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ClearyMonkey last won the day on December 15 2018

ClearyMonkey had the most liked content!


13 Good

About ClearyMonkey

  • Birthday June 7

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  • Location
    Ottawa, Canada
  • Interests
    Star Trek, Command & Conquer

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  1. This is a fantastic guide. Would love even more help, like... how do you Withdraw money you put in the bank? Do Perks last beyond the session you are playing (ie: "Account Unlocked" for good?) or do you have to re-do the perks each time you play? Thanks.
  2. Voted for all. Congratulations on making it to the second round and well done to everyone in the community. These are all fantastic games and super excited to experience "Dune" again. 😄
  3. Awesome idea folks to bring the community together and celebrate this incredible news! "GO BANANAS!!"
  4. Wow Kalle Bowo! Impressive work! I wish I had a 3D printer to do this. You have done great work! Especially the Construction Yard. Very impressive! I use to love Micro Machines and this totally reminds me of them. When I was younger my buddy had a ton of the army micro machines. He had so many and different playsets. We use to spend an hour just organizing and setting up all the vehicles all over the place just to have a massive battle. I remember being so into C&C that I wrote Westwood studios and Micro Machines about one another and how I thought it would be an awesome idea to have Command & Conquer Micro Machines. Though it never happened, your 3D printed armies are looking pretty close to that dream. Well done. Will you be setting up Polls to get an idea of which model to build next? If your excepting votes, I would say, the original C&C MCV. You built the Construction Yard. Now you just need the vehicle so you can "repack" it and move it around.
  5. Testament took my first idea. So I am sticking with what I really am... Merry Christmas eh! Hope Santa bring you all lots and lots of Banana's!
  6. "Make it so!" https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/62/56/17/6256176ad711580ee65cb6bff872284e.jpg
  7. Thank you for all the hard work you did getting this patch up and running. Looks like we will all have even more fun then ever before.
  8. My real name is actually Chris and yes there is an Evil Monkey in my closet. He scares me. Family Guy - Best of the Evil Monkey - https://youtu.be/NglXbUfdB84
  9. I created a Album of my screenshots so far in APB. Check it out and let me know your thoughts: https://1drv.ms/a/s!AgumE_i1voQn5Jhq54AHrFpP-9JVfg
  10. Dial M for Monkey!! That's a good one too. hehe.
  11. Thanks Pushwall. I had read it but kind of figured this one was so randomly out there that it would never come to fruition anyways. More of a funny conversation starter. Looks like it did start one, but perhaps not the same funny way as I had hoped. Sorry about that.
  12. Hi Einstein. New to the forums and games. Nickname: Monkey . I am glad to have found W3D. I am a huge fan of the C&C + Dune worlds. Love to play the classics and these versions. And the gang on RA:APB suggested I change my avatar to something more proper of my actions in game. http://www.tvtrev.com/content/images/2014/Aug/tumblr_mp26sukZ8Q1rjx7h0o3_400.gif "Monkey Wins!"
  13. With a Monkey running about in the game, how about giving him (and everyone) some Banana's?
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