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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. (OOC: This mod is one of them, as the rule only states "Don't be an ass. This includes "bussing" fellow scum/cultist teammates. By bussing we mean revealing fellow scumteam members as scum to spite them or gain townie points" right inbetween no backseat modding and outside influences".)
  2. (OOC: That's not allowed per game-rules. You can't bus your own team members to paint yourself in a positive light)
  3. Right, I'll explain myself. I knew I was lynch proof. Rather than wasting a day for a no-lynch or voe-lynch, I decided to paint a giant target on myself to see who is actually analyzing kills or jumping on bandwagons. You weren't the former, you are attempting to justify it now instead. That doesn't fly with me boyo.
  4. From immediately jumping on my bandwagon and not getting any of his stories straight, iLTS is either honorary town idiot or scum. Regardless, he gets lynched tonight. ##vote iLTS VOE: If you are lying, prepare for some repercussions tomorrow. Tracking isn't my only role. ##Vote iLTS
  5. Hey, I don't have a gun, which I kindof miss now, so it's not all glitter here.
  6. Besides "Bodyguard," Right? That is far from generic. Your story isn't adding up.
  7. Oh, except now you target me? Maybe I was right to track you last night. I still have you up there on my scum list.
  8. So, Voe is a confirmed role blocker then. Not sure if town, scum, or 3rd party however. Whatever he is, he is a threat.
  9. Oh you little liar I Like to Snipe. I kept an eye on you last night. You did not go to Chaos last night, You went to VOE last night. Explain yourself now.
  10. I like the clearing charges. Maybe make them effective against Hedgehogs too so we don't need to shoot at them for two minutes to get anywhere...
  11. Here are the people high on my suspicion list: Nodlied is slightly suspicious, but he had a good reason to lynch me. I'm not really counting him. Cat 5, iLTS, and OWA however jumped on that bandwagon without a second thought. They just agreed with Nodlied and each other and left it at that. They are highest on my suspicion list.
  12. Gee, wonder how? Because you will snuff me, Scum?
  13. Wow, I might actually win this one in the first day. ##vote Generalcamo
  14. So, OWA, Chaos_Knight, and Voe have been suspiciously quiet here. Are they trying to avoid scum slipping?
  15. So we're looking for three allies? That is suspicious as i think it was no where mentioned that there where 3 spies so explain yourself. Scum teams usually consist of 25% of the players. We have 10 players, 25% of which is 2.5, rounded up is 3. Since nodlied did indeed retract his vote, I: ##Vote NoLynch
  16. Since it is clear Nodlied isn't going to retract his obvious fake lynch, it is clear he is an obvious allied spy. ##Lynch Nodlied Uhh, ##Vote Nodlied
  17. Your argument doesn't make sense. It is clear you are among the spies. I think we found our three allied spies, all working together in a nice line to target me, the loyal soviet.
  18. It's true, but I don't like traditions. However, FRAYDO was quick to lynch as well. I suspect they are both allied spies working together.
  19. So, it begins. Let's go the easy route first: Any allies spies want to roleclaim or are we going to have to do this the hard way?
  20. I've looked at it for way longer than 3 seconds, and I am confused as to what the problem is?
  21. Can we start sending our custom roles to you?
  22. I'm a bit too busy to make documentation myself honestly...
  23. It used to be Mixed gem/gold and the map played semi-balanced. I think reintroducing that may help a lot.
  24. The A-10 strike was hardcoded, so of course it was capable of doing that. But from what I saw, the bombs in RA were basically the same as the paradrop but bombs instead of rifle soldiers. So it used the same logic to also spawn parachutes.
  25. Then what about the mig strike? Those were missiles I know but does that necessarily mean that the game can't do "falling bombs"? Parabombs are definitely doable if you have an ounce of creativity. I was talking about the original Red Alert engine. Free-falling bombs (from what I can tell) weren't possible in Red alert. So they decided to make parabombs instead, even though they make absolutely no sense for a dedicated bomber (they make sense for a very low-flying aircraft (typically not dedicated bombers) so they can evade the bombs, but you lose accuracy) and also all the cutscenes showed free-falling bombs. So if the bombs were implemented here, they really should be free-falling.
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