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[Danubian Federation Victory] Ausgleich '37


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1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

The way I see it, which to be fair I have no basis for, but it just makes sense to me:

Political - Actual Pluralism vs Status Quo (vs Independence)

Economic - The power of player abilities

Military - Stability

It may be wrong, but that's the framework I'm operating my assumptions under.

I doubt that pluralism vs. status quo would only be found in political reforms though.

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Just now, Shade939 said:

Considering that you can probably pass economic reforms to surpass specific nationalities, I really doubt it's as clear cut as economic polices increase stability either.

Hmmmm, we've not played this game yet, and D1 is almost over.

Shade939, are you a Serb?

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Just now, Retaliation said:

Are we okay with either Irish or FRAYDO going to the vault? I think for Day 1 it's most important that we send someone who wants to explain how the vault works mechanically this time.

I assume either are capable of explaining it.  I'm rather ambivalent as to who goes, as like I said, unless there's an item already in there, there's not much for them to do. (Or the off chance they want to plant evidence, but I'm thinking that's remote, especially at this stage of the game).

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Just now, Shade939 said:

Well, considering everything else that's going on so far. :v

The one who has the most loose lips is me, talking about myself :v Maybe I shouldn't be so forthcoming, but it's not like I'd ask anyone else to try and match how foolhardy I'm being :v

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43 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

##reform Economy


33 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

##reform economy


Just now, Retaliation said:

##VoteNominate TheIrishMan



Less than 1 hour remains!

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Just now, Retaliation said:

I figure Irish will be better at figuring out how this vault differs from last game. FRAYDO never had the chance to visit the vault last game (because of reasons).

In theory, you shoudln't be voting for Irish in this situation unless you know you can trust him.

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The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investigation.

Looks like OrangeP47 is going to be investigated.


His real name is Albert Dietrich and he is an Austrian national. He currently has a key to the Evidence base. But what about his status? Well, he seems to be However he is currently innocent and thus will be able to go to his comfortable room.

Secondly, you’ve decided to enact an economic reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose.

A - Radical Status Quo
It isn't the Dual-Monarchy for nothing. Choosing this option will greatly enhance the economic power of both Austria and Hungary.

B - Soft Status Quo
The Empire is led by its two strongest members. Choosing this option will slightly boost the economic power of both Austria and Hungary.

C - Soft Pluralism
Even though Bohemia is the industrial heart of the Empire, the two other minors, Illyria and Galicia are falling behind. Yet this reform slightly boosts the economic power of Bohemia, Illyria and Galicia.

D - Radical Pluralism
It is often said that nations cannot stand on equal footing if they don't have the same economic power. Choosing this option will greatly enhance the economic power of Bohemia, Illyria and Galicia.


Yes, the flavour is a bit lacking on this one. But I'd like you lads to see as to how these reforms might affect the game. We'll be having more flavour at the end of D2.

You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party.

Additionally, you nominated TheIrishMan to gain access to the vault tonight! 

Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can ##pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! (Plus, only two nightposts as per usual.)

~24 hours remain until the end of the night!

(Additional modnote. To save myself some work, you won't all be receiving night profiles. Only those that have a change will receive one (example: OrangeP47 and his vault access today.)

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4 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

Shouldn't that be Irish?

Even though I was looking at my excel sheet I still managed to select the wrong name. It has been rectified and no damage has been done.

Also, I'm not counting that as a nightpost.

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26 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

I'll be making a post towards hammer tomorrow about everything in regards to the vault, most likely before hammer. But first, I have a question Orange, can you explain your item?

I was kind of hoping to keep it under wraps, but basically, there's no point in ever nominating me.  I gain access to the vault automatically, every night.

I also implore people to choose a soft option, for the reasons Retaliation stated.

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It seems like Orange should be able to verify what I'm saying just in case unless his item was transferred to the vault even in innocence.

There are 2 items already in the vault - a walkie-talkie (AKA field radio at the time), and an evidence base key.

When you're given access to the vault, you're able to pick up only one item per night for 1PP and you'll have to wait until the day to receive it. This means for whoever is nominated, if they want to take advantage of any items in the vault, they must be prepared to forego either their night action or their night vote if they have a night action. You are not able to examine the items and see what actions they give you, only their names. I didn't see a separate section in there in regards to evidence like in the previous game, so I don't think that'll be an issue we'll have to deal with. I'm kind of doubtful on Orange's definition of the evidence base key since there wasn't anything for evidence, just "The Vault." You'd assume it'd be called The Vault Key or something like that, but then again I can't think of anything else that key could be used for so he's probably telling the truth. I didn't grab either of the two items though, so i can't confirm.

And it sounds like, from Nodlied, you can pass items both between players or to the vault for free.

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I actually got access to something completely different, and boy is it interesting.  I was actually confused when I said there's no point in nominating me.  I actually don't get access to the vault, but to an "evidence base", which a wide range of tools (I'll elaborate more on later, but I'm making dinner right now).  Suffice it to say, you CAN frame people using it, but I did not touch any of that stuff tonight, and the evidence is actually rather bare, I assume it will fill up more once the game progresses.  Once I realized my mistake in understanding how this all works I didn't correct it publicly, though, to keep you honest Irish.  Therefore, while I can't verify what's been said, I believe Irish is honest because he believed at the time I could check up on it.

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On 7/15/2018 at 6:59 AM, Nodlied said:

The vault and evidence base


As with the previous game, we have an item vault as well as a modified evidence base. During the day, a player can be voted on to be allowed into the vault with ##VoteNominate <Player Name> (1PP). The vault holds the items, which can be taken and in which players can deposit their items if they so wish it.

The evidence base is off limits to anyone that doesn’t have a key. Players can check up on a player’s actions and can use examples of unlawful activity to build a case on a player. Should a player have a case on him, he will be able to be jailed during investigation. Additional actions may be available though.



This is exist by the way. :v

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Another day at the Ausgleich negotiations. Everybody seems well rested and ready for the tough discussions ahead. Ensure that you do the Kaiser proud! Except... that he isn't that proud of you at all today. You've managed to tie the Economic reform vote! The people are not happy about it and neither is he! See to it that you can actually reform something today!

When you read your morning newspaper, one article in particular took your attention.


A secret communique was intercepted from revanchist syndicalist interlopers! The intended recipient is unknown, but the coded message suggests that one or more leaders at the Ausgleich may be working to overthrow the Empire with their revolutionary ideology. Leaders may wish to be on their guard to safeguard the Empire and make it great again. Or not.



Let's get back to work!

48 hours remain until the end of the day!

Modnote: Some of you received your night PMs in a quotebox. Tell me if it's still easy to read. If yes, I'll apply it to everybody as it saves me a lot of time!

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