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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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5 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I just told you what it does, and I've said it before without role claiming even. Why so secretive because now Kiras have a juicy target as I'm not even pro-town third party, I'm legit town.

Well, I suppose that's fair... for now. But don't think you're off the hook, mister.

Alright, now that I'm calmed down and had a chance to reevaluate the situation, then either Jeod is lone scum due to nobody being Kira, or someone's faking their claim and is Kira after all. In either case, Jeod is guilty, and given how most people playing have touched a notebook, we should be clear to reinvestigate him.

##vote Jeod

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I'm always in favor of looking at all possibilities, it's why my posts get so wordy.

Unfortunately I'm playing like super-risk right now basically so I can't get all of wall of texty. I'm the only player that has my act together though so I'm browsing while the other 4 try and manage their economy spread sheets.

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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Furthermore, if you want to consider that the kills could have been delayed, then you have to examine who could have done so. Until someone stole a notebook from confinement, I don't think anyone has held a book long enough to make a delayed kill.

Yeah that's a good point. It was pretty much hot potato,

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8 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

This is a claim. It's not something I know for certain. However, I suspect that OrangeP47 is the one who stole the notebook from custody.

That is something I suspected as well and the whole Sidoh story looked like a ruse tbh.

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1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

But where's the claim tho? Can't seem to find it anywhere.

Or is that YOUR claim? :p 

Cat 5 claims I have a book. I've never said anything about a book either way, but I will right now say I do not have a book :p

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This silly risk-like game is taking longer than planned, so I'll put my thoughts in a by-person format. I would like to, in general, agree that it's weird no one is claiming N. I'll admit I thought some people were N for a time but no longer do.

In order of CVC

KY:  I think he flipped out on me a little harder than he needed to, and once I roleclaimed he backed off and admitted my reasoning was fair. This could have been an attempt to put attention on me or get the roleclaim out of me if he was scum, but from what I've observed of past games, he's generally a bit trigger happy. We had good productive conversations too so that's points in his favor, but he did claim third party.... KY is the midpoint for me, which makes him suspect number 3, but perhaps vote option number 2, depending on just what we think of of Jeod.

Jeod:  We all know he's not above board. The question with him is can we reinvestigate him. Honestly, if we can, that would make him number 1 priority. Would he be acting this confident if we could? He claims he's going to kill L. If we could investigate him that might stop it, but he's so confident, in fact, that maybe even if we can it won't be stopped? Could L's name already be in the notebook and L's going to surprise bomb us later, so investigation wouldn't stop it? I have no idea, I don't know Jeod well enough to even begin to fathom, so I'll follow the group's lead here rather than suggest one way or the other.

Chop:  I'm pretty sure he's 100% legit. I've already gone at length as to why I think this. Voting him would be very counter productive.

CK:  I'm not convinced Mello would work with the task force, but so far CK seems on point, so I trust him for the moment.

Mojo:  I have no idea what he's doing, but whatever it is, we just investigated him, so doing so again would likely very much be a waste.

Nod:  I'm pretty sure he's vital to the task force, and voting him would be very counter productive.

Cat 5:  Saying he's Misa says a lot in and of itself. However, while I've never 100% trusted him, he *has* indeed done some town things. I think basically there's a way to "activate" Misa, but I have no idea what that is, or if it's happened. For awhile now Cat 5 has been mostly dormant, but that probably has a lot to do with being suspected so much overall. Now, Cat 5 is very active. Something's change. It could be what he claimed, or it could not be. Even if it is, though, aside from countering a possible point dump, there may not even be much we can do to help him. If it's not as he claims, this whole thing could be a giant ruse. I also really want to know what the Kira message means, if anything, and the language used just evokes what Jeod had been taunting Cat 5 with earlier. Maybe it means Jeod has found a better lackey than Misa and is throwing Cat 5 to the wolves. This actually isn't good for the town, even if it kills a Kira suspect, and using a death note it means some other player now has the ability to throw Cat 5's resources around without regard for his own life. An aggressive player gets taken down fast, but can do damage before hand. If death isn't a concern, though, there's now down side to being aggressive.

OrangeP47: Here's me. I don't have any theories against myself, for obvious reasons, but I do understand if people are suspicious of me because of my relative unknown status. I'll answer any questions you might have.


What we should do really depends on if we think Jeod is safe or not. I can't offer any good suggestions on that. Behind Jeod, I'm suspicious of Cat 5, and then KY, in that order, and everyone else I don't think is even remotely a smart option. Of those three options, at present time, I'd only be willing to commit to Cat 5, and even then it's not exactly a good bet in an emergency situation, as it's not outcome based but based on if we trust Cat 5. Even if he's activated he could be a diversion, and if we're wrong it's just as if we doubled up on Mojo. If we could somehow link Cat 5 to a notebook it would be worth it. He's not the mastermind though, and we kinda need to find the mastermind. In last place, I don't think KY is suspicious enough on his own to go all in on, so in short none of these 3 options are good.

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8 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

KY:  I think he flipped out on me a little harder than he needed to, and once I roleclaimed he backed off and admitted my reasoning was fair. This could have been an attempt to put attention on me or get the roleclaim out of me if he was scum, but from what I've observed of past games, he's generally a bit trigger happy. We had good productive conversations too so that's points in his favor, but he did claim third party.... KY is the midpoint for me, which makes him suspect number 3, but perhaps vote option number 2, depending on just what we think of of Jeod.

What can I say? I needed sufficient information from you, and I interrogated you Jack Bauer style until I got what I wanted :p

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Cat5, do you still have a debtnote? If so, do you want to open it tonight to see if there are any names inside? Maybe we could use it to find out who is the true killer.

Why looking for the actual murderer? Because Jeod is pulling all the attention towards himself. Lorewise, the debtnote dispencers didn't kill people themselves in during the series (no, I didn't look that up, that's heresy), so Jeod being behind the kills seems to be very unlikely. Instead, it seems very likely that he's a supporting role for the actual killer, the one who needs to carry out Light's plan to kill the police squad.

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38 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

OrangeP47, pick someone to give all your proposal to.

Sorry, did not see this post until now actually!  I'll decide once this risk game is finally over and I can go back over everything one last time.

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No, I don't have a debt note. The only one I ever touched is currently confiscated.

Frankly, OrangeP47, I think the reason why Jeod is so certain that he will get L powers is that he has an accomplice that will add trust points to him at the end of the day. The points that are being taken from me aren't enough to do that as others could predict and prevent that. However, if he had an accomplice that could surprise everyone and get it done anyway, that could be a way for that to happen. Since you are my prime suspect to be his accomplice, I want you to pick and target and do it. I suggest Nodlied.

I also think Mojoman and Killing_You should do the same.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I want you all to dump your proposal as trust on to one player to prevent Jeod from getting L powers. This is also to prevent you from gifting it to Jeod as the day ends, as I currently suspect one of you is planning to do.

Jeod is likely to receive majority trust no matter what we do. So I'd suggets people to only give me one trust.

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2 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Jeod is likely to receive majority trust no matter what we do. So I'd suggets people to only give me one trust.

How? He has mine locked up now, and probably at most one other person. He said he was guaranteed L powers yesterday, but obviously it was preventable then, too, by giving someone more trust than FRAYDO and Mojoman was capable of dishing out. With as many players as we have, that's not hard. He's bluffing. Call his bluff and stack enough proposal that Jeod can't match. Doesn't even really have to be all of it, though I see no reason to hold on to it either.

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