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Hiramaky last won the day on January 13 2019

Hiramaky had the most liked content!


31 Excellent

1 Follower

About Hiramaky

  • Birthday May 13

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    Cocaine, haha just kidding, I just like games, manga, anime, and the smell of my own farts

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  1. #Bannerlord is fun. https://t.co/ESXlQ1GYs1
  2. @SolTotallyThis Don't really have the heart to disagree. Got a good head on your shoulders.
  3. Caught in an endless wave of work and shitposts.
  4. @EmberNiiSan Congrats bro! Well deserved :D
  5. RT @DeusEx_Ebooks: Well, since that makes you my new boss, take a long look at Manderley's dead body. Consider that my resignation; I don't…
  6. Ah shit, I grow up so quickly... https://t.co/49UkpNjAKl
  7. RT @DeusEx_Ebooks: What do you want? Money? You can have VersaLife, the whole damn company. Power? I'll get you on Mead's cabinet! I'm seri…
  8. RT @YakuzaFriday: Friday at last... https://t.co/VbdrvZ7pmX
  9. Feeling way too tired for work. https://t.co/I4hAIIbQcw
  10. Now you mention it... I'd love to see a mix of this and the Honourable Mentions. Any chance we can get to dole out commendations and praise, the better!
  11. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm personally voting for Waspinator. On the times that I've been on the same team as him, I've noticed that he was consistently on chat to try help direct the team. It's difficult trying to do this sort of thing in a hectic server, and I appreciate that he did his best.
  12. As a Longbow Player on the first HW round, I can say that it became this interesting game of Cat & Mouse. The Subs would spring up, we'd take most of them, a few would hide, and for the next few minutes it was like following them and hoping a destroyer would come along. Whoever did the LST rush was a genius.
  13. Imho, Tech Centres would be better utilised in a PvE setting, where you could, for example, infiltrate one to gather intelligence, etc. I feel this would be more preferable than being an Auxiliary building in PvP where its utility is in a little more doubt.
  14. Holy hell, it's all coming back together again. I was too young/stupid way back when to connect with most C&C communities, so this is almost like a second chance. Can't wait to see what can be done with this! Edit: Really love what you and the crew have done with the site, by the way! This'll be a great step forward.
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