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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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2 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

So what should I do with my Death Note?

Considering the options, you should pass it on to a trustworthy person and keep it circulating to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. 

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Nodlied's idea is much better. First of all, revealing my identity is a bad idea. Second, even if it's confiscated, Light could access it right? He was on the Task Force.

I already know a trustworthy person from an ability I used on Night 1.

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

##vote Mojoman

You can be detained for a night, the notebook confiscated, and we're one step closer to victory.

IIRC, it will only be confiscated if the player is the murderer.

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Also, Chris. I wasn't able to contact you. I failed to realise that not only are people unable to start a document with somebody when their suspicion is higher than their trust, but they are also not able to accept it. Just in case you were wondering.

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1 minute ago, VERTi60 said:

Just a reminder: Death Notes are confiscated regardless if they were used or not.

It's just the personal items which are returned if player is not guilty.

That clears stuff up, thanks!

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On Jeod's quick vote: Is it possible, if he's the shinigami that just wants the note back, that he can pluck it if Mojo is arrested? Therefore winning if we arrest Mojo? Maybe that would be too big of a change from the stated assumptions of what confiscation entails... or maybe he has a special action he can pull if he knows for sure there will be a death note...

Or maybe this is reverse psychology, and he actually needs time to set it up N3 and will later flip to someone else, like he can intercept the pass maybe?

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22 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

On Jeod's quick vote: Is it possible, if he's the shinigami that just wants the note back, that he can pluck it if Mojo is arrested? Therefore winning if we arrest Mojo? Maybe that would be too big of a change from the stated assumptions of what confiscation entails... or maybe he has a special action he can pull if he knows for sure there will be a death note...

Or maybe this is reverse psychology, and he actually needs time to set it up N3 and will later flip to someone else, like he can intercept the pass maybe?

That would require me to be Sidoh, and even if that were the case, my win condition would be synonymous with the SPK because you all want the notebook out of play as well. The problem here is that I'm constantly being fingered as suspect, yet none of your arguments are painting me as "bad for town".

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It impedes us in that while the note is out of play, we lose any further connection to Kira, who's still out there. Granted, removal via investigation would be the same, too, but then the deciding factor is is it worth it to out Mojo's role.

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44 minutes ago, Jeod said:

##vote Mojoman

You can be detained for a night, the notebook confiscated, and we're one step closer to victory.

Ehh not necessarily. The goal is to catch Kira, not secure the notebook (although that is a good thing to do).


43 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

I already know a trustworthy person from an ability I used on Night 1.

Oh really? Tell us more. You don't need to reveal their character name if you don't want to.

2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

That would require me to be Sidoh, and even if that were the case, my win condition would be synonymous with the SPK because you all want the notebook out of play as well. The problem here is that I'm constantly being fingered as suspect, yet none of your arguments are painting me as "bad for town".

I think either everyone's having flashbacks to the Chronosphere mafia or misunderstand the goals of Shinigami. Possibly both.

3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

It impedes us in that while the note is out of play, we lose any further connection to Kira, who's still out there. Granted, removal via investigation would be the same, too, but then the deciding factor is is it worth it to out Mojo's role.

To me, if we're certain that someone trustworthy has the notebook, it may keep us from risking death while we do our investigating.

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1 minute ago, Killing You said:

To me, if we're certain that someone trustworthy has the notebook, it may keep us from risking death while we do our investigating.

Indeed, though I'm concerned about Mojo's statement that if he sits on it it gets plucked away. That could mean... any number of things, none of which I really have enough to go on to put forth in a coherent postulation.

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Apologies for posting so quickly, I should take the time to condense, but yet another thought just hit me.

To compensate, here's the music I enjoy while reading this thread, the soundtrack to Orwell, a mystery interactive visual novel about a surveillance state :p The day 4 music is the best for trying to solve a mystery, IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCQ8KwZp1S0

*Ahem*. It occurred to me that we might have THREE Death Notes in play. This rests on the assumption that Misa had a death note, but got rid of it before being arrested. I'll admit, there's nothing but meta to go off of for that. There are some other assumptions too that are based on reasoning/human nature, but they aren't as controversial as this notion might be.

Passing most likely (95% sure) occurs during the night. Misa was arrested for N2 so couldn't pass then, and didn't have it on her anyway, so that means if she started with a Death Note she'd have had to pass it before D2, IE, on N1. Nobody spoke up about getting a Death Note in the mail D2, though, so that means one of two things. 1) Misa passed it successfully to a Kira supporter, or 2) Mojo had it this entire time, only comes forward now for some reason, and is lying about the rule that it'll get plucked if not passed or secured.

For the purposes of this, I am assuming option number 1. I am NOT accusing Mojo of number 2.

However, this means that if Mojo is telling the truth now, a second Death Note was passed N2 and it's the one he got. Misa's first, this new one second, two death notes. If Kira himself has a death note, though, why would he pass it at this stage of the game when we aren't exactly close to knowing how to get at him (at least in my opinion), so he might have his original, a THIRD Death Note.

The alternatives to this are either Misa didn't start with a Death Note, which is a possibility, Kira had a death note and passed it for some strange reason, or Kira did not have a death note and someone besides Kira/Misa had a death note in play this whole time. The indisputable thing though, from my view, is that if Mojo is telling the truth is that the death note he has is not Misa's, baring a third party having held onto Misa's Death Note on Day 2. In that possibility, it's possible the third party didn't know who was safe to send it to if that plucking rule was in effect and Misa was in jail.

What does this mean? Honestly, I just like throwing out these possibilities and hoping someone else has info or insight I don't. However, I think we can safely say that both something fishy is going on here and the Kira conspiracy is larger than might have been imagined.


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And again, my bad for posting so much in a row, I'll calm down now, but I thought of a good TL;DR for my above: If Misa started with a Death Note, either the one Mojo has isn't hers unless it passed through a third party, or his story is false. I'm leaning towards it not being Misa's or it passed through a third party.

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