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[Danubian Federation Victory] Ausgleich '37


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Just now, Shade939 said:


You can't steal items from me.


I can steal from the vault. We'll find out which action takes priority, shall we? You think you've won, but I can see right through you. I recall you asking specifically if the crowbar can take things from the vault. I suppose that with me holding onto it, you've lost hope of using that method.

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Just now, Retaliation said:

I don’t know if Shade would have known anything about the cane since he didn’t play the last game. I don’t believe we have discussed it.

If he had a masonry with FRAYDO he probably got told.

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1 hour ago, Sunflower said:

I guess if no one wants to nominate me and Orange doesn't want it, I'll change my nomination to Irish because he's the only other person I feel comfortable about right now. 

##nominate Irish


25 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

Also, we need a Reform people that's can't be tied.

##Reform Political


19 minutes ago, Jeod said:


##investigate Killing_You

##nominate Sunflower


10 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

##VoteInvestigate Killing_You

Mggh, I think logically Irish should be the player we focus on if not Category 5 in this situation at the very least.



7 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Fine, I guess I'll jump on to prevent shenanigans.

##Nominate Shade


4 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

##voteNominate Retaliation

No point in just letting jeod steal it.


2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Let's switch to Retal, it's a more productive course of action I think.

##Nominate Retaliation


2 minutes ago, Sunflower said:

I just woke up from a nap >.>

##investigate KY

##nominate Sunflower



Allow me to prepare the night post!

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

It's clearly Nodlied's call if he allows on-the-minute commands, before anyone complains.

No complaints here. I do see Shade's post came before the hammer post.

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The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investiga- Wait! Shade is calling everybody to order and reminds them why we are all here. After some brief moments of thinking, you agree that meddling about petty things isn't what is important right now. The Empire is what is important. You all appologise to one another and shake each other's hands. The mood at the end of the day is therefore better than it was before, and the people felt it! Stability has been boosted by 5%. Ehm... in any case, on with the investigation!

Looks like Killing_You is going to be investigated.


His real name is Alojzije Stepinac and he is an Illyrian national. He currently has no items, which is a bit of a bummer for those who seek items. Why? Well it is because he is Suspicious and thus will be held in a cell for the night, just in case. As you know, he didn't have any items, so nothing gets moved to the vault.


Secondly, you’ve decided to enact a political reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose.

A - Radical Status Quo
It is quite obvious that the minor states of the Empire only increase the bureaucracy and that they slow the functioning of the Empire. Lowering their autonomy while increasing the power of Austro-Hungarian institutions will surely do away with the lengthy political nightmare in which nothing ever gets done.

B - Soft Status Quo
The Empire has been functioning well for the past 70 years now. Sure, it has had some issues, but it was at its greatest strenght under a combined force of Austrian and Hungarian institutions. Let's see to it that these institutions are strengthened!

C - Soft Pluralism
While creation of Illyria shortly before the Ausgleich of 1927 caused Hungary to walk away, we have also noticed that the parliaments of the minor states have been useful. Not only did they reduce the workload of the Imperial institutions, they were also capable of tackling the issues in the minor states more efficiently. We should strengthen these institutions to improve administrative efficiency.

D - Radical Pluralism
The Empire has been at a standstill for quite a while. However, during the past ten years, the parliaments of the minor states have proven themselves to be more capable than the crumbling centralised government in Vienna. Perhaps it is time to decentralize a bit more and make those states more equal to those of Österreich and Magyarország.


You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party.


So, who are you going to nominate to the vault tonight? Well, you've managed to create a tie again. It will be resolved as follows: Shade = 1/2. Retaliation = 3/4. Sunflower = 5/6. RNG = 3.

After picking straws, it appears that Retaliation is to gain access to the vault tonight! 


Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time!

24 hours remain until the end of the night!

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Okay, so here's the update.  N3 Fraydo checked Cat 5's actions, it says results inconclusive and "it's not something we've seen before".

Also yes Shade, I have an action that's red colored, so it made sense to me.  I've not used it however, and don't intend to unless I really have to.

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23 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

Are we good Jeod, or am I going to have to be concerned about you wasting my PP?

Also Shade, it would have been useful for you to have done that earlier...

Yeah we’re good.

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Okay, what is this fever dream of a day?

So let me get this straight. Fraydo dies, Shade comes out of nowhere declaring he was in a mason with him the whole time, and says a bunch of stuff that I was tempted to use against him, and then comes out of nowhere and uses an ability that throws my argument out the window because there's no way that it's an abolitionist/scum ability.

Well, I'm just as lost as before. Oh, and I didn't have a lot of time to think about my investigation since I didn't really have any suspects in mind, so I decided to check Sunflower after what was essentially a mental coin toss. She is who she says she is, so there's that.

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Another day at the Ausgleich negotiations. Everybody seems well rested and ready for the tough discussions ahead. And oh man, are the discussions ahead going to be touch. You managed to tie tonight's reform! This has affected stability in a negative manner, but you knew that already. Besides that, we've got news from the hospital that Admiral Horthy is going to make it! So that's some good news!
(Modnote: Horthy isn't coming back.)


After hearing the good news about the Admiral, you no longer felt like checking your newspaper.




Stability is back at 50% The people are happy!
Well, they are happier... At least the soldiers are singing a happy song!


48 hours remain until the end of the day!

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