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[Game Over] CYOR - Halloween Edition


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Trying to pull a me here eh? We're not evil this game. We may be horrors and villains, well... most of us are, I'm pretty much neutral when you think about it, but we're still town. You, the so called hero, are part of the scum team, aka bad. Trying to kill people for no real reason in a realm void of anything else, in the grasp of a god. Your intend is to harm people, ours is to but survive another day. Despite who we are, it is not us who are committing the crimes here. Tell me, who is trying to upset the peace, who is the real evil here?



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Its Risk of Rain all over again. People killing monsters just because of being monsters on unknown world while not realizing that they are trully invaders and murderes killing creatures that want to defend their homeland.

When it comes to being a monster, how do you think, where lies Human

Enough of this philosophical bs. Action sent, good night.

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While that was actually a very persuasive argument, and I have to admit the same thought had already occurred to me as an option, I'm afraid it isn't so simple. I'm not the only person who can stop you. Nodlied can stop you in two different ways, and I think Jeod can too if you pick the wrong way to remove him. And I can't even try to help you, because I'm not allowed to target the same player twice, and I've already wound up randomed to both of them. The only other person I could target tonight is Alstar.

Lastly, that passive you picked up from kamuixmod expired after D1. Even if you did inherit it, I don't think you'll keep it.

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10 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

While that was actually a very persuasive argument, and I have to admit the same thought had already occurred to me as an option, I'm afraid it isn't so simple.

Don't worry, I've got this in the bag.

10 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I'm not the only person who can stop you. Nodlied can stop you in two different ways, and I think Jeod can too if you pick the wrong way to remove him. And I can't even try to help you, because I'm not allowed to target the same player twice, and I've already wound up randomed to both of them. The only other person I could target tonight is Alstar.

Then target him. I've got a very specific order of operations, taking each player's abilities and threat levels into account. On the final night, you need not target anyone.

10 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Lastly, that passive you picked up from kamuixmod expired after D1. Even if you did inherit it, I don't think you'll keep it.

It doesn't expire because it's not from his original ability. It was technically an item from that loot chest he dropped. It's got one use, and it is a passive.

Humor me, Cat5. Have a little faith. After all, the only way you can lose now is if I kill you, and I'm not going to do that, no matter the situation.

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Following your plans as you've suggested would mean ceding tactical advantage to you, and would allow you to betray me two different ways. I'm not naive enough to think that you won't try for total victory if the opportunity presents itself.

I will remain in control of this situation. If you don't have a better plan, we can call this game over now. No need to delay it to Day 7.


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9 hours ago, Killing You said:

Don't worry, I've got this in the bag.

Then target him. I've got a very specific order of operations, taking each player's abilities and threat levels into account. On the final night, you need not target anyone.

It doesn't expire because it's not from his original ability. It was technically an item from that loot chest he dropped. It's got one use, and it is a passive.

Humor me, Cat5. Have a little faith. After all, the only way you can lose now is if I kill you, and I'm not going to do that, no matter the situation.

That's your third post. :v

Also, don't bother. At the moment it is much easier to just surrender than to wait out your eventual demise.


9 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

While that was actually a very persuasive argument, and I have to admit the same thought had already occurred to me as an option, I'm afraid it isn't so simple. I'm not the only person who can stop you. Nodlied can stop you in two different ways, and I think Jeod can too if you pick the wrong way to remove him. And I can't even try to help you, because I'm not allowed to target the same player twice, and I've already wound up randomed to both of them. The only other person I could target tonight is Alstar.

Lastly, that passive you picked up from kamuixmod expired after D1. Even if you did inherit it, I don't think you'll keep it.

Also, besides my night actions, my passive also allows me to screw over KY. Want to keep this game easy and just turbo for KY?

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Day Five

4 votes to lynch KY, 1 vote to lynch Nodlied.

You guys tried to lynch KY, but it failed!

Night Five

Nothing happens

Day Six

4 votes to lynch KY, 1 vote to lynch Nodlied.

KY is lynched!

You find out that he was John Constantine, siding with Mafia!

Game Over

Town has successfully eliminated all hostile targets, they are victorious!

Third Party has successfully caused 3 unintended deaths, he is victorious!

Neutral has survived throughout the entire game and went above and beyond their goal, successfully planting bombs in all of the remaining players! He is victorious!


Players of the Game

FRAYDO - For correctly voting both scum right away, even if it was a joke. And correctly investigating scum right away, if not for Kam, you might've won this game much easier.

