with my girlfriends mum's underwear on my head, while listening to bohemian rhapsody... I suspect this is something you wouldn't find enjoyable? That's opinions for ya.
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  10. Nobody else (sane) uses AVG or Symantec/Norton.
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  11. my quote was a bit false placed. Im refering to actions of danpaul in the public server after the latest patch launched. As you didnt see happy with some of these changes (for example cyborg speed), it is a bad idea to show this by exaggerating this issue in a sarcastic way to the public. Since you are in the team. sort this out internally.
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  12. That's actually not a bad idea. There could be maps where Yuri's forces guard something (a superweapon, a gattling cannon, etc.) that keeps actively attacking both sides. It would then be a mini goal ingame for BOTH sides to get rid of them Or a mission map where both sides need to get the same thing from Yuri's forces.
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  13. It could potentially be done like the mutants in TSR, in that the Yuri faction is a NPC threat that randomly spawns on some maps to attack both sides. And keep throwing out ideas, we like ideas around here and god knows i've suggested some stupid c++p in the past here which has actually been discussed without people jumping up and down on me (Stomping shock wave attack for the Mammoth Mk2 springs to mind) Everyone here is usually rather nice and civilised... unlike some other forums I know of.
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  14. Maybe you should have put some sensible blockers for your attutude you showed public. Its very irretating for fans to see a inner circle member of the dev exaggerates issues in a sarcastic way to the public.
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  15. Hi all. So, I'm new, sort of. More like, I've never been on this site particularly, but I've been around the community. Most of you who know me likely know me because of my C&C Legos series. Just figured I'd pop in and say "Hi," I'm looking to being a contributor here, and I hope to settle in well. Nice community here.
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  16. Hello citizens of the W3D world! Today is the day when we open the gates of the W3D Tutorials section of the forum to everyone. We promised a tutorials database back in February when the website has launched and we have achieved just that. This new forum area will hopefully help everyone who is looking to learn how to use the W3D Engine! About the tutorials Back in 2002, when C&C Renegade was released, Westwood provided the community a little "HowTo" package that explained how to create your own vehicles, characters, weapons, etc. for the W3D Engine. Shortly after, the community created lots of tutorials themselves. The biggest of the sites hosting them is not reachable anymore, but Läubi's Renhelp website is still alive and kickin'! These tutorials helped to expand everyone's knowledge of the W3D Engine and provide step by step instructions on how to to make your creations come to life within the game! So what's new? We have been working hard to revive old, forgotten and deleted tutorials by locating, reformatting and updating them. With help from oxi and Strike we were able to recover a lot of the tutorials that used to be on MP-Gaming.com's forums. All of these tutorials, new and old, are either free to distribute (and the authors are credited everywhere) or the original authors have given us permission to re-host them here. The tutorials that we have copied were heavily scrutinised and hand picked by us, as there were a lot of tutorials that were either too poorly written/old or they covered the same/similar game areas. This means that you will not find any low quality tutorials hosted here. More importantly though, there is now a huge amount of completely new tutorials that we can guarantee that you have never ever seen before on other websites! The future We will continue to add tutorials as new features become available in the engine and we will keep our eyes open for your feedback on existing tutorials as well as requests for new ones! If you want to add your own tutorials, go right ahead! Please bear in mind that they will need to be approved by an admin or moderator though! Check out the tutorials section here!
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