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Showing most liked content on 09/26/2016 in all areas

  1. Steadily on the road to TSR 2.0! A welcome to a new team member and a new structure for Nod. Tiberian Sun: Reborn August 2016 Update Hey everyone! We have said TSR 2.0 was happening, and it is! That said, the team has a couple of updates they would like to fill you in on. New Team Addition First and foremost, a welcome to our newest team member. An experienced and talented artist, @Sentry has come on board to contribute to the project. Sentry will be providing new models and structures to Reborn, and is already showing quality work! As you can see, new buildings are planned to be included in 2.0. Purchase Terminals In more contributions, @Mauler has provided new and modified Purchase Terminals for Nod and GDI. As part of the visual overhaul for 2.0, every thing from vehicles and buildings right down to the PCTs themselves will be seeing improvements. Not only that, but Mauler has something else to show! Although you may already have a good guess from looking at the Nod screen. Nod Tech Center Another new building which you can expect to see in the upcoming version - the Nod Tech Center! Modeled by @Mauler, the Tech Center will be tied to Nod's higher-tier units such as the Cyborg Commando, making this a vital structure on full-arsenal maps. The layout itself is done, both interior and exterior. The model has been provided and will be seeing a full texture soon. More to come! Great things are in store for the new version. There is much more happening behind the scenes, and we're excited to show you those as they finish! Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 will be worth the wait! Stay tuned for more updates and news from the team.
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  2. This is based on the C&C4 Mammoth tank concept art (not the in game version). As always I made changes were I saw fit (please note that this has not been rigged!). I was primarily interested in the rail Mammoth, so the default Mammoth is probably not as good as it could be. I will probably make small adjustments in the future. 4 Stage GIF Please note that you cannot normally get this close in C&C3
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  3. >slam into enemy base >win by base destruction
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  4. Googled stronk soviet bear. Was not disappointed.
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  5. Code on the other hand is somewhat less of an issue because we still have people working on scripts and server plugins (anyone who's been in the server the last few days will know about the latter), so stuff can be done, barring engine limitations. Or trying to alter the ramshackle code that Chronojam added before (such as sprinting) that nobody seems to know how to mess with. Problem is, of course, a lot of stuff that needs coding in also needs models.
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  6. Because someday his prince will come, and as we see in movies, all princes need guidance!
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  7. I love how many times Pushwall had to repeat that new models/codes are not possible anymore, yet people just ignore him and keep on throwing out new ideas.
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  8. We really need to make a video of all the shenanigans in the the old "test" maps. Is that good PR or bad PR?
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  10. You may see something like this on some holiday though. Involving a "weapon" that even someone with my very basic 3ds max knowledge is able to model somewhat convincingly. I won't say any more than that because there's not many ways you can guess this wrong. Amended.
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  11. Did you read this by any chance? There's kind of a pattern that emerges throughout that post about how we can't do anything that involves new models. Because we don't have any dedicated modelers on the project anymore. Fortunately there's hardly anything important left to add that would warrant one anyway.
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  12. Can't see it with no actual weapon pickup system other than crates. But it would be neat, I admit, if on April Fools day or other random days, weapons were turned into different things. (Grenadier's grenades are turned into bananas)
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  13. Still working on stuff - took a break to fiddle with some old work and convert it into an Ace Combat 4 version. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/NgDVP
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  14. The current version has some bugs, some of them are server-side and have been causing crashes. I'll let someone else clarify if I have this wrong, but the last I heard on this is that we were just going to temporarily turn off the TSR server until we can bring some stability to it. That aside, ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!!!! :toot: :toot: :toot:
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  15. Outside of a public release of AR, this is the biggest hype I've had for TSR in a very long time.