Kamuixmod - Somehow managed to slip under everyone's radar even though he was the one causing most of the chaos.

Voe - Was most notably not a dumbass for most of this game. Correctly suspected OrangeP47.

Category 5 Hurricane - Was the first to figure out most of everything, if you forgive his constant assumptions that FRAYDO could not be an insane cop.


Slip of the game

OrangeP47 - Admitting to visiting FRAYDO and mentioning your action failing without needing to. If your nightkill fails because of BP, never say your action failed.



Noose's Favorite - OrangeP47: Was lynched twice.

Lady Luck's Bitch - FRAYDO: Was randomly targeted to be killed twice. (1.11% Chance)

Bad Karma - Voe: Killed FRAYDO with RNG, then proceeded to die by RNG.

Missed Opportunities - Nodlied and Jeod: Both players had passives to help town upon death, but never got to use them.


Google Docs:

Post game thoughts:

Heads up, the game ended early since it was impossible for Mafia to win at this point. I think the game went really well. Although I didn't like Kam's ability, I still think it added to the game and did what it was supposed to do. And it even hurt both sides somewhat evenly. There were a few minor screw-ups on my part, but nothing that really negatively impacted the game. I found it to be a bit harder than I originally thought, but it was a really good learning experience and I think that any game I host from here on out will only improve. I'm a bit surprised the suspicion wasn't really tossed in Nodlied's, Kamui's, or Jeod's direction. I mean, Jeod, I kinda get with the Raise Dead ability and he was claimed to be jailed, but he could've just revived Town to secure himself as Town. And at that time, Cat5's jail action wasn't really confirmed, but he could've still had an unblockable kill. As for Nod, he was decently quiet, said he protected Voe twice but had nothing to prove that he really had (at least until Cat5 came back). Kamui, the only thing protecting him was Chop saying he did nothing N1...that's it. If this game went on without Kam, I really wonder how it would've turned out considering KY's illusion ability would've thrown everyone for a loop.

So overall, a success. I look forward to hosting my next game.

If you have any comments about the abilities and any recommendations for the future, I'd be glad to hear it (as long as it's not about Kam's role since, trust me, I know already).

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I will say, the vital fact that caused my downfall:  Kam's ability was passive, not an active ability.  I assumed whoever was causing the chaos had deliberately targeted me at the time, and the instant I told a lie I'd get nailed. In the end, I was unable to hold back enough of the truth to stay concealed.  In reality, I could have concocted nearly any lie about what my ability was (at that point), and there was no mythical bus driver to catch me in the act.

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That was a pretty enjoyable game. I feel like I could've won if RNG hadn't caused such a storm this game. Most of our plans were, as far as I'm concerned, well laid, and I had to do a ton of on the spot improv. Worked pretty well until the final day, where I still don't know how the tables got turned on me as quickly as they did.

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39 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

As for Nod, he was decently quiet, said he protected Voe twice but had nothing to prove that he really had (at least until Cat5 came back). 

To be fair, I was really busy during the past two weeks. And ''protecting'' Voe was a joke just too good to resist. :v 


13 minutes ago, Killing You said:

That was a pretty enjoyable game. I feel like I could've won if RNG hadn't caused such a storm this game. Most of our plans were, as far as I'm concerned, well laid, and I had to do a ton of on the spot improv. Worked pretty well until the final day, where I still don't know how the tables got turned on me as quickly as they did.

Remember that the RNG also killed two townies and forced a second lynch on Orange. :v You effectively got 3 phases out of the RNG.


In the end though, the RNG passive was way overpowered and screwed with both mafia and town. Other than that, fun has been had.

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1 minute ago, Nodlied said:

Remember that the RNG also killed two townies and forced a second lynch on Orange. :v You effectively got 3 phases out of the RNG.

In the end though, the RNG passive was way overpowered and screwed with both mafia and town. Other than that, fun has been had.

Well, technically it took away one phase, by targeting FRAYDO instead of Chop for the NK. And all the Daykill targets were townies regardless. At most, they got one phase out of it. But there were far more variables than just that.

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The solution to an insane cop when there are more than "town" and "mafia" factions is to make the cop's report binary by grouping factions with each other. You can do this one of three ways.

