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3 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

##vote Jeod

Vote counted.

Jeod voted TheIrishMan
OrangeP47 voted nobody
Nodlied voted nobody
Shade939 voted nobody
TheIrishMan voted Jeod
iLikeToSnipe voted nobody
Sunflower voted nobody

Majority is tied between TheIrishMan and Jeod (1 vote each).

Time Left: 19h

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For those not in the know:  When there's a counter claim, you only have two options.  This MUST be resolved before anything else happens, and it's a good thing this didn't happen at MYLO or LYLO.  You must either vote for me or for Jeod.  Those are the only two options.

I will refrain from actually voting for the moment so we don't hammer, and on the off chance there's been some terrible mistake and we're BOTH Ducasse.

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6 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

Obviously there's a chance Orange is lying, but if he is, we'll just lynch him after you.

I will say this.  If I was scum, why would I just throw away what was clearly a buddy-buddy relationship right up until that moment, when odds were looking like the vote could be pushed onto you.

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KY already posted so I think he would have said something if he was going to.

It's kinda tricky because Orange looks like he has a lot better justification for being Ducasse but I'm having a hard time figuring what happened to Orange during that visit if Jeod was lying. Still leaning toward voting Jeod.

##vote Jeod

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The only way I could see you both being Ducasse is if one of you is playing a Scum version that's being mind controlled by Kilgrave, but I'm pretty sure that'd still put you on Team Scum and I don't think Malcolm really fits the whole drinking with another person to get to know them type. Also I don't think KY would do that because of the counterclaim. So as long as you're telling the truth, I'm pretty sure he's Zhou Cheng.

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Just now, Sunflower said:

KY already posted so I think he would have said something if he was going to.

It's kinda tricky because Orange looks like he has a lot better justification for being Ducasse but I'm having a hard time figuring what happened to Orange during that visit if Jeod was lying. Still leaning toward voting Jeod.

##vote Jeod

Jeod could have still blocked me, hoping I was a town power role, then decided to come clean to head off a potential "I was visited" hunt when I got my message.

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2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I will say this.  If I was scum, why would I just throw away what was clearly a buddy-buddy relationship right up until that moment, when odds were looking like the vote could be pushed onto you.

I have my assurances to be cleared, I just don't want to use them unless I really have to as it could potentially be detrimental. But yeah, like I said, I'm leaning towards Jeod being Scum over you anyway.

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1 minute ago, Sunflower said:

##vote Jeod

Vote counted.

Jeod voted TheIrishMan
OrangeP47 voted nobody
Nodlied voted nobody
Shade939 voted nobody
TheIrishMan voted Jeod
iLikeToSnipe voted nobody
Sunflower voted Jeod

Jeod has the majority for the lynch (2 votes).

Time Left: 18h 35m

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3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Jeod could have still blocked me, hoping I was a town power role, then decided to come clean to head off a potential "I was visited" hunt when I got my message.

Yeah I guess he could just be telling the truth about that. I did the same thing when I was Wednesday Addams.

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Right, I'm gong to point out that we should actually treat today as MYLO since we don't know for certain what abilities are in game.

And assuming Two scum and everyone else in game is Town, then Scum only need to eliminate three players in total, which doens't strike me as being that difficult with some sort of Day Kill and a Mislynch today plus a NK.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Jeod could have still blocked me, hoping I was a town power role, then decided to come clean to head off a potential "I was visited" hunt when I got my message.

I already said that him opening as RB right away was a nice move to come off as Town while him clearing you also gained him points. He essentially put himself in one of the better positions to appear Town since we would know he didn't kill anyone. I'm a little offended at how he belittled my scum hunting tactics against him, but to be fair, it looks like he is actually Scum so I get why. And hey, it worked! :dance:

I do agree that we shouldn't early hammer though.

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Just now, TheIrishman said:

Scum shouldn't have a daykill, that'd be too OP in an 8 player game that's not power heavy. I say not power heavy because I'm vanilla.

