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Everything posted by MPRA2

  1. when you type up a long tutorial for 10 minutes, and your arms just fall limply at your sides.... Ahh..... The pain.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MPRA2


      I like my women the way I like my toast.


      Burnt on one side.

    3. NoSoldier


      Which game was that again?


    4. MPRA2


      Katawa Shoujo.

  2. if you want more of a "Classic" C&C like Tiberium Dawn, uhhh theres a mod called "Tiberian Dawn" and "Tiberian History" Kane's Waffles also has a pretty decent mini-mod called "One Vision". Unfortunately other than TE and TF....... There isn't a whole lot of quality mods for Tibwars. I'm really looking forward to Tibsun Redux and Tibsun Rising though. I COULD however recommend Contra and Rise of the Reds for Generals + Zero Hour, along with "The Red Alert" for Red Alert 3. if you have Oranges (Origin) for C&C 3 make a MODS folder in your "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars" folder, and extract the core mod folder (E.G. For the Forgotten mod, my path would be "C:\Users\ra29985\Documents\Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\Mods\Mutant". you should get the fixed launchers from Bibber's website in order to use the Game Browser that came with C&C 3. However for the Wrath of Kane (without waffles), you'll need to download a launcher named "WrathEd Mod Launcher", and put that in the "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Command and Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath" folder, and there ya' go, you can now play mods using EA's shitty system. for the Generals series, just back up your unmodded folder 3 times (you need a folder for each mod you install + your vanilla folder) get the bibber launchers, and install the mods into each one of the COPIES of the vanilla folders. I keep all my mods in a folder, and rename each folder to the corresponding mod, until I have to swap up the mods. so for example, I'd keep shockwave as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Generals Mods\Command and Conquer Shockwave", as well as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Generals Mods\Command and Conquer Contra". DO NOT modify your vanilla folder (unless you want to have to install the game from scratch again), so I'd leave that folder as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Generals Mods\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour". whenever you want to switch mods, just move the folders around from the Origin folder, to the mod folder you made wherever you put it. Oh and of course you'll have to rename the "modded" folders back to "Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour" when you switch up mods, and then rename the folder you're taking out to something else, or the mod name, otherwise Origin wont read the folder as the game.
  3. The corrupted data is OBVIOUSLY a damage model for MCTs or PTs when a building takes damage. come on guys, lets be a little bit more simple here.
  4. When you start reading the recent 4 chapters of Monster Musume and you find a leech and mosquito....

    I don't know what to think of Japan and Anime anymore...... I'm legit confused

  5. About the base defense placement and base layout, both teams have huge disadvantages. Allies have hills RIGHT next to their defenses, so pillboxes will have a hard time hitting shockies or grenadiers. The Turret(s), I don't know... Soviets have base defenses literally sitting out in the open which are ALWAYS arty/tank fodder, and if you get below them, they cant harm you much. Removing the Mammoth Tanks was a pretty decent idea, but allies still have a full tech tree with phase tanks that can ambush and destroy the soviets with ease, even with Tesla Tanks around to detect them (depending on whose the most competent). But then again, more often than not, a Tesla Tank would just BARELY destroy my phase tank before I got my second salvo off, however it wouldn't matter anyways as whatever infantry I was using would be able to dispatch the tank with ease after destroying the phase. Flares..... eh... its a bit...... well....... you can pull a "Zama Hill" flare and knock out half the Soviet base by the refinery, as well as using the hill by the War Factory to knock out the War Factory, Dome, Silo, Missile Silo, and damage the Barracks and Refinery. Allies, I don't really know how well the Soviets can flare, as I've rarely been on the map when Soviets flare, so I don't have much of a say on that other than the hill right next to the Allied Refinery. At this point, I really don't see how you can balance the map without breaking something that worked... Kinda goes for all maps imho. I always hated the map back in Beta to Nuclear Winter because of how bland and boring it was, but now.... I'm not sure what to think of it.
  6. Granted, I have no idea when I'll ever get back into Renegade/APB or really any of the mods other than the very rare ECW game with Jerad and Test, but the vehicle LST looks like a pretty good idea. Might I suggest making 2 varients of the LST I.E. Infantry and Vehicle varients, but the Vehicle varient should be a bit larger than the current LST, a bit more beefy on HP or AP, travel about the speed of a Destroyer, and carries up to 3 vehicles of any kind if possible (excluding demo trucks and MAD Tanks) that way you dont have to waste a rush of 4 or 5 $800+ transports (or whatever it'll be priced at) and THEN the cost of your vehicle being loaded up, just to get out into your tank and leave that LST to be captured by the enemy if the landing attack failed.
  7. ahhhhh... WW1 era eh? well wheres my biplane and bathtub tanks? but in all honesty, you cant put tech from 2002-20xx into a game that takes place in the WWII-Cold War eras.... 1 it would ruin the immersion of all the RAlistic elitists such as myself, 2. You would break the game balance, and 3.... Would a Javelin really fit in a game like this? I say give the Davey Crockett weapon to all Nod troops.
  8. Microsoft just stop..... Stop forcing us to upgrade just to play new games, I'm not paying $100+ just to get windows 10 and its horrible features JUST to play Age of Empires Definitive Edition.

