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[GAME OVER] RA:APB-themed Mafia Game V (Big Fireworks Edition)


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In the outdoors vs indoors debate, I am going to assume we are in fact outdoors with the full base composition. That gives us a Heavy Tank and an air unit, and likewise gives the Allies a Rocket Soldier to counter those two.

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41 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

True, Orange, although the other extreme can apply, where so many possibilities are presented that it becomes confusing. And scum thrive on confusion.


31 minutes ago, Jeod said:

Precisely, which is why I err on the side of caution when it comes to debating "outdoors vs indoors". It's a flimsy snowball that can grow larger as time goes on--an opening for scum to control the narrative.

It's Day 1.  We're in no danger of getting locked into the wrong way of thinking yet :p

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Yeah you're right though. Indoor vs outdoor doesn't matter in the long run. Maybe there's just a war factory in doors to make a masonary :p.


I don't think we should bet on no Allied buildings though. Because if we are wrong about a buildings allegiance and waste protection on them under the assumption of all Soviet buildings, that's a huge advantage for Allies

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1 minute ago, Mojoman said:

Yeah you're right though. Indoor vs outdoor doesn't matter in the long run. Maybe there's just a war factory in doors to make a masonary :p.


I don't think we should bet on no Allied buildings though. Because if we are wrong about a buildings allegiance and waste protection on them under the assumption of all Soviet buildings, that's a huge advantage for Allies

Allied buildings are impossible and unbalanced, Vert wouldn't include them. /Cat5

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1 minute ago, Mojoman said:

I don't think we should bet on no Allied buildings though. Because if we are wrong about a buildings allegiance and waste protection on them under the assumption of all Soviet buildings, that's a huge advantage for Allies

That sounds like a really trolly thing too that Verti would love for town to trip up with.

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2 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

Well we got a little under a day left, I want to hear input from Voe, Irish, and Retaliation.

@Voe you've been busy eh? That's why the quietness?

Already typing before you asked :b

I agree with Jeod that the whole indoor vs. outdoor debate seems senseless. I don't think it matters either way. Especially since we were the ones to tell him which roles we'd prefer.

So here's my take from what we know so far. There are mostly likely a minimum of two missile silos. If we go with the minimum, there'd be 10 other roles to fill. I'm going to say 7 of them are town and 3 consist of a potential mix between scum and hostile third party. From my little experience, there's usually one role blocker for each side, one protector for town, and a cop. So let's say an Heavy Tank, Officer and a Starshina/Attack Dog for town and an engineer for scum. Now we're down to 4 roles. 1 of them is a mystery role and I think 1 or 2 of them would be a custom role considering he laid out how to make them. With 3 of them being town and 1 being scum or third party, to me, it seems too few for there to be an airfield. I think there's a higher chance one of the town roles is another defensive building (though I am open to it being another silo). If that's the case then there'd only be 2 town roles and 1 hostile role left. Maybe an engineer for town and a custom role and mystery role left for the last two. The reason why I chose 3 hostiles is because it seems like a fair number. The is all pure speculation, so take it as you will.

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18 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

Well we got a little under a day left, I want to hear input from Voe, Irish, and Retaliation.

@Voe you've been busy eh? That's why the quietness?

What more input could you possibly want? It's "Idunno lynch Voe?" day. The only thing we can really do is speculate about the overall objectives/game setup. I stopped talking about objectives because that helps scum more than town as cat5 mentioned at some point. I think I also might have set off the above vs underground debate when I only meant to suggest if there's a third party role it's probably a civilian flavored as a scientist.


Anyway if you really want input so bad, I think we're protecting 2 silos with some number of engineers as a trump card.

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Time Left:
0 day(s) , 18  hours, 18 min, 51 sec
Alstar voted nobody
Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody
Chaos_Knight voted nobody
ChopBam voted Voe
FRAYDO voted nobody
Jeod voted nobody
Killing You voted nobody
Mojoman voted nobody
OrangeP47 voted nobody
Retaliation voted nobody
TheIrishman voted nobody
Voe voted nobody
1/12 votes casted so far
Voe has the most votes - 1
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My personal thoughts regarding the game roster.

- 2 Missile silos - It would be stupid if the game suddenly ended after night 1 because the only silo was destroyed as a result of random killing. I think two are most likely to be the case in this game.

- Protection roles: Heavy tank and Engineer - There is no way to "defend" siloses without something that can protect them. For that reason Heavy tank is the most obvious part of the town role roster. Im still not aware how engineer ability can impact the game - If silo is fixed, will it turn into sabotaged or non-sabotaged state?

- Investigation: Im trying to think about couple of scenarios, but the only ones that come to my mind are

1. Radar Dome, Officer and Sniper/Dog

2. Airfield, Spy Plane, Officer/Sniper/Dog

3. Sniper, Officer, Starshina

I'm personally split between options 1 and 3. However, Radar dome a bit loses it potential after day 2, since we will know the numbers in teams and then calculations can be done easily after each lynch/plan phase. Unless... i'll return to that part later.

- Remenaing role: If case #2 from investigation part is correct, there is most likely any kind of jet. If not, im split between either Flame Tower and Rifle Infantry. However, considering that you could apply with your own role, it might be also a fill for mysterious person.

Total number: 8


- Engineer. Self explainatory, considering the fact that their objective is to either destroy the silo or sabotage them to stop the timer.