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  16. Something I've had to parrot here quite a few times is the sentiment that, for APB, "major development is over". This does not mean all development is over, but it also means we're not completely overhauling the game anymore like the full Beta, Gamma and Delta releases did. Here's a more thorough explanation: I'm satisfied with Delta as it stands, minor bugs/balance issues notwithstanding. The majority of the playerbase seems to be satisfied with it too. Many of the things left to implement from Red Alert are either MASSIVE timesinks, impossible to balance, or impossible to implement period due to engine limitations. I have already spent a ridiculous amount of my free time just fixing Delta up to its current state by myself, because throughout 2015 more and more members of the team either wound up with too many real life issues to contribute much, or they just vanished entirely. The dev team is pretty much down to me and ChopBam at this point and nearly everyone else here is busy with their own projects. I really shouldn't be pouring so much time into this since I'm not getting paid for it. I've enjoyed developing it, sure, but I can't really make it my life. I'm not about to start charging people for this game that has always been free. Especially since the only work I've actually done on it was optimising the balance and tweaking other peoples' maps, and oh yeah, there's copyright issues too. Therefore I am pretty much just here to maintain the current game by fixing bugs and balance problems, and maybe fixing up a few more maps and features that we actually have most of the framework for, because anything bigger is not a good use of my free time. So before pitching your ideas, ask yourself how long you think it would take for one person to do, if you would like to spend that much time doing it, and if it would be worth it. If not, you should probably think smaller. However, even the simplest-sounding undertakings might be stopped by the engine's limitations, and if that's how it is, then that's how it is. I have an idea that will make this gameplay feature more true to Renegade/Reborn/Red Alert! This game is not Renegade or Reborn and is not trying to be. As for Red Alert it was a very flawed game mechanically, tank spam ahoy. Many of its nuances don't translate well to FPS either. APB is more about borrowing RA's setting than its gameplay, though we do try to emulate it in the few places where it's both reasonable to do so and the engine allows us to do so. I have an idea on how to implement a Red Alert unit/power that isn't currently in the game! There's all sorts of reasons why these things aren't currently in the game: You'd better have a model and texture for it already, or know someone who can do them, cause if it's not on this list then that's most likely the primary concern, and for many of the things on this list it's just one of many concerns. Helicarrier: This would be really boring to play as. At least in the similarly unarmed MGG you're right in the action and get to crush people... Plus we don't have a model. Parabombs: Basically a nuke that wouldn't even one-shot buildings, and we lack a complete Tu-16 Badger model. Attack Dog: Spies are definitely not powerful enough to demand a hard counter - plus limitations in how we can mask their identity make them easy enough for players to detect without dogs anyway. If people come up with ideas that'd make the spy more useful, and the scripts team are able to implement them? Then I'll consider it. MCV: APB isn't SimCity. I'd rather not double the length of matches just to make people grind up their bases. The unit itself is ingame already (though it is one of the oldest and ugliest assets that we still have...) but it's only there as an objective unit for custom maps, it can't deploy. Tech Centres: Bases are big enough as they are without more massive structures of dubious purpose. Also, currently lacking the team tech centre models. We may be able to use the NBNW neutral tech centre CMDBob made as an objective somewhere though. Chronosphere/Iron Curtain: While we do have a Chronosphere model, and we may have some feasible scripting logic lying around for it, we don't have a model for the Iron Curtain (only a "destroyed" prop) - and for balance reasons we'd have to introduce both superweapons into the game at the same time. I have an idea for a new map/new take on an existing map! Go ahead and get a discussion started! Just be aware that the further your map idea deviates from standard AOW gameplay, the more likely you are to run into things that either can't be done without jumping a ridiculous amount of hurdles, or just flat out can't be done... or for the map to just not be well-received as has been the case with so many other maps that have deviated greatly from standard AOW gameplay. Also, developing each map is a pretty big time sink. I have an idea to fix this overpowered/underpowered unit or Allied/Soviet biased map! Go ahead and get a discussion started! There's probably a bunch of ways of solving it with a bunch of them being quick and easy to do. Or maybe there's something about the units/maps involved that isn't immediately obvious that I or another regular will be happy to explain. I have a bug to report! File it in the bug tracker. Thank you for your understanding
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