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Showing most liked content on 04/27/2017 in all areas

  1. [blurb]Forum Mafia news! Our community has received an invite to participate in the Mafia World Championship![/blurb] [thumb]custom_thumb_thekgbspy.png[/thumb] Interesting news on the Mafia front. Our community has received an invite to partake in the Mafia World Championship held annually over at Mafia Universe. Our chosen representative will be Voe, with Category5 as alternate. Communities from all over participate in these games, and this is our opportunity to come out on top! Join me in cheering on Voe! May the odds be ever in his favour! Full thread in our Off-Topic section :: https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/topic/416196-invitation-to-mafia-championship/
  2. Wish granted. Mind me using this thread, Totd?
  3. Nice defense! Also, grenadier rush
  4. If i enter the championship and die Day 1, I will be the perfect representation of this community and its traditions.
  5. 1 like
  6. Those were some really good games this weekend! Makes the community feel very alive. Thanks everyone!
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  7. Damn, we aren't good enough to be a part of any c&c history videos D:
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  8. Hey, the result is the same. Someone's gonna get voted to get lynch... be a representative
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  9. Sounds like a neat way to promote APB and TSR. I'm all for it and I nominate Category 5 Hurricane. I'd love a chance to participate myself, but I'm about to get married (on the 23rd, speak of the date) and this sort of activity isn't something I'm willing to handle during the next month. Cat5, think you can manage 10 day posts per day? ;p
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