Cop reports are "Mafia" and "Not Mafia", insane reports would be:
Town -> "Mafia"
Mafia -> "Not Mafia"
Third Party -> "Mafia"
Neutral -> "Mafia"

Cop reports are "Town" and "Not Town", insane reports would be:
Town -> "Not Town"
Mafia -> "Town"
Third Party -> "Town"
Neutral -> "Town"

Cop reports are "Guilty" and "Not Guilty", insane reports would be:
Town -> "Guilty"
Mafia -> "Not Guilty"
Third Party -> "Not Guilty"
Neutral -> "Guilty"

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I think I'd prefer the guilty, not guilty approach, but it's still not entirely accurate since neutral can usually help either side. Town and Mafia seem to be opposites as TP and Neutral seem to be. But it'll depend on the game type I think. In this game, I think saying TP or Neutral is more helpful since there can be some pretty crazy roles, but for something like Nodlied's or Vert's games, I think guilty or not guilty would be more appropriate.

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While the Neutral could help Mafia, they can't stop town from winning on their own. Therefore, "Not Guilty". In this game your Third Party also didn't prevent anyone from winning by achieving his goals, so he might have been more appropriate as a Neutral as well.

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I did actually kinda want to help Killing_You there. I gave TheIrishman several role suggestions to choose from, and nearly all of them were built with either any alignment or mafia alignment in mind. Given the theme of the game, I wouldn't have minded being Mafia this time. The problem with Killing_You's suggestion was that I already had what appeared to be a 100% win chance by siding with town. His own plan did not ensure my own victory. Infact, if I helped him, I couldn't win unless I jailed him at some point. And if town turned on me seeing that I had betrayed them, Killing_You could also betray me while still ensuring his own victory. There was no tactical sense in doing so.

And really, was I really going to betray town when we went through a whole game without mislynching a single time? While nolynching twice? That's too amazing to throw away.

If the game situation was something like 2 v 2 v 1, and mafia revealed itself to me, I'd have flipped, as doing so is a sure fire victory (assuming I also would meet my other victory condition), while not doing so risks Mafia taking me down with them.

My role was actually Zero (still of Zero Escape), and built of a combination of ideas I had for Akane Kurashiki and Sigma Klim, who both used Morphogenetic Fields in different ways. 

My original idea was pretty basic. I just submitted Zero as an any-alignment Jailer, with also the possibility of retaining the NK protection that Akane had last game if it made sense to do. TheIrishman decided to go further than that. We expanded Zero to cover Sigma as well, and incorporated ideas from both characters.

The Jailer role was based on Akane during 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, where she would capture people by gassing them. Some of them would wind up with bombs placed in them. The extra victory condition came from that.
The conditional cop role came from my Sigma idea. In Virtue's Last Reward, he spends most of the game switching choices he's made that would change history, just to find out what would happen.
To balance that role, (and also something that I decided to use tactically), activating the cop role would also cause me to leave that history, similar to how Akane would disappear if she started to fail to focus on the correct history.
I'd get the alternate-history lynch results right away at night start, but I'd also disappear for that night and the next day. Would return the next night, with a free night to act when people didn't know for sure that I was a target.
Activating that role would make it less likely to be NK'd, but also make it harder to complete my extra victory condition. I wanted to trigger it once to dissuade Mafia from killing me, and then spend the rest of the game jailing people so that I could meet my extra victory condition. To avoid being NK'd after that, I'd need a cover story.

Thus, my gambit where I had you guys setup the D1 lynch in exactly the way I needed it to trigger my ability. I thought I made myself a pretty big target, likely to be NK'd. Whether I wound up targeted or not, I made it look like I was NK'd. Then, when I returned I wanted to double-bluff that claim by saying it was a scum trap all along, hoping they'd buy it and leave me alone for the rest of the game. In the end I didn't keep up the charade very long, nor did I do a very convincing job of it. It wound up being more important that I back up Nodlied than keeping the bluff.

The way I imagined the role would work, and indeed I explained it to him this way, anyone who targeted me while I was in the alternate history would be unable to find me, because I'm no longer there. I'm not sure why TheIrishman decided to treat it like a timelock instead, but by the time I realized that he had already done the N1 results. I also expected the Jailing to make it so that nobody could find my target either, instead of just prevent killing actions, since I'm kidnapping them and taking them away. Not that it matters much, it just didn't fit the flavor in the way I was expecting. It might have made Alstar and FRAYDO even more suspicious when they returned no result at all for targeting me.

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8 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

So, I don't want to jump the gun, but when ready should I just put up the thread for signup for my game, since I'm finally ready to go? I can do that later this weekend.

I'd say go for it, you've been planning it for a while now.

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