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[Game Over-Warmonger Victory] Cuban Missile Crisis Mafia


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13 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

I'm inclined to believe him for now, although I don't appreciate him lying about his abilities, it wouldn't be the first time Town has done it to try and either catch scum or avoid becoming a target. In fact, Cat 5 does it all the time. Also no one else has counterclaimed cop, and in this game I would expect there to be at least one cop.

Retaliation, if I were Scum, I'd try to push the lynch towards you to get rid of the cop and prevent you from investigating me >.>

Between FRAYDO and Shade, they're both almost equal as Scum for me, but Shade's behavior wins out.

##vote Shade939

We’re just going to have to live with thinking the other is scum for eternity

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Final Day Two CVC

World Tension is at 40

Nodlied voted no one
Jeod voted Shade
TheIrishman voted Shade
FRAYDO voted ChopBam
ChopBam voted FRAYDO
Killing_You voted Retaliation
Shade cannot vote
Retaliation voted FRAYDO
Mojoman voted no one
FRAYDO and Shade lead with 6/8 votes cast!

The RNG has chosen.... FRAYDO!

Everyone gathers around and looks for FRAYDO, as he is the next stoning victim. But where is he? Up a tall tower, hmm?  What's this? When he sees you all coming he jumps out the window, falling to his death without you even having to lift a finger? Well... who was he?!


Lee Harvey Oswald

Alignment: Third Party

Nationality:  American


Actions Names:

##Lone Gunman <target>

##Go Underground



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Well... that's a development for sure.

12 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Oh, and KY, mind posting another chart for the night phase?

Sure. I'm just going to modify my old one and keep updating itfor ease of access. Blue indicates information gained since the rubric was last updated.

Player Nationality Role Alignment
Nodlied American ??? ???
Jeod American ??? ???


Naval Officer ???


Lee Harvey Oswald Third Party
ChopBam American Richard S. Heyser ???
Killing You Soviet (Russian) Nikita Khrushchev Town
Voe American John F Kennedy Town
Category 5 American Robert Kennedy Town
Shade Soviet (Russian) Vasili Arkhipov ???
Retaliation Soviet (Russian) Vladimir Semichastny ???
Mojoman Canadian Naval Officer (?) ???
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Anybody else noticing a TP trend with FRAYDO? But glad we got Oswald, and glad that I was half-right :b I was actually going to bring up him as possible Scum initially, but the JFK assassination was a year after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Since there's TP, it makes me question how many Scum there actually are. It's almost certainly 2-3, but now I'm leaning towards 2. And death of TP dropped WT by 10 points; Jeod, what did you have to suggest that Scum wouldn't drop WT as well on death?

Retaliation, are you able to use both your abilities at once? If so, can you check FRAYDO's abilities? If you can't, then just stick to your cop role.

Top Russian suspect is Shade.

Top two American suspects are Jeod and ChopBam.

Mojoman and Nodlied are still up for consideration.

Nodlied, now that you're back home, I hope you can start playing more.

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3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

Shade being able to rearm a third party is definitely sending me red flags. Retaliation, I presume you'll be questioning him tonight? I've got your back.

Considering that I've basically done a full role reveal, it should be very easy to spot any lies I've been telling at the very least. If I am scum I've set myself up perfectly be discovered to say the very least.

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So with a confirmed third party we can start considering there are only 2 scum. With 8 players alive, tomorrow we'll have 7 and with 3 scum I believe we would be in MYLO.

Nodlied - Not much to go on. Busy, but still bottom middle activity. Involved in voe's death.
Jeod - Is town or will be the death of me. It is worth noting that he could have easily just let me or FRAYDO die if scum.
TheIrishman - Responsible for the death of his dear president. Hard to read because he's a competent player.
ChopBam - I've not really gone over his posts, but I get the same vibe I got from cat5 and him in the game I was scum. Lots of little helpful things.
Killing_You - Probably not scum based on flavor and Shade's statements. Shade would have to be lying both about his role and KY's alignment
Shade - Pretty variable play. I'm inclined to believe him. It's a weird claim that I wouldn't expect scum to come up with. Should probably still question him.
Retaliation - 
Mojoman - We have next to nothing here. Very little participation, but an obscure canadian flavor claim.

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On 11/28/2017 at 1:17 AM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I'm going to avoid the nationality question for now, as the fact that nationality is given as part of your roles makes me suspect it's important for something. So instead, I'll reveal that I'm a diplomat.

I currently expect all players will fit into one of these roles: Diplomats, Military Leaders, and Naval Officers. I think we'll find one Mafia in each of those categories. Currently thinking 3 Mafia. GM basically described the motivations for three different people and would fit the motivations of the people I think would most likely be Mafia. A Diplomat who doesn't want to back down, a Military Leader that thinks they can win out right, and a Naval Officer who would rather just let the world burn.

That's just spitballing based on how I think I'd setup a game based on this theme, though. It just makes sense to me. We don't know how far ahistorical OrangeP47 has set this game, though my character seems pretty much historical.

I'm still more inclined to think that there are three scum in game. Since Cat 5 revealed this before they could have used any night actions it would have been based purely on GM notes, and they are confirmed town and I doubt they'd lie about this.

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Just a few reminders. Two post night limit (nobody's violated that, just reminding), and please get night actions in at least an hour before deadline.  I'll process PMs quickly and go once all the work is done, like last time.

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7 hours ago, Mojoman said:



:xD: Didn't even notice. Like, sometimes I feel like god is specifically trying to fuck with him.

And just a reminder guys about my odd shift, I should get done with work at ~10:00 pm EST, so I won't be around until over 5 hours after day starts.

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10 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

:xD: Didn't even notice. Like, sometimes I feel like god is specifically trying to fuck with him.

And just a reminder guys about my odd shift, I should get done with work at ~10:00 pm EST, so I won't be around until over 5 hours after day starts.

On top of that, I'll be a tad busy tonight and may not be able to post much. I'll try to keep up with the thread, but if I'm alive, expect me to be posting more tomorrow afternoon and Monday.

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Another day, another murder.  This time it's Shade who wakes up dead. Well, guess we better see who he was.


Vasili Arkhipov

Alignment:  Town

Nationality:  Soviet


Action Names:

##Lockout <target>

##Rearm <target>


In other news, tonight's intrigue, on the balance, LOWERED world tension.  Imagine that! Maybe negotiations CAN work!


World Tension is at 25

Nodlied voted no one
Jeod voted no one
TheIrishman voted no one
ChopBam voted no one
Killing_You voted no one
Retaliation voted no one
Mojoman voted no one
No player leads with 0/7 votes cast!

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