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Invitation to Mafia Championship


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Hello everyone :)

VERTi60 let me know that this would be an appropriate place to post this.



I would very much like to invite your community to take part in Season 4 of the Mafia World Championship.

The Mafia Championship is an annual online tournament series that pits representatives from various forum Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia player. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and become their “Champion”.

Season 1 ran in 2013-2014, while Season 2 and Season 3 ran in 2015 and 2016, respectively. As of Season 3, a total of 160 communities have been represented in the Mafia Championship, making it the largest cross-forum event on the Internet. People from all over participate in these games -- we have American, British, Australian, Danish, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Polish, German, etc. communities.

I hope that all this sounds very exciting. If you are interested and would like to send a representative, please let me know as soon as you can. You can use this thread to discuss interest/volunteer yourself/nominate others who you think would make good representatives.

More information here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E9x7nJkSPmv1ZtSKFdSmLsvD4DQoX13i2MA9VG5p4W4/edit

- 165 communities will be participating -- hopefully you will be amongst those
- The setup this year: 15-man Mountainous (3 Mafia Goons vs. 12 Vanilla Townies)
- Qualifiers take place during May and June. So your rep would just need to have 2-3 weeks where they could play during either of those months (they play in just one qualifying game at whatever time suits them best).
- Your rep can choose between 12, 36, 48 or 72 hour Day Phases
- Your rep needs to make a minimum of 10 posts per Day Phase
- The activity will be much higher than what you're used to - expect maybe 500 posts per day the first few days
- Deadline for deciding on a rep/volunteering: April 23 (apologies for the tight deadline, I only discovered your community today -- if you need a couple more days, we can arrange that)

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Sounds like a neat way to promote APB and TSR. I'm all for it and I nominate Category 5 Hurricane. I'd love a chance to participate myself, but I'm about to get married (on the 23rd, speak of the date) and this sort of activity isn't something I'm willing to handle during the next month.

Cat5, think you can manage 10 day posts per day? ;p

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I would also like if one of you two go. Jeod is vicous, distracting and lucky, while Orange is young blood, smart and cunning.


Also based on game winnings Chaos Knight and Nodlied are the most successful.

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3 minutes ago, VERTi60 said:

I would also like if one of you two go. Jeod is vicous, distracting and lucky, while Orange is young blood, smart and cunning.


Also based on game winnings Chaos Knight and Nodlied are the most successful.

Like I said, I'd love the opportunity but I'd have to decline a nomination at this point for the reasons given above.

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Well, even if I wanted to see if people want me to be a rep, I don't have the time to join in. But I agree that Cat5 is possibly one of the best, if not the best around here.

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If it comes down to time commitments, I'm free pretty much for the foreseeable future and will have more than enough time.  There will possibly be a 24 hour time period I'll be incapacitated due to major surgery in the medium term future (don't have a date set), but assuming the date isn't exactly the start date for a game or something I'd be fine, and actually literally be confined to my room for about a month with nothing else to do :p;)

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Hey Thingyman, sorry I haven't acknowledged you! Thanks for recognizing our little community! Question, will we be able to observe the game live? If so, what's preventing us from helping our rep (same goes for other communities)? If it's allowed, then to what extent, etc etc.

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4 hours ago, Jeod said:

Cat5, think you can manage 10 day posts per day? ;p

I don't know. Unless I get in to a major case, I think I probably only manage 4 posts per day phase here, and I tend to mostly observe Day 1. Having people online at the same time as me helps (which is why you and I cross swords so often), but I usually collect my thoughts into a small number of posts, usually once for each time I read the thread. Once in the morning, once after work, repeat. Of course, everyone else will be posting a lot too, which might mean there are more things to respond to, making it easier to hit that limit.

However, how does "choosing a time limit" work? Every game needs a time, so I imagine it's voted on by the players in the game. If I got stuffed into a 12-hour and I had to post 10 times per game day, yikes! There are 16 hour periods where there's no way I get more than one post in. Is that a mistake by the way? Previous rules suggest that Day Phases are 36 or 72 hours long, with nights being 12 or 24. I imagine I could handle 10 posts in 72 hours...

I'm also planning on running a game during a similar timeframe, as I'm finishing up preparation for Steins;Gate Mafia right now, which I'm expecting to start immediately after Jeod's upcoming game ends. I absolutely do not have enough time for both. I'll delay or stall my game if I have to, but I don't want to.

I'm willing to be an alternate as mentioned in the link, but I don't want to be the first choice.

