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Everything posted by delta

  1. There's this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ Or, if you're using Windows, you can just activate an extra clock and set it to UTC.
  2. Is it possible to have more than one mod for Zero Hour installed at a time?
  3. There would certainly be situations where I'd want an Attack Bike or Stealth Tank over a Mammoth, but the Tick Tank just doesn't seem to offer much in the way of flexibility or speed the way the Heavy Tank does over the Mammoth in APB. Similarly for GDI, I might want a Hover MLRS for the speed and mobility, or a Titan occasionally for hammer buildings, but the Mammoth would probably see much more use in general. The Disruptor would probably just disappear from use entirely.
  4. I'm thinking if Nod has Mammoth Tanks, nobody will ever use Tick Tanks. For that matter, GDI would probably use nothing but Mammoths as well. At least, assuming if they keep their current stats as the one on TS_Snow.
  5. delta

    Save Me

    As your mammoth is being reduced in to a burning hulk, a muscular Austrian rides up next to you on a motorcycle, saying "come with me if you want to live". You do want to live, so you listen to him. Unfortunately, the Austrian motorcyclist did not notice me among the chaos, and I am still running for my life from the military!
  6. If Officer's missile can damage ground targets, then doesn't that mean you can just use it to endlessly chip away at a vehicle's health so that by the time it's reached you or your base it's already lost a good chunk of health? I know it's weird to shoot a missile at a tank and have it do absolutely zero damage, but giving GDI an anti-vehicle sniper doesn't sound like a great idea. I still think there needs to be a better method of disarming EMP mines. Reduce their health, and give the repair tools on the Technician, Engineer and MRV a little AOE. Right now in order to get rid of a mine, you have to stand perfectly still, stare at the ground, and ignore everything else around you which makes you a complete sitting duck. Also...I don't know what causes this, but sometimes mines just seem to be invisible. I'll be driving up to the enemy base entrance in a stealth tank, scan the ground for mines, looks all clear, and then BAM! I get EMP'ed.
  7. Just sorta going off the top of my head and trying not to make too long a list... Donkey Kong Country 2 Super Smash Bros (N64) C&C Red Alert Warcraft III Homeworld 1 & 2 World in Conflict Company of Heroes Act of War Direct Action Mass Effect 1 Batman Arkham Asylum (haven't played the others yet)
  8. I was reading some stuff online a while back about Jason Bourne and how in the books he went by the codename "Delta" while working for Treadstone. So few years back when I started playing APB again, I used "delta" as my name...though I think my use of "delta" feels considerably less sinister assassin-y than Bourne's
  9. delta

    Save Me

    I grab a medic kit from a nearby Army barracks and heal you until the radiation wears off. You live. But now uhh...hmm, let me think. Okay, got it. The Army base security personnel saw me stealing the medical kit and mistake me for a spy or terrorist, and are now shooting at me. Help!
  10. So how does this work? When it says "download now and it's yours to keep", do you actually have to fully download it, or can you just leave it in your "my games" like any other not-installed games you have? And if I uninstall it at some point, do I still own it like I would a game that I paid for?
  11. [10:22:16] miketylde: i would laugh if in the future, engies could hack a borgs systems [10:22:31] BerryBomber: Sounds better than emp mines [10:22:40] delta: how about....emp grenades [10:22:43] BerryBomber: NO [10:22:44] BerryBomber: NO [10:22:44] BerryBomber: NO [10:22:45] Host: [forg0ten1] only the blackhand can please kane [10:22:45] BerryBomber: NO [10:22:46] Host: [BR] The local server time is 19:22:05 [10:22:46] BerryBomber: NO [10:22:46] BerryBomber: NO [10:22:47] BerryBomber: NO
  12. delta

    Save Me

    I show up with some extra drugs (no idea how I came to be in possession of them) and give them to Mackintoke. I am now however, reading a forum post with numerous mispellings of someone's username, and due to my nitpickiness about such things, am about to have a heart attack.
  13. delta

    Save Me

    You are merely imprisoned in a secret Brazilian ninja base, and your life is not in danger. I happen to be walking down the street, when all the sudden a plane with Harrison Ford at the controls is coming right at me for a crash landing!
  14. Drrr...so I was looking around at some forum posts about Wargame European Escalation (+ sequels), and I came across this. I was like "wtf, is my account at w3dhub somehow linked to the forum at eugensystems.com? I take another look and no, it's just that this one guy has the exact same avatar as the one I uploaded here a while ago... >_>
  15. I just got it off the C&C wiki...right here. Anyway, I thought that picture was pretty old and that everyone's seen it.
  16. My laptop screen is 1366 x 768, but my graphics card isn't great so for most games I turn resolution down to 800 x 600 or whatever the lowest setting is to improve performance. But yeah anyway, I don't think this is the issue since yesterday I tried turning the resolution up higher and the HUD was still messed up.
  17. How low of a resolution are you running the game? The lowest, 640 x 480. Actually, forget what I said about resolution...I get the overlap even when I turn it up to the maximum. Am I the only one getting this?
  18. Yeah, I don't like the new HUD much either. Maybe it's because I'm running the game on a lower resolution, but the health bar overlaps with the timer and credit counter, making it really hard to see any of them. Also, I don't suppose we could keep the old Field as "Field" while Field2 gets some other name? Not a big fan of name swaps, like what we had with TS_Mutation, or the back-and-forth we had going on with the Confessor/Kerubim.
  19. If you're SHIELD and you've got super powered beings working for you, well they're still doing it out of their own volition. If you give them an order and they disagree...well tough luck for you because you can't make them do it. Alternatively, if SHIELD can take down superheroes using technology...like let's say they have Iron Man suits and got enough to equip an army...then that just means you've got a world with super-soldiers and super-vigilantes. And to quote Syndrome from the Incredibles, when everybody is super, nobody is.
  20. Oh yeah, how does balance work out when one side's free basic infantry is twice as powerful as the other side's? Or will AR not be sticking to RA2 in that regard?
  21. What's the point of even having superhero registration? Even if the heroes are registered, how would the government control their actions? Maybe if every hero had some kryptonite-like weakness and the government had tons of kryptonite, that would work...but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  22. I don't see how you could get three factions to work. I saw danpaul spawn himself as a neutral mutant once on TS_Drought and that was sorta interesting...but if this were allowed for regular players then what's to stop the mutant players from predominantly attacking one side or the other?
  23. Back when I was playing a bit of Yuri's Revenge online, what I'd like to do was some sneaky side attacks like sending an Aircraft Carrier around the edge of the map to hit him when he wasn't ready for it...or do the same thing with a pack of Robot Tanks. Granted a halfway decent player probably would've seen what I was doing and countered me (and I was never particularly good at YR anyway), but it was still fun.
  24. Michael McNeil: M16 Mk. II - Standard issue GDI assault rifle, loaded with ionized ammunition to give the commander an edge in firefights Metal spike - Any Nod infantry foolish enough to get within melee range of McNeil can be impaled with this trusty weapon Plasma grenade - McNeil hates to lose. As a last resort, he can activate this device to destroy everything around him within a large radius
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