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Showing most liked content on 02/28/2016 in all areas

  1. Back in my days of first months of Gamma, a brave detriment called Forget would actually steal anything from soviet base. Name it, and he will deliver it without sweat. I still remember those days, it was something like this: Me (PMing to forget when he was spy): Bring me V2? <2 minutes later> *Forget has stolen a V2 Launcher! <1,5 minutes later> V2 is parked in allied base on Seamist and im having fun sniping anything through bigger entrance. Also, some screenies Allied navy on the roll (Hostile Waters) Same game, victorious charge. Random me being useless with old clanmate Another random screenshot starring me and one of fellow MO players/testers
  2. Okay. I'm going to give Snipe the benefit of the doubt until he responds again. But he is high suspicious for me. Generalcamo I trust as well, he's just playing too insane to be allies I think. Nodlied I'm not sure about, seems to be throwing some shade on everyone, but hasn't made any suspicious actions. Category 5 Not sure at all about. FRAYDO has been pretty tame since first day silliness. One Winged Angel could be a spy I think? But I'm not sure how / if I want to find out. triattack Not really sure. Voe is actually every single Allied at once.
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  3. I entered other ones which i thought that they look better. Doesnt matter honestly, had fun making them.
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  4. Alstar, you should have entered those into the hostile waters screenshot contest, they look pretty nice!
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  5. I see a nuclear trefoil symbol on the side of that truck and it has 125 max health so...
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  6. You cannot fix player behavior such as rage-quitting. The best you can do is try and solve game problem points which may cause it, such as bad team states. A good example of a case where people often rage-quit is when a team loses all production buildings and ends up getting or feeling 'farmed' by the other team. To solve this quit-point I suggest; A game-over 5 minutes after a team loses all production buildings. A game-over 2 minutes after both teams lose all production buildings. Production buildings being: Barracks, War Factory, Naval Yard/Sub Pen, and Helipad (and this last one I personally consider skipping).
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  7. I wouldn't classify "people leaving" or even ragequit as a problem per se. It happens in all games. Thus I don't personally feel that we should alter game mechanics to make up for it happening. I've never seen this done on any other game, probably because there are better ways to balance a game. Balancing is already a nightmare, and thats only coming from my perspective as a tester. Its much much worse from the devs' perspective, having all those numbers to contend with and then even when the numbers make sense, having to deal with how it "feels" based on potentially shoddy feedback from blokes like you and me. Its a huge achievement when something truly gets balanced. What you're proposing would require a number of balance possibilities equal to the number of possible player v player combinations.....I think I can hear pushwall saying "nope".
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  8. Last time I lynched Voe D1, he was lynchproof, resulting in my death. I was then revived after Liten left the game, after which I was shot for trying to lynch Voe. It was sooo worth it.
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  10. Yeah, I don't really believe that. Especially considering that Verti probably wouldn't break the very first game by introducing a ''fool'' role. ##Unvote ##Vote Generalcamo
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  11. Pfft, that's easy to do in a 1v1. The other day on Pipeline, I think it was at least a 4v4, I grabbed an engi to capture oil pumps...I think a teammate got to them before I did, so I ended up just taking the supply truck on the hill and driving it into Allied base. The dome-side turret had been destroyed earlier, and nobody really noticed me as I planted C4 after C4 after C4 on their silo and service depot. Got off at least 5-6 of 'em
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  12. Exactly what this guy said ^ Additionally, you can solo it if you get really lucky. I actually managed to take out the allied ref by refilling my engi's C4 in a supply truck the other day. It was 1v1 and other guy was across the map taking down my OT with a medium tank. By the time the first C4 blew, I was already half way back to the ref to place the second one. He got up the stairs just in time for the C4 blast to kill him too
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