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APB Madness

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15 hours ago, Silverlight said:

We need more videos! :(

Need more instances with plenty of people playing first.

Too bad I didn't get around to record that one weekend game session. That could've been enough footage for a new episode, which would've been labeled  "Ultimate Madness".

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Now that was some intense fighting last night. Too bad the program stopped working again, right before the funny part.

But on topic, my choice for the best moments in each episode so far would be...

1. Getting Goomba Stomped by Rambo (1:55)

2. NodGuy and I getting even (0:12)

3. Taking down the Hind (0:50)

4. Volkov rampage (1:01)

5. Engineer running from tank (0:27)

6. No other than the ant chase (1:23)

7. A strange infantry fight (0:40)

8. Barracks madness (0:53)

9. Ranger Racer, duh

10. forg0ten1 airthrusting laser through an Engineer's head..? (0:13)

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9 hours ago, SilverShark said:

10. forg0ten1 airthrusting laser through an Engineer's head..? (0:13)

Head hitboxes are wonderful aren't they? To make sure there's no weird infantry imbalances, all characters have the same hitbox layout and size. (Except when I accidentally fail to export them properly i.e. Grenadier/RPG for all of last year.) Thing is, a bunch of infantry models that got made around the Beta era - most of which are Allied ones - had taller heads and helmets than the old models. So back when I was rerigging all the infantry for Delta I saw 3 options:

  • give the new infantry bigger head hitboxes to match their bigger heads - and since the newer models are almost all Allied, that's essentially an Allied infantry nerf that is hardly called for...
  • have unified hitboxes that look correct for the new infantry, but result in the old infantry being able to be headshot by things that should fly over their head.
  • have unified hitboxes that look correct for the old infantry, but result in the new infantry essentially having Helmets That Work because shots aimed too high don't hit. Which also means infantry head boxes aren't too big, helping out with Delta's mission of "make infantry great again".

I felt the third option was best. Just aim for the face all the time and not the helmet :p Even after the helmet dink change, the heads/helmets aren't any bigger than before, the old head hitbox is just cut into two hitboxes that still take up the same area as before, so that it doesn't affect balance (since the helmets currently act identically to heads damage-wise).

I could also take a look at the newer infantry models and make them a little shorter to be more accurate to the hitboxes.

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Hey guys can I ask if you use free targeting in 3rd person when using infantry? In these videos I always see 3rd person while the cursor moves around. Does v-targeting help in aiming that much?


44 minutes ago, Raap said:

That hill next to the Soviet Power Plant on Zama needs a revision. :v

Can't the Soviets do the samething to Allies? 



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7 minutes ago, des1206 said:

Hey guys can I ask if you use free targeting in 3rd person when using infantry? In these videos I always see 3rd person while the cursor moves around. Does v-targeting help in aiming that much?

In my opinion, yes. V-aiming locks the camera in place, so all that's left is (quite literally) point and shoot. Mileage may vary. Do keep your eyes on the reticle, because the stock one is about the size of a fruit fly for my screen resolution (2560x1440) and I had to make my own to see it properly as I do V-aim.

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V-aim (or free aim) is a "strange" playstyle and W3D is the only engine that supports it for shooter gameplay - to my knowledge.

I personally do not use it since my brain is wired to do targeting based on the position of my target being center-screen.

51 minutes ago, des1206 said:

Can't the Soviets do the same thing to Allies? 

Not quite to the same effect, but mainly my "issue" was that the hill appears passable, but isn't. It's because the angle is only a few degrees beyond what normally goes for passable terrain. The Allied side has a steep cliff, which is very obviously impassable.

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4 hours ago, Raap said:

Not quite to the same effect, but mainly my "issue" was that the hill appears passable, but isn't. It's because the angle is only a few degrees beyond what normally goes for passable terrain. The Allied side has a steep cliff, which is very obviously impassable.

And they both use the cliff texture...

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56 minutes ago, des1206 said:

How do you guys record videos and more particular .gifs? I want to get a few done for reddit's /gaming/ subreddit for advertisement purposes.

I use OBS to record gameplay and Teamspeak (including my own voice). GIFs I tend to translate from video to Photoshop, but I tend to do that not very often.

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Nvidia shadowplay works for recording (they renamed it to... not have a name, so everyone still calls it shadowplay).

If you're looking for a free basic editing program, try https://www.shotcut.org/. It's not as fancy as something like Sony Vegas, but it is free and legal to use freely. Most importantly it allows you to process your raw footage.

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4 hours ago, SilverShark said:

A quick one of last night's games

I literally thought I made it. :D

Also, that v2 sniper kill, you stole it. You can see the allied sniper hp drop to half right before you shoot :v 

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1 hour ago, Voe said:

Also, that v2 sniper kill, you stole it. You can see the allied sniper hp drop to half right before you shoot :v 

Actually, there were two snipers hiding in the same spot, and the other one with full health moved into the crosshair and back.

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17 hours ago, SilverShark said:

Actually, there were two snipers hiding in the same spot, and the other one with full health moved into the crosshair and back.

And considering that, running the math, a V2 direct hit does between 468 and 5625 damage to infantry depending on the hit location, and then up to 125 splash damage (both without armour, because snipers) against infantry with 75 health... I don't exactly think Totd was piggybacking off of anyone else's efforts. :v

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