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[Game Over] CYOR - Halloween Edition


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43 minutes ago, Killing You said:

Alright, role claim time? Sure, what the heck.

I’m Dormammu. My day actions are incinerate and banish. Incinerate is self explanatory (as demonstrated earlier), and banish sends someone to the Dark Dimension for the rest of the day phase, roleblocking them and protecting them at the same time. My night action is a bit more complicated. It’s primary purpose is to construct a sigil of dark energy that gives the target a 50% chance to reflect the first action taken on someone back at the action taker. However, there's a 25% chance for it to fail. There’s also a 25% chance for it to backfire entirely, where whatever action my target took will be reflected back upon them. For example, if I cast Illusion on a cop, and this effect kicked in, they would investigate themselves. And the kicker? I have to wait until the next day to figure out what kicked in.

So, I guess, I have to ask one question...

Mafia, have you come to bargain?

Allow me to deconstruct this night action claim a little bit.

50% chance that the first action taken is reflected back to the action taker
25% chance nothing happens
25% chance that target has action reflected upon target

What happens if a bus driver mixes in with this chain?

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

What happens if a bus driver mixes in with this chain?

As in if the bus driver gets reflected, or I get driven by the bus?

If the former, likely just hits a different target. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure. If the latter, the sigil gets cast on someone else, as seen on N2.

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I've already responded to your wall of text. Lynching anyone other than mafia loses you the game. If you believe me Third Party, spending time on such a case is effectively a distraction all on it's own.

I think we should lynch OrangeP47 and then you guys can argue over me versus who you think the other Mafia player is.

Also, if the bus driver is not mafia, I'd appreciate a roleclaim now so that we can figure out the night actions right now and can work out the Alstar mystery (and mine in the process)

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2 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I've already responded to your wall of text. Lynching anyone other than mafia loses you the game. If you believe me Third Party, spending time on such a case is effectively a distraction all on it's own.

I think we should lynch OrangeP47 and then you guys can argue over me versus who you think the other Mafia player is.

Also, if the bus driver is not mafia, I'd appreciate a roleclaim now so that we can figure out the night actions right now and can work out the Alstar mystery (and mine in the process)

Okay, fair enough. In that case, let's hit Orange today, Alstar tomorrow, and if the game is still going, you next.

##vote OrangeP47

Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Because a bus driver would be able to explain FRAYDO's incorrect investigations. He's actually getting a result on a different player than he thinks he is.

I think he'd be made aware of that, as the rest of us have. (Choppy was told he was switched to kam, Orange was told he was switched to FRAYDO etc...)

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When a bus driver switches players, usually the people who wind up targeting them do not know the switch occured. When the a players target is the thing switched, then the player is usually told. Yours seems to act like the latter. If there is also a former in there, these two sets of actions could interact in very interesting ways.

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Okay, fair enough. Problem is, what we're dealing with doesn't seem like the typical bus driver. How else do you explain the three targets and somewhat random targets? Just look at N1:

Intended Targets:


Actual Targets:


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2 hours ago, Killing You said:

. It’s primary purpose is to construct a sigil of dark energy that gives the target a 50% chance to reflect the first action taken on someone back at the action taker. However, there's a 25% chance for it to fail. There’s also a 25% chance for it to backfire entirely, where whatever action my target took will be reflected back upon them. For example, if I cast Illusion on a cop, and this effect kicked in, they would investigate themselves.

I want you to know that I hate you. Your action did put not only me but everyone else in this mess. 

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I'm not sure Killing_You's claimed role would cause that on it's own. I'm also not sure I believe his claim, because it's awful close to the kind of role (or roles) I think is out there, and the amount of unknowns left behind make it such that it seems there needs to be two other roles involved.

Did anyone have a Night 0 action?

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1 hour ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I'm not sure Killing_You's claimed role would cause that on it's own. I'm also not sure I believe his claim, because it's awful close to the kind of role (or roles) I think is out there, and the amount of unknowns left behind make it such that it seems there needs to be two other roles involved.

Did anyone have a Night 0 action?