Given that they want super active players, I think VERTi60 might be the best option. Through his constant GM work, he's proven he can be on the ball at all times. He's rarely had the chance to strut his own skills, but he's no slouch. Easily among the upper tier of players here.

In my opinion, Chaos_Knight is the best player here, especially when on the mafia team. (I'm passable as town, but I'm miserable as mafia. In my opinion, anyway.) He generally talks even less than I do, though. Don't know how active he can get.

Voe isn't a bad option either. He's crazy, but sometimes crazy gets it done. He'll have no problem completely rattling all these players who haven't met him. I have to admit that I've taken some of my current playstyle from his example, and seem to be better for it. I honestly do think Voe would do well, though I'd also be surprised if he stays alive long in any game.

I'd mention Nodlied here, but he already excluded himself. Jeod excluded himself as well. ChopBam is also a solid player as well and should be considered as an option, if he wants it.

OrangeP47, you're smart enough for the job, but you're inexperienced and it might bite you. We let you get away with some stuff that we wouldn't have let others get away with, just because you were new, and it eventually caught up with you anyway. You won't have that advantage there, where I expect few will know each other. We also don't know much of your ability to be a detective in a game without power roles. At the same time, knowing you have plenty of time on your hands is a big plus in a game where others might not have time to keep up. Not saying you shouldn't be a rep, though, because just like what happened in Death Note, your flaws could actually work against your opponents instead of you. I'd still support you doing it, but cautioning that your game needs work.

And if we're digging into the oldbie crowd, Allie29/Hylius and pzeper would be amazing options, if we can find them.

Lastly, I think no matter who actually is our rep, they won't exactly be going in alone. Well, unless there is a rule against players receiving input from spectators, as Jeod just referred to.

Edited by Category 5 Hurricane
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About that, I have all character requests and just need to finalize and balance the game. If I can get that done before Saturday afternoon, then I'll be set to start the CYOR game on May 1.

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41 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

OrangeP47, you're smart enough for the job, but you're inexperienced and it might bite you. We let you get away with some stuff that we wouldn't have let others get away with, just because you were new, and it eventually caught up with you anyway. You won't have that advantage there, where I expect few will know each other. We also don't know much of your ability to be a detective in a game without power roles. At the same time, knowing you have plenty of time on your hands is a big plus in a game where others might not have time to keep up. Not saying you shouldn't be a rep, though, because just like what happened in Death Note, your flaws could actually work against your opponents instead of you. I'd still support you doing it, but cautioning that your game needs work.

To be fair, we were so confident in our victory, some of what I did was deliberate bait so I'd have intel on you (you specifically actually) for next game ;)

But yeah, I acknowledge those concerns. I wouldn't put myself forward unless literally everyone else here opts out. You're all ahead of me in line, so to speak, as far as I'm concerned.

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This looks pretty curious, yet I have to admit that I am not that sure if I am up for the task.

First of all, I am not that good at being town. At least that's how I feel it. Sure enough, there would be 11 other people who are likely less paranoid and won't fixate themselves on tearing into one person they found really suspicious for arbitrary reasons, but still. I think I do alright as scum/SK but eh.
Second. Activity. As Cat5 mentioned already, I tend to chill in background collecting info. I do it regardless of faction I am in so don't even try to use this as meta against me in the future games :v But anyway. Those games would require a lot of writing AND reading, esp. since there would be no PRs. So add that to my engineering work being already taxing on my mind and some "burden of responsibility" for representing us as a whole... yeah, that would totally not result in me saying something stupid or missing key info/slip. 
Finally, I prefer to operate by facts. No PRs and all vanilla leaves me with little facts and a lot of theorycrafting. This is kinda outside my preferred game style which would further hamper performance.

People I'd recommend:

Cat5. A more obvious choice. Not that active but smart and systematic + everyone trusts him it seems.
Nodlied. Less paranoid than I am, more active and is also used to working with people (he oversees testers after all).
Voe. It's so crazy it might actually work. Will probably annoy everyone into lynching him ASAP though.
Vert. Our glorious GM. Knows ins and outs of mafia games, albeit mostly from the host perspective.

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23 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

I feel like this thread is turning into a mafia game of sorts, where we're probing not into how scummy the other players are, but how good at mafia they are. xD

Hey, the result is the same. Someone's gonna get voted to get lynch... be a representative :v 

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1 hour ago, ChopBam said:

I feel like this thread is turning into a mafia game of sorts, where we're probing not into how scummy the other players are, but how good at mafia they are. xD

It's what we do ;)

That said, why did you not respond to Cat 5's simi-nomination of you... only a scum would stay silent ;)

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