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Showing most liked content on 07/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, I figured that it is time for a new thread since this is no longer an "uncategorized" project! This is an upcoming Red Alert: A Path Beyond core gameplay level, and for the first time, this is a mission set on US soil. But as I do not wish to spoil everything in advance, I will keep the remaining information such as the background plot close to myself until release... But here is what I CAN share! The level features a large number of 4096x4096 diffuse textures, created from real photography and edited by myself. All photography was paid for, as I could not have taken them myself given that I live in Europe! The level features a lot of experimental graphical effects, the bulk of which could not have been rendered in older versions of the W3D engine and game tools. The level geometry uses some of the most complex meshes that W3D can presently support. Everything you see is still a work in progress! Here is a video demonstrating some of the environmental effects, such as periodic overhead dust storms, persistent distant dust storms, full screen colour filtering, full screen dust particle animations, and some decrepit old windmill, because reasons! [NOTE: Unfortunately, YouTube murders the image clarity a lot, so the smaller details are hard to spot, but in-game these will be much more visible!] As always, let me know what you think, if you have suggestions, or whatever. Post words!
  2. If this song ain't in this map's jukebox I will be offended.
  3. This map calls for a Zorro thief someday.
  4. The monarchy doesn't negotiate with terrorists. Or better yet, does this mean you are a radical Santa? I only accept one definition of Rad Santa.
  5. Just remember that the map was definitely not made by the OP so please don't go into epileptic !skip fits when it arrives
  6. 1 like
  7. @Raap Been wondering what you're up to! Looks like a promising map! When it comes time to test drive it, you know where to find me!
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  8. In all seriousness I can't help but think of Fallout: New Vegas. @FRAYDO what do you think
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  9. Really like the look and feel of it. Can't wait to see it finished!
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  10. Amazing. I can't wait to see more.
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  11. lol, you westeners are sooo easy to trigger
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