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Infiltration - A Choose Your Own Adventure Story


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On 11/5/2021 at 3:48 PM, OrangeP47 said:

I was half expecting Shade to be the one to vote to land IN the Tiberium, but it's FRAYDO, well done.

What's a little tiberium poisoning to a Commando?


Also I was banking off the state of our inventory and surviving a bit of contact, plus the lack of any verified threats, movement aside.

On 10/14/2021 at 7:46 PM, Mojoman said:

2. Land in the Tiberium Field. Mayhem's field suit can protect him for a short time from Tiberium exposure. Aerial intelligence has not verified any threats, but movement has been seen in the field.

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I voted for landing near the Airstrip. Allow me to explain my reasoning.

Given that this is an Infiltration based game, it stands to reason that we're going to try to be as stealthy as possible, so I'm not worried about immediately running into a fight we can't win. The Nod Base is probably going to be our biggest source of headaches if and when the fireworks start, so while we're still undercover I think it'd be a good idea to assess the threat level. If it's little more than a few guys? Cool. If there's a tank that will give us trouble, we'll sneak away and know to prepare for such an engagement.

Also, I agree with the consensus that the village is likely not our best bet, as we have no idea how the villagers will react to our presence. Landing at the tib field isn't a good idea either IMO because we'd be going in with zero intel on what Nod could throw at us if things go belly-up. So, I say let's scout the base and leave without making our presence known.

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My choice is merely based on my own assumption that choices 1 & 2 essentially guarantees contact with an enemy and 3 might not. I feel like we aren't particularly well armed and I'm hoping the town presents an opportunity to somehow gather more equipment before moving on towards the objective.

I know that's a lot of blind assumptions, but that's what we're all doing at this point, so....

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34 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

My choice is merely based on my own assumption that choices 1 & 2 essentially guarantees contact with an enemy and 3 might not. I feel like we aren't particularly well armed and I'm hoping the town presents an opportunity to somehow gather more equipment before moving on towards the objