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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I'm just saying that there's no point in introducing yourself. You can't expect to be trusted any more than the next guy simply because you outed your character, and furthermore, we should assume that outing such information only serves to help the players who want to become Rounders.
  2. It's to enforce activity, I can see why it's there. Anyway, you do realize that early introductions don't confirm a thing? Our alignments are all in flux right now and subject to change.
  3. Interesting. Inb4 everyone targeted me and a FGL has already been established with a Leader.
  4. The only viable deterrent to killwhoring I've seen is the !surrender option, and with that we come full circle. The self-swap feature could be nice for when you have reasonable players who will use it, but the truth is there will be just as many if not more players who ignore that route in favor of being on the "winning" team. If stats are the primary reason for killwhoring, perhaps stats could be adjusted to lend more value to the "speed" at which a round ends, and less value on the kills earned. After all, in C&C Mode, individual and team score is what earns you MVP, not K/D ratio. Hell, if it's possible, bonus points could be awarded to players whose team win a round within X amount of time. Not within the engine of course, but post-round via the stats system and bot. "The Soviet Team was awarded 1500 bonus points each on RA_AS_Seamist last round for a quick and decisive victory!"
  5. Don't think you can contain me. I bested Verti60 when it came to bending rules and I'll best you.
  6. Does this mean you intend to delete player posts as worldlines shift? That's both cool and terrifying.
  7. It's still strict as far as I know, just not "omg we won't allow community feedback and community proposed bugfixes" anal that was 2010. It was a beach wedding, pretty minimalist. Neither of us wanted to go all out. We are definitely thrifty. EDIT: In case what I'm saying is confusing, it's better than 2010 when I tried to make the edits to Fissure. Fixing bugs and rebalancing in currently playable maps takes priority over development of other features in most cases, as evidenced by the removal of Hostile Waters until Raap revamps it.
  8. Graduated college two months ago, got married, living in Virginia still looking for entry level IT work. My wife's a CJUS graduate and we're both working to pay the rent and bills, eat, and save up to make student loan payments. We're super lucky to only have about $30k in loans rather than $100k+. We're remaining vigilant and paying off as much as we can each month though. I'm impressed with APB's progress and I think Pushwall is the perfect man to be a major part of the dev team. Thinking outside the box was always a necessity for this old engine, but it lacked proper implementation with BHP. I don't think BHP would have allowed this Yak patch without thorough bug testing, but sometimes releasing something new is what's needed even if there's a higher risk of new bugs. Look at the server activity now compared to two weeks ago and you'll see what I mean. Crowdsourcing crash logs and bug testing is the way of the future for the W3D Engine.
  9. Don't know if anyone here is from Manchester or has friends there, but here's at least one American paying attention to worldwide events today. At a concert of all places...
  10. Putting all I've heard aside, it's nice to have a little more remnant of BHP back. I don't remember if I haven't heard that before or if I've forgotten. What happened to him?
  11. I believe TheBeerinator provided voice lines for Cold Fusion, Nuclear Winter, and Gamma. Hey Venom, am I right in guessing you're Venompawz? Now there's a name I'd forgotten. Was it both of them who recorded the voice lines or just BattleLaf and then some other bloke?
  12. This. I can tell you by experience that when tests are called they're few and far between, and TSR tests are more common than AR, and it's all because of the lack of hands. When an update blog says the staff is hiring, they mean it. You want AR to come out faster, learn to model infantry units or design artwork/textures, and then apply for a staff position. Otherwise, don't beg for an earlier AR release or an open beta from a small number of devs who work on this in their free time without pay.
  13. I reckon if anything this game is going to make Voe even more dangerous in our mafia games.
  14. I can only invite via link sent by PM because I'm not a stalker
  15. Wow Cat5. Mind doing a bio of me? I'm genuinely curious how you perceive me!
  16. Shit Voe says Voe's profile in case link breaks
  17. Yeah Voe, what the hell man? It's not even Day 1.
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