  9. Huh... well... Never knew about Renegade 2's assets.... All I know about Ren2, is that it took place before RA2 and thats it.
  10. If this is a "scavenged" Mammoth, try making it look a bit more cobbled together, (or make it a bit more different than the original Mammoth) change the missile pods a bit, add a bit of rust spots, etc. I like the giant muzzle breaks on the cannons though.
  11. Looks like the Flood are returning to Halo in a Halo Wars 2 DLC... Sucks I cant play the game because I dont want to upgrade to windows 10.

  12. When you get hit by a major storm, lightning every half second and a bunch of trees dogpile on the power lines and all you hear for 2 whole days is "LOW POWER"

    1. Testament




    -November 2017

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AZ-Stalker


      I have the GOG version, BUT... I'm on Win7, and if anyone on Win10 tried to join my LAN game, it crashed the server. Just putting that bit of info out there. Hope the online servers don't have that issue.

    3. FRAYDO
    4. FRAYDO


      I have Steam version, Win7. Idk but if it's possible somehow I'm down for it.

  14. oh man. You know the Generals mod "Allstars"? you should remake that using all of your mixed assets using C&C 3 (or kane's waffles). I'd love to have stability, beautiful graphics coupled with all 4 eras of C&C (Tibdawn, Red alert, Tibsun, and RA2) all bundled into one sexy package.
  15. Just use renlist.... or join the server IP+Port "" the renlist server ID will be "ImperialAge_AOW #Pioneers". make sure you keep your renegade up to date with the scripts though.
  16. damn dude..... make us a fan mod for C&C 3 with those assets you're making... looks better than some of Essence's models to be honest.
  17. Time to run through the jungles my dudes!

  18. regarding the YaK, I'm not entirely sure how you can implement a buff to it in order to give the Soviets more of a fighting chance, but I do think expanding the map, or at least the flight ceiling/OoB areas (if possible), just a little bit to give pilots some more breathing room from the AA guns (if the allies repairwhore them) and rocket soldiers/M60s littering the sky with lead and AA rockets. Dont know if you are planning that already, but the YaK definitely doesnt need any damage buffs, as it can half health a main building in 3 or 4 strafe runs if majority shells hit.
  19. QUICK! SOMEBODY MAKE "Ore-ios"! Cookie shaped Ore, with colorful gem filling!
  20. This is quite possibly the greatest thing I have ever seen.
  21. Tanya wears a bra infused with the Iron curtain... Hell, her whole outfit got dipped in the Iron Curtain... As for Volkov, Maybe experimenting with 50HP/170AP or 200AP? since he IS an early cyborg and is more machine than man, he is also quoted to have "extremely durable armored plating" and " His armor type effectively makes him a walking tank, surpassing even the Soviet Mammoth Tank." but again, his background shows him to be "one of the greatest soldiers the USSR has ever had"... its a bit confusing as to how the health/armor would be balanced out, but since he is a cyborg, he should definitely have more armor than health.
  22. I mean of course ISIS takes responsibility of it, but I highly doubt that's the case.... They "Claim" responsibility for literally everything now. They are just trying to make themselves feared and look big, which they aren't..... This year is turning out to be almost as bad as last year..... Faith in humanity is plummeting my bois and grils....... probably the greatest source to use, but....
  23. I mean, Since players don't USUALLY care about their rank.... But.. I was gonna say that if the server recognizes that you ragequit too much, it'll down-rank you by half a rank each RQ... (I dont exactly know how many ranks there are, but assuming there aren't many, there would have to be smaller penalties) I'd also think that if you RQ too much that next time you join the game it zeros you out in credits, while everyone else starts with like 250 or 300 (not entirely sure how much you get at the beginning of a match). Or you could make the starting score a negative value, and keep increasing it with each ragequit... I'd love to start with a -69000 score. Other than that, as a player who knows next to nothing about the game and it's engine, and penalties that you can administer....... We'd need to let the devs figure that one out.
  24. Never really cared for Ariana Grande, but I know she's big in the music industry.... so far there are about 23 confirmed dead (I heard about 10 of them were under the age of 18), and over 50 are wounded..... So far they identified the believed assailant as 22 year old Salman Abedi... But since he hasn't been officially identified by the coroners, they have not come out with any more information... BUT NOW They have also arrested 23 year old man who has not been named as of yet, who was suspected in carrying out the attack... News is all over the place, so nobody really knows which is true....
  25. Sorry M8.... I'm a wild soul that Ragequits from everything and anything at any given moment.... other than temp banning for ragequitting, there really isnt much you can do to stop or punish ragequitters... the game isnt that advanced.....
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