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Everything posted by delta

  1. A while back, the US Navy successfully launched and landed a drone aircraft from an aircraft carrier in a series of tests. Drones from aircraft carriers? I guess I don't have to feel bad anymore when I send waves of carrier planes flying into Yuri's gatling cannons. It seems someone's also unoffically retconned the carrier planes to be drones on the C&C wiki. Those Nod artillery shells in vanilla Tiberian Sun that magically home in on their targets? We've got those too now! And now...fighter jets with frickin' laser beams.
  2. Oh, so if you park your transport by the dock and exit, it'll actually dump you on the dock itself and not in the water? I was wondering whether it would do that on Coastal Influence the other day, but didn't want to risk my Volkov, lol. Also hedgehogs go down with one C4, though you have to make sure you land it on the hedgehog itself and not somewhere close.
  3. Maybe you could enable !swap for the entire match, so that if things get too skewed someone can voluntarily jump over to the other team if they choose to?
  4. Pfft, that's easy to do in a 1v1. The other day on Pipeline, I think it was at least a 4v4, I grabbed an engi to capture oil pumps...I think a teammate got to them before I did, so I ended up just taking the supply truck on the hill and driving it into Allied base. The dome-side turret had been destroyed earlier, and nobody really noticed me as I planted C4 after C4 after C4 on their silo and service depot. Got off at least 5-6 of 'em
  5. Isn't there that "Napalm" weapon in the rules.ini that's basically a free-falling bomb? Also I'm pretty sure there's not any fundamental difference between it and the Parabomb, it's just that the latter falls more slowly and takes longer to hit the ground.
  6. Haven't had much chance to try it out yet, but how does having Gunboat dropping depth charges from the side instead of rear change things?
  7. Speaking of Star Fox, wouldn't the sort of infantry and ground combat we see in Renegade be rather more violent than what we usually see out of that universe?
  8. Hmm well, is there a particularly compelling reason for someone to play a Renegade mod set in the Star Wars universe, when they can just play one of the Battlefront games that probably still has a much bigger playerbase?
  9. There's a Tiberian Sun energy drink?
  10. Oh hmm, that would explain how I almost got owned as the CC by someone wielding a shock rifle just earlier.
  11. There was a server that allowed for capturing buildings? Is there a video of this somewhere?
  12. Maybe cause you're in Canada, and you're never going to actually be invaded by anyone, so they just don't bother equipping your troops with arctic camo?
  13. Shallow Grave, Metro, Bunkers, A Path Beyond, Canyon River (I think that was the name)... Heck, all of 'em
  14. So I guess, airstrike would just be called in the same way as the nuke...and do more or less the same thing, but weaker?
  15. If I sucked at vanilla BF2, does that mean I'll be just as bad at this?
  16. Not a huge pressing issue or anything, but how about renaming the "Advanced Naval Yard" and "Advanced Sub Pen" to something like, "Shipyard" and "Submarine Base"? Sounds kinda silly to just tack "advanced" to the front of the name, imo.
  17. Didn't the real life Warsaw Pact have some pretty standardized equipment? I think for the most part, the East Germans, Czechs, and Poles were all driving and flying the same stuff the Russians were. As for the equipment used by the Allies in Red Alert...well, if there's any variation from country to country, it doesn't show up in the game. Certainly that's not how it was in real-life, but then Westwood probably just wanted to keep it simple.
  18. This has been an occasional annoyance, in that when I click on the "server browser" tab sometimes it will show nothing. What I'd normally do is just close the launcher, and open it up again, and usually on the second try this fixes it and I can see the server list. However, starting this afternoon for some reason, I'm just getting consistent blanks (barring once instance where I was able to see servers, then attempt to get the recent update, which then failed), and repeatedly closing and opening the launcher doesn't do anything now. It also doesn't seem to generate any entries in the errors.log. Any ideas?
  19. I think it's not that hard to imagine that optical camouflage, while effective at medium to long distances, might be considerably less so at point-blank range. So you might not need any special sensors if there's a stealth tank parked right next to you...you can probably hear it too.
  20. I think, on the larger scale of things, the Soviet-Allies war seems to be much more of a total war involving the full military strength of the countries involved. Whereas the First Tiberium War seems to be much more limited in scale, and it seems to suggest that many of the countries are hesitant about backing GDI in its fight against Nod.
  21. I'm actually surprised how many oldbies from even further back are showing up in APB. Like, they were all out there and dawdling around and...not playing Reborn
  22. That's odd, I did have a little over 1 GB of space.
  23. I was able to get it to work, but here's the error.log (I just copied the entries for 2/5 and 2/6) anyway. It mentioned a lot of "not enough disk space" and clearing up space was one of the things I did prior to it working. But speaking of disk space, is it possible that running the update multiple times would have resulted in the installer creating multiple unnecessary copies of the files? Because I seemed to notice that my disk space was steadily going down over the course of the day as I attempted the update multiple times.
  24. Okay...so I was able to get it to work somehow by deleting always.dat and then attempting the update multiple times until it finally worked. That was annoying. Also, my disk space seems to have been going down steadily the past day or so...is it possible the launcher just downloaded multiple copies of the files (due to me trying to update repeatedly) and didn't delete the extras when it failed?
  25. Don't have game.exe running...it's still not working.
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