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Zee - Rabbit

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Zee - Rabbit last won the day on July 19 2017

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60 Excellent


About Zee - Rabbit

  • Birthday 11/05/1990

Member Title

  • Master of Legos

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  • Interests
    Command & Conquer, Lego

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  1. The quality of your video editing skills are outstanding. Your attention to detail, your timing, the tone and cadence of your voice matched up with the visuals on the screen, frankly, it's outstanding. It was as if for a moment, I had completely forgotten just how old the series is, how outdated the content is, how old everything is. Your perspective offers such a refreshing appeal to the series as a whole. Watching some of these videos has seriously inspired me to play through Tiberian Sun and Firestorm again, not just for the sake of destroying some AI enemies, but to pay attention to the little details added into each mission. No longer will I think, "Oh no, Artillery is bombarding me!" Instead, I now think, "I wonder what made the producers of the game decide to attack with artillery in this instance? What strategy were they hoping I would employ to counter this?" You are a treasure, AZ.
  2. Speak for yourself, I sit down to make the pee pee. I don't use toilet paper though, am I supposed to be using toilet paper when peeing?
  3. oh my god I know right once I had a disk from renegade studios that definitely had a virus on it cause windows 10 was having trouble running it but overall I cant wait to play ECW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !
  4. I certainly had a lot of fun singing. Nice change of pace.
  5. Time to collect some crates! @OWA, you might like to see this one.
  6. I think I'm going to try to participate in as much of this as I can, at least for the C&C games.
  7. I think you guys will like this one. It's all about the Jumpjet trooper!
  8. That's great. The sudden sweet tooth reference really made me laugh. I love it!
  9. Yep, making these things again. Here's the first of several planned episodes. Fun fact: The C&C LEGO logo was designed by AZ-Stalker, and the voices were done by me and Killing_You!
  10. I'm just happy to see an Ace Combat game that returns to the Osean battlefront. Hearing the Kestrel 2 (or Kestrel II, whatever) is pretty exciting. Knowing that it's going to be released on the PC? Even more exciting.
  11. I talked to Tchutch, he said it'll be back up in a couple days.
  12. Any chance you guys can change the title of this thread so it reflects the fact that CNCNZ is not shutting down on the main page? Thanks.
  13. Just a heads up, if you want to join us, please please PLEASE contact us through teamspeak. It's the easiest way.
  14. So I've rebooted the C&C Lego series, sort of. I'm really not absolute on the direction it will go in, but here's somewhat of a "return" episode. Lemme know what you think! Some have the opinion that the gun sounds are a little too loud. I'd like to know what your opinions are, it's been a while since I've made one of these and I'm using some new techniques.
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