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Credit income on infantry-only APB maps

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Is it just me, or is credit income when shooting infantry... completely missing? Unless you land a killing shot, in which case it seems almost like only the person who did the kill gets any credits - and only for the amount of damage they did. Correct me if I'm wrong, there, but that's what *seems* to be the case every time I've played Fissure the last couple days. That's pretty darn frustrating, especially as soviets when an allied medic is in play because it makes actually landing kills that much harder, which means making any credits at all is that much harder. It's rather frustrating.

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Infantry are currently set up not to generate credits on damage. If I had to guess, this was done due to the introduced health regeneration.


It makes Fissure in particular play at a rather slow pace, so I don't think it was a good idea to have it completely removed, personally.


With that said, adding it back without adjusting the economy of some maps would only make the economic problem worse, so if this were to happen, it'd have to go hand in hand with map-specific economic adjustments.


Possible work-around: Introduce a script that only results in credits upon damage, if you damage infantry with an infantry character and not a vehicle (otherwise Demolition Trucks would be credit farms).

Edited by Raap
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You actually get full credits for any kills you make, but there's currently an issue with Sergeants and Thieves where they only give 1% of their intended point/cash reward. This'll be fixed next version, and next version half of the kill cash for infantry will be converted to damage cash.

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Not to be "that guy," but Fissure has silos. They just go down very early on because they are not in easily defendable positions, and half of them are inaccessible by foot, so they can't be repaired.


I remember that's why Chop added the 2nd pair of silo's since the first pair I placed wasn't enough.


... 3rd pair of silo's some distance behind the barracks? :v

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Underground silos in caves protected by walls of flame towers / pillboxes :p

If you want to go overkill, add tesla coils, a gap gen, and camo pillboxes.


Come on lol. Just place the silo 1000 meters underground so it's not reachable. Or attach a credit trickle to the barracks' building controller so there's some money generated while it's up.
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I like the idea of a credit trickle for that. As the barracks is the only structure in the map that actually counts, it would help keep things rolling if the other silos are destroyed instead of just devolving into a rifle/techie spam. Only problem would be to keep it from bleeding into the other maps.

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I like the idea of a credit trickle for that. As the barracks is the only structure in the map that actually counts, it would help keep things rolling if the other silos are destroyed instead of just devolving into a rifle/techie spam. Only problem would be to keep it from bleeding into the other maps.

If you attach the credit trickle script to the placed building controller object and not the preset, then it would only give credits on that particular map.
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Back when I used to play maps like FoI and Fissure, any good team efforts could keep the Silos up for plenty of time to have a decent amount of cash to get higher end Infantry. Realistically, that was the only point of the Silos on those maps. Infantry only maps should never last long enough to benefit from Silos for so long. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but it sounds like a lot has changed in APB that made it unique and fun. "Credit Trickle" shouldn't be needed after the Silo is down. If the team lost it, then that's on them. The matches are perfectly do-able with basic infantry, while not easy depending on the teams. I've played plenty of matches where teams I was and wasn't on, lost to coordinated Rifle Soldier attacks against a team of 4-5 Tanya's and such.

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