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3 Word C&C Story


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There's a game I've seen played on multiple forums through out the age of man in various forms, so I'd like to try making a version for our use. For practicality, I'm calling it the three word story.

  • The story is compiled by splicing together everyone's consecutive input.
  • Each participant posts a three word line with tasteful punctuation and such cut-offs when there is a need for it.
  • Every next post must build upon the last post's three word line. You don't need to copy the text, just post a continuation. And please don't double post, you only get one line at a time.
  • Let's keep it C&C oriented so we get something unique. But please keep it somewhat of a coherent storyline (example: don't kill off our main character as a joke).
  • We'll compile the posts and post the full story by editing this first post every now and then. If two posts get sent in at the same time, we'll try to splice them in, so watch out for that notification!
  • We'll end the story when we feel its potential has been exhausted or it comes to a good conclusion on its own.
  • Note that you can drop in and out of the game as you please, just hop on and make a post whenever. No need to announce yourself.

Example of how the game works:

POST 1: A Nod cyborg
POST 2: was making a
POST 3: snowman when suddenly
POST 4: he got EMP'd.
POST 5: He exhaled, deeply,
POST 6: only to realize
POST 7: he didn't know
POST 8: if he would
POST 9: ever finish his
POST 10: snowman. GDI was
POST 11: the culprit. They
POST 12: snuk around him... (ect.)

We'll flesh out any additional pointers and rules as we run into bumps in the road. We'll refine the guidelines along the way. Additionally, if you feel like commentating about the game, make sure to first include your three lines clearly at the top of your post separated from your thread comment so it's easy to collect all of them for compiling, maybe mark it in the gold text color like the following.

Let's see how this goes. I'll start:


A disc thrower


THREE WORD C&C STORY Compilation #1


A disc thrower misjudged his throw and realized that his pizza was left behind at checkpoint Alpha, where he evaded hungry children, that ravenously Otto von Bismarck. The tiny deer got ran over by a GDI reindeer. Walking home from happy hour was always hazardous due to the excessive drinking, but Nod sponsored transit in good faith!

However, the deer saw headlights approach that belonged to Santa's mammoth sleigh which was carrying a payload of blue zone presents. This is why GDI distrusts Nod in any way, shape, or form. Because of waffles. Which is why we need better self propelled artillery. More importantly, however, was the need to use proper animal shelters. Undeniably!

The monkeys were suddenly around the deer incident, causing our disc thrower to panic in light of the horrific monkey onslaught which was about to turn into reality. He quickly pulled a 180 but tripped over some canned bread that the deer, in its wisdom, devoured whole rapidly without a care. A harvester, accidentally, entered the battle. Faraway, Yuri's grinder hungered for it. Seems irrational, yes, but golf is the disc thrower's pet deer's favorite passtime. It won't save the pizza or help with his herpes inconvenience.

The brawl was making headlines because Tim Curry escaped into the mix. The disc thrower struggled to regain, without a doubt, any sense of moonsense715, because he was very tired from issuing parking tickets. Things got pretty sketchy when the local coroner had a case against the offending Nod transport's owner!

Meanwhile, our friend the tiny deer poured frosted flakes and canned bread all over the tidy bedspread, ruining the façade of civility, so carefully she reached into a memory of correct sentence structure. Upon feeling the squishy bread doe, he began convulsing in a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Inappropriate reactions were uncommon back when this first started; however, they now are commonplace. It made the deer very, very nervous.

In a remote part of the jungle of Kräghhhrrrrrnnngistan, in which live all our protagonists, in the desire of Lord Kane to learn how to stack fluffy pancakes, the disc thrower had plans to teach everyone how to stack better. The mess produced by poor sweat shop workers filling Santa's quota for iPhones was a Samsung victory, unbeknownst to our tiny deer friend.

NOTE FOR STAFF: Feel free to edit the story compilations above by writing in the missing pieces whenever you feel like it.

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in good faith!

Everyone please observe Voe's Bismarck post as what NOT to do, as it kills continuation and just ended the sentence in a disconnected way. Also this is what we have so far, a pointer would be to try and connect events into a story, that'd be the advanced version and requires cooperation, so please continue! :D


A disc thrower misjudged his throw and realized that his pizza was left behind at checkpoint Alpha, where he evaded hungry children, that ravenously Otto von Bismarck. The tiny deer got ran over by a GDI reindeer. Walking home from happy hour was always hazardous due to the excessive drinking, but Nod sponsored transit in good faith!


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