There was no N0

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We need to be lynching Alstar today. My resurrection ability strips the target of their abilities.

17 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

To clarify, the nightkill mechanic is part of the character alignment and is not considered a character ability, hence why it didn't show up upon Orange's role reveal.

OrangeP47 currently only has a nightkill available to him, not his other abilities. Alstar is the more dangerous scum. OP47 can easily be blocked, Alstar is more unpredictable.

Now I'm off to make like Gandalf and read the past few pages of this thread as if they were ancient texts containing hidden secrets.

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Notes so far. I'm looking into Cat5 being the cause of the unknown redirects. As a confirmed third party, his jailer claim is shit and the gas canisters might add some RNG to our abilities.

FRAYDO = Alignment Cop [CONFIRMED]
Alstar = Mafia [CONFIRMED via FRAYDO]
OrangeP47 = Mafia [CONFIRMED via flip]
Cat5 = Third Party [CONFIRMED via FRAYDO]

N1: Cat5 -> ???
N1: ChopBam -> OrangeP47 (redirect -> Kamuixmod)
N1: FRAYDO -> OrangeP47 (redirect -> Cat5)
N1: OrangeP47 -> Cat5 (nightkill? Or was the part about ChopBam -> redirect to FRAYDO true?)
N1: Nodlied -> Voe (hugs)
N2: Cat5 -> Jeod (gas canister)
N2: FRAYDO -> OrangeP47 (redirect -> Alstar)
N2: Alstar -> ChopBam (redirect -> Alstar due to KY's night ability)
N2: Nodlied -> Voe (hugs)
D3: Voe -> Alstar (redirected due to own role) -> FRAYDO
D3: Jeod -> ChopBam (redirect -> OrangeP47)
D3: KY -> Alstar (redirect -> Voe)

Alstar - Zerg Overseer
Killing You


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KY could have lied about visiting Nodlied on N1. If he visited OP47, we have most of this solved.

KY visited Alstar on N2. Forgot to add that.

There’s also the possibility that the redirects are a game mechanic and not tied to any one player.

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57 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Alstar, care to roleclaim again?

I remain with my claim. Im Overseer, aligned with Town. I already wrote about my actions and what they do.

Also, just a small reminder. You are selecting between 99% scum read and confirmed scum. Your objective right now is to lynch scum or its game over. Do you really guys want to throw the game?
Obviously, if i survive the lynch then im nearly 100% sure that i will not be attacked unless it will be again redirected. I'm right now too valuable for Mafia, because i keep everyone's attention due to FRAYDO's flip.

So. I have nothing to defend with, unless you keep me alive to let me confirm my role in next night result. Our major investigation roles are down. Choice is yours.

Honestly, i'd lean towards players we know least about. I'd like to hear kam say something about himself. If not, i will get this information by myself tomorrow. Hopefully with better result than today.

58 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Or are you too busy suiciding five seals into a naval mine? :v

Allies Misscalculated
Seals got deleted
Long have we waited
Naval mine activated :(

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Bruh. FRAYDO flipped alignment cop. He confirmed your alignment. It's on you to explain, convincingly, why that's wrong.

Hint: It can't be unless he misread his PM. Which is highly unlikely considering he said that he got redirected yet again.

You're struggling to stay above water now because your partner is now powerless and you're the only mafia left that can do anything noteworthy enough to turn the game back to your favor.

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And Cat5 still claims that FRAYDO returned WRONG ALIGNMENT for him. And i believe him.
Do you really think that mafia would be provided with a lookout role? For what reason?

If you really see a threat in someone who have investigation roles, then you might be scum yourself.

TIM, can i please suicide? This game is turning into a joke.

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"B-but Alstar, it's CYOR, y-you can h-have whatever r-role you w-want, i-it makes p-p-perfect s-sense"
Not it goddamn doesnt. In that case, in next CYOR i will join scum side with completely towny role of an alignemnt cop and medic at once. Hell yeah, its CYOR, amirite?

Your justification is terrible. I still hate you for redirecting me from ChopBam. Even if it wasnt aprtially your fault.

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