Its not the GPU.... I contacted the company where I bought it from (EVGA) they had me run a few firestrike tests, which all passed for the exception of "Your RAM is running a bit slow". I also have a GTX 970 (barely used) that is suffering from the same issues when I play games. The graphical glitching like disappearing shadows, texture glitches, etc is getting worse, along with the random freezing/FPS stutters, making it impossible to play Battlefield 4 and 1, along with GTA V, and soon Titanfall. I tested both RAM sticks individually, in all 4 slots. The first RAM stick ran real slow, games barely got over 50FPS and the stuttering was abysmal all while having the same graphical problems.The second stick however, ran just a little bit smoother than the first stick, but still suffered from visual bugs and stuff, along with the freezing and fps drops. Other than that, the only problem could be my CPU is bottlenecking despite it running full clock and even Overclocked sometimes, or the Hard Drive is failing due to the incident listed earlier that could have been listed as a "power failure".
for complete replacement parts and a 1TB SSD, its gonna run me around $762 American..... I'm really riding on the upcoming retirement money I'm getting so I can buy some kind of transportation, fix my computer, and have some money left over for bills/insurance while I continue looking for some form of payable work.