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Showing most liked content on 03/02/2016 in all areas

  1. And now we wait for IRL Mirage Tanks.
  2. A while back, the US Navy successfully launched and landed a drone aircraft from an aircraft carrier in a series of tests. Drones from aircraft carriers? I guess I don't have to feel bad anymore when I send waves of carrier planes flying into Yuri's gatling cannons. It seems someone's also unoffically retconned the carrier planes to be drones on the C&C wiki. Those Nod artillery shells in vanilla Tiberian Sun that magically home in on their targets? We've got those too now! And now...fighter jets with frickin' laser beams.
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  3. Five Grenadiers jumping out of a Chinook = Parabombs
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  4. i like buying them so i can jump out of helicopters and become a human bomb, since they explode on death
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  5. Now as for my assessment of this current situation. Voe still town. Fraydo probably town. OWA- Though there are cases being made against him, I still have another suspect (see below) Cat5- Probably town. Triattack- ??? Nodlied- The fact that you haven't claimed any action happened to you last night makes me suspicious. From the start you've been manipulating from the background, never being the first to vote on a lynch. I suspect you because Voe would have been the obvious target for a nightkill last night, however, he asked for protection and he correctly called out a scum, so I'll assume someone blocked for him or he somehow self-blocked a night kill. With that said, I think the second best target would have been you Nodlied, due to you swaying votes towards killing scum, but not being first to jump on the bandwagon. Now you could say that OWA was blocked from killing you last night by being interrogated. But I doubt very much that OWA would have tried to perform the night kill (assuming at least 2 scum remaining), given that he was under general suspicion before, another person would have attempted to kill you. Either triattack or myself would have been most likely to attempt that. But you've made no claim to self-protect and there is no hint you were targeted at all. Which leads me to suspect you are in fact one of the scum and never voted first in order to see who you could draw information from. Therefore I shall offer my countervote good sir! ##vote Nodlied P.S. - Thank you for all your teaching and help Nodlied, not even being sarcastic.
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  6. Protection works as follows: A player is protected by a bodyguard. Said player will survive a kill attempt. Said bodyguard may or may not kill the killer, depending on the game. A player is protected by a doctor. Said player will survive a kill attempt. A player is bulletproof. Said player will survive a first kill attempt, both night or day. One time use. A player has been given body armour. A one-trick pony that provides one time protection against a kill attempt. The killer is being blocked during the night. These are the most common cases where players can protect/be protected. Keep in mind that there are more flavours, but these are the most common ones. Also, some Mafia games have a role which allows the mafia to bypass protection. (Although, this is usually a one-time go.) And no, I didn't claim that I could protect. Just putting a theory out there.
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  7. I'm surprised OWA mentioned nothing on being locked up tonight. Also Cat5, i can only check the role of a player, without the allegience or actions revealed to me. Also preventing actions simultaneously. Honestly, assuming you're town, cat5, i would lean towards an option where you were a vanilla scum target for identity theft, while owa was selected to do the nightkill. I will tell you more when i fix my laptop, typing on a phone with a different language autocorrect is a pain.
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  8. What will the boys in R&D think of next~
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  9. That would explain the "Allied spies". Soviets have just moved in the wrong outpost to begin with.
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  10. I know that I am not participating, but I just want to say you are playing an epic game here, I enjoy following it Keep it up!
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  11. You should always trust everything Voe says and tells you to do.
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  12. why pay money for a start menu program when Classic Shell exists?
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