You should never claim vanilla, as it narrows down the list of people scum have to hunt for power roles :p

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

You should never claim vanilla, as it narrows down the list of people scum have to hunt for power roles :p

Are you trying to tell me what I can and cannot say?


But yeah, you're right, I messed up. I'll be honest though, vanilla is my most hated role and I didn't expect to actually do much this game but I suppose it helped push me more towards actual scum hunting tactics rather than relying on abilities.

But the main reason I mentioned that I'm vanilla is to point out that there shouldn't be any daykills.

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1 minute ago, TheIrishman said:

Are you trying to tell me what I can and cannot say?


But yeah, you're right, I messed up. I'll be honest though, vanilla is my most hated role and I didn't expect to actually do much this game but I suppose it helped push me more towards actual scum hunting tactics rather than relying on abilities.

But the main reason I mentioned that I'm vanilla is to point out that there shouldn't be any daykills.

Well it's not that bad, I did it too, kinda, but more or less that was confirmed by me not raising a stink about being blocked.

I have a feeling you're whoever this guy in the gifs is anyway, so if I had some kind of picture search I'd figure it out easily enough.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Well it's not that bad, I did it too, kinda, but more or less that was confirmed by me not raising a stink about being blocked.

I have a feeling you're whoever this guy in the gifs is anyway, so if I had some kind of picture search I'd figure it out easily enough.

Don't worry Irish, at least I understand what character your referencing. :v



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If there is a counter claim in flavor I'd prefer we start with the confirmed power role. There's a good chance scum only get one power role in this game, so the vanilla scum makes the kill and the blocker goes out and does his thing. Orange would have been one of my picks to block or kill as scum.

##vote Jeod

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8 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

Ummm..... I'm Malcom Ducasse....

Eh no, I'm Malcom Ducasse Alpharius....

All jokes aside though, it does explain why Jeod was so hesitant to explain his character flavour. There's always a chance that he'd hit an actual character in the game. So we've got that going for him. Then again, Orange's counter claim also came after the Jeod said that he wouldn't be back in time. My money (but not my vote cause hammer) is on Jeod for now, but I do think that we should spend the time to uncover all motives and potential scumbuddies before hammer. That said, I may be able to help out in the evening. May because today's interview went well and they said that they'd let me know today.

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9 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

Obviously there's a chance Orange is lying, but if he is, we'll just lynch him after you.

Alight time to get started. Mislynch today and there are 5 players left tomorrow after the NK. Of those five, only 3 votes are needed to cause an early hammer, and two votes are scum. Shade's brought up the prospect of a dayvig making this MYLO. I think he's half right, but the real problem is that TheIrishMan is a doublevoter. That's right, Irish is the PR in the scum, and Orange may or may not have his own ability. However, TheIrishMan's ability is only useful during the day, which means he made the kill last night. Bear with me and this will make more sense.

9 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

For those not in the know:  When there's a counter claim, you only have two options.  This MUST be resolved before anything else happens, and it's a good thing this didn't happen at MYLO or LYLO.  You must either vote for me or for Jeod.  Those are the only two options.

I will refrain from actually voting for the moment so we don't hammer, and on the off chance there's been some terrible mistake and we're BOTH Ducasse.

Way to instantly take the heat off Irish, but I happen to agree with this: counterclaims should definitely be solved first. If we lynch you today, then we'll have 4 town against 1 scum tomorrow, which makes Irish's ability useless. Is that your true motive?

9 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

I will say this.  If I was scum, why would I just throw away what was clearly a buddy-buddy relationship right up until that moment, when odds were looking like the vote could be pushed onto you.

First, odds weren't looking bad for Irish. I was applying the pressure, sure, but I'm still the only one voting for him. The issue here was your fear of him being trained on. Notice how Irish casually asked about my character at the end of his first rebuttal post, but then over time as I kept up the pressure it became his only mode of counterattack. You two must have wanted a quick game with the early hammer so you could make use of Irish's ability faster, so saving him was critical.

9 hours ago, Sunflower said:

KY already posted so I think he would have said something if he was going to.

