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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. This is one of the best episodes I think. Nice triple V2 kill. Offhand I don't know what my favorite moment is, but I might think of it later.
  2. Is it phantom lightning, or the result of a microwave mishap? That's for you to decide!
  3. That's actually a pretty good idea. I tend to buy rocket soldiers because I always expect I'll need to take out enemy vehicles, but I might switch now.
  4. I use them sometimes, and actually see them used a lot more often than I see grenadiers used. I see them most often on Pacific Threat and Wasteland. I'll admit, they're kind of situational, but in those two places as well as a select few others they really shine. Defending from higher up with them really shines. A few times I've seen them used (and used them myself) for infantry rushes against the allied buildings or the ore silo, as they're handy for clearing out engis/techies.
  5. That would be nice, but I think for that car it's more just because of the tight turn straight away. While it sounds bad, it actually didn't impede progress that much, and for a brief moment I was actually out in front despite that start. Maybe it was a fluke, or maybe there's a trade off in that you get great angles to bump other people.
  6. I like how the front row rightmost car has to like squeeze to get through, I did that one round (not sure if it was the round shown). Also I'm glad my dedication to only buying V2s that one round got me in the video
  7. From today's event, though not April Fools related. I really enjoyed our mini wolfpack of Longbows as Soviets today.
  8. Considering how much I was crashing, Seige performed perfectly for me and I was really enjoying everyone else having a bad time with it instead of me for a change That said, while I don't want to unduely annoy the devs and stuff, in a few days I might have kind of a long help forum post about my crashes. There's a few things on my end I'm going to do to see if that fixes it, including a total reinstall of the game, as I have a suspicion the fact that I had to try to download the last big patch multiple times might have something to do with my issues, considering I had a map mismatch error at one point.
  9. Had to duck out for now but already some of the best moments in a long time. I'll be back closer to the US play time later.
  10. No... it's the special patch, I was being a bit obtuse
  11. So I downloaded the latest patch.... that Medic...
  12. Yeah, that's no problem. I was more worried about a 500 MB patch if a lot of maps got whatever treatment you're giving them.
  13. Is this going to require a patch download? If so, about what time will that go live, so I can prepare on my crappy internet in advance
  14. Also I'm glad my handwriting on that cause of death was legible
  15. I just imagined Leslie Nielsen It takes up like the front 1/4 of the book I swear
  16. (The book comes with some canon names already written in it like that btw, wanted to show that off)
  17. Did I ruin that by writing myself as well? I just thought it'd be fitting considering the playstyle I had.
  18. You guys should be really careful with you trust, ya know.
  19. Honestly, while I'm not the sort to keep things in boxes (necessarily, I can see the point of view), I'm really hesitant to do anything but put it in a nice spot and look at it, because right now it's fresh and if I put anything in it that's gone. Not to say I won't perhaps use it for some practical jokes though. My sister was a big fan of Death Note when it first came out
  20. Well yeah, there are *other* problems with the new movies too. They're overall too action-y and less in the 'spirit' of Star Trek, so to speak, as a very broad brush. On another hand, while there are things with the new 'look' I like, overall there's a lot of things i don't like about that envisioning of the Enterprise too...
  21. My main complaint with the new movies is I just hate it when entire timelines get thrown out. I don't like hitting the 'redo button' so to speak. They're okay though. Overall I enjoy all Star Trek.
  22. Somewhere I had Malcolm Reed from Enterprise. He came with a small phase pistol. I also had a large size phase pistol and communicator. I don't particularly care for Enterprise over the other serieses (it's alright) but that was what was on around the brief window I thought about getting things like that.
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