- Sniper: To make it easier in searching of siloses to hack/destroy

- If option #2 is correct, possibly AA gun. If not, Medic seems most reasonable to fit their team.

Total Number: 3

Third party - 1

This is where i'd like to return to the Radar dome. Remember how i wrote that it use falls of after day 2? Its true, with one exception: Everyone's favourite third party role, cultists. If radar dome is present in the game, id lean to opinion we might have cult leader around us.

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I seriously doubt that scum would be given an engie though as that would give them TWO shots each night at neutralizing the silos (NK + Engie). If there are only 2 silos, this could mean gameover as early as D2 even with town's absoulte perfect scum hunting gameplay >_>

If there are 3 silos, that would still make D2-3 gameover easily possible.

Another thing I personally suspect is that silos are also there to counter unlynchable scum buildings who could just sit there forever in the previous game versions. So I would look out for one of those honestly.

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2 hours ago, Chaos_Knight said:

I seriously doubt that scum would be given an engie though as that would give them TWO shots each night at neutralizing the silos (NK + Engie). If there are only 2 silos, this could mean gameover as early as D2 even with town's absoulte perfect scum hunting gameplay >_>

If there are 3 silos, that would still make D2-3 gameover easily possible.

Another thing I personally suspect is that silos are also there to counter unlynchable scum buildings who could just sit there forever in the previous game versions. So I would look out for one of those honestly.

I believe if silo is rollblocked it's not game over, we just then have a normal mafia game.

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I considered it, but it just struck me a lot like his intro in the Death Note game, I think it was, where he turned out to be scum too (not that I was complaining, that game ;) )

Still, on D1, I default towards wanting to pressure those who haven't talked much, and KY is on the low end of that scale today, though he's not the only one. I mean, our meme lynch could be talking more too, but I sort of have an aversion to that process, even if I can appreciate the comedy value.

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On 7/14/2017 at 5:19 PM, ChopBam said:

Any first words, Voe?


On 7/14/2017 at 5:22 PM, Mojoman said:

Anyone who votes Voe after this post d1 is scum.


First two posts of the game.

Also I spent way too long hesitating about this but

##Vote Killing You

I thought about giving him the benefit of the doubt and letting us grill him for a bit, but we only have like 3 hours. It's also not every day 1 you get something that looks bad enough to lynch and I think we get more information out of this than just letting voe get lynched with one vote.

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I don't think there's enough scumtelling from KY to vote him yet. One post isn't much to jump on, except for the one time I caught him as scum due to his fencesitting. If he was a partner with Cat5, Cat5 wouldn't allow KY to buddy him so soon and so easily, and would probably go on the offensive to bus KY a bit.

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2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

I don't think there's enough scumtelling from KY to vote him yet. One post isn't much to jump on, except for the one time I caught him as scum due to his fencesitting. If he was a partner with Cat5, Cat5 wouldn't allow KY to buddy him so soon and so easily, and would probably go on the offensive to bus KY a bit.

I think you misunderstand the nature of the accusation.  I don't think they're partners. I think KY was trying to get on Cat 5's good graces and create a blind spot for Cat 5. Cat 5, of course, is not one to fall for it though.

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1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

I think you misunderstand the nature of the accusation.  I don't think they're partners. I think KY was trying to get on Cat 5's good graces and create a blind spot for Cat 5. Cat 5, of course, is not one to fall for it though.

If that's the reason then the accusation is even more ludicrous. KY is smart enough to know Cat5 wouldn't fall for that trick; he'd try it on someone newer to being buddied.

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Well it certainly hasn't won him any *positive* points, whatever he was doing. He's also been rather quiet, which again, is what the black marks are usually handed out for this early. That's why I'm still interested in hearing from him more.

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1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

Well it certainly hasn't won him any *positive* points, whatever he was doing. He's also been rather quiet, which again, is what the black marks are usually handed out for this early. That's why I'm still interested in hearing from him more.

Indeed. Interested in hearing from him more, yes. Suspicious enough to vote for him, no. Plus, what more should he even say? We've all put in our opinions on the game setting already.

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Just now, Jeod said:

Indeed. Interested in hearing from him more, yes. Suspicious enough to vote for him, no. Plus, what more should he even say? We've all put in our opinions on the game setting already.

Well if you noticed, I haven't actually voted for him yet :p  Take that up with Retaliating if you have a big beef with it :p

We've all put in our opinions, but KY has not commented on it. I might buy the argument that we're all putting out too much chaffe to be useful, past a certain point, but KY hasn't really participated in the end of the discussion we had. He's not even stacked up on the too much/not enough information split we seem to be having here.  As it stands his posts have given off the 'throw up your hands and say you don't know' vibe, which I always chalk up as slightly scummy. Granted, by you and I even having this conversation now, we change the calculus for what KY's answers mean even if he does show up now.

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On 7/15/2017 at 1:20 AM, Killing You said:

Well the one time you didn't say something analytical (or at all) D1, you were scum. Maybe I shouldn't 100% clear you, but I've learned to trust you.

I was going to suggest we ask him why he trusts cat5 so much but I missed him already talking about that here.

I don't know who to vote for. I just have this feeling there's some sort of punishment for lynching voe (possibly only day 1) built into the game/his role.

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