It's kinda tricky because Orange looks like he has a lot better justification for being Ducasse but I'm having a hard time figuring what happened to Orange during that visit if Jeod was lying. Still leaning toward voting Jeod.

##vote Jeod

Orange kindly corroborated my claim that I blocked him by saying that he was visited. As for what happened to him, nothing. The question is what would have happened if I hadn't visited him?

9 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

The only way I could see you both being Ducasse is if one of you is playing a Scum version that's being mind controlled by Kilgrave, but I'm pretty sure that'd still put you on Team Scum and I don't think Malcolm really fits the whole drinking with another person to get to know them type. Also I don't think KY would do that because of the counterclaim. So as long as you're telling the truth, I'm pretty sure he's Zhou Cheng.

I haven't been able to research my character, but my ability has to do with peanut butter and roleblocking. The best basic role match for that is a Drunk. Like I said, I wasn't concerned with flavor because I haven't seen or researched any of the shows save for last night when I gave my character's origin.

9 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

Jeod could have still blocked me, hoping I was a town power role, then decided to come clean to head off a potential "I was visited" hunt when I got my message.

I blocked you as a joke because of our conversation on Day 1. If I was scum and thought you were a town power role, I'd have killed you.

9 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

I have my assurances to be cleared, I just don't want to use them unless I really have to as it could potentially be detrimental. But yeah, like I said, I'm leaning towards Jeod being Scum over you anyway.

Oh I think you better "use them".

9 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

Scum shouldn't have a daykill, that'd be too OP in an 8 player game that's not power heavy. I say not power heavy because I'm vanilla.

Are you now? Vanilla, you say? Don't you mean Doublevoter?

9 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

You should never claim vanilla, as it narrows down the list of people scum have to hunt for power roles :p


9 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

Are you trying to tell me what I can and cannot say?


But yeah, you're right, I messed up. I'll be honest though, vanilla is my most hated role and I didn't expect to actually do much this game but I suppose it helped push me more towards actual scum hunting tactics rather than relying on abilities.

But the main reason I mentioned that I'm vanilla is to point out that there shouldn't be any daykills.

This interaction between you two is surprisingly fitting for a scum team looking to protect their daytime ace-in-the-hole.

1 hour ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

If there is a counter claim in flavor I'd prefer we start with the confirmed power role. There's a good chance scum only get one power role in this game, so the vanilla scum makes the kill and the blocker goes out and does his thing. Orange would have been one of my picks to block or kill as scum.

##vote Jeod

So just because Orange would have been one of your picks to block or kill as scum, that means I must be scum because I must align with your views?

56 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Eh no, I'm Malcom Ducasse Alpharius....

All jokes aside though, it does explain why Jeod was so hesitant to explain his character flavour. There's always a chance that he'd hit an actual character in the game. So we've got that going for him. Then again, Orange's counter claim also came after the Jeod said that he wouldn't be back in time. My money (but not my vote cause hammer) is on Jeod for now, but I do think that we should spend the time to uncover all motives and potential scumbuddies before hammer. That said, I may be able to help out in the evening. May because today's interview went well and they said that they'd let me know today.

I think counterclaiming was the plan after my attack on Irish's rebuttal. Being hesitant isn't my persona as scum; as I said before, I'd have done thorough research on different characters and come up with a more solid story. Plus, my flavor claim was counterclaimed immediately and by the player I chose to roleblock. Give me some credit, I'd have checked out Orange and tried to guess his character and role before choosing him as a target if I were scum (as opposed to targeting for the lulz).

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A vain attempt, but really the only potential way out. Alright I'll bite, sorry if this increases your chance of dying but it shouldn't matter terribly so since there's only 4 possible Scum left (3 if you decide to come out, but I'd wait until tomorrow so you can at least investigate another player first that way you could limit it down to 2 suspects), I was investigated last night by the cop. Although it shouldn't affect your odds of dying by much since any smart player would be able to deduce you of being one of the 4 remaining anyway.

So what other crap do you have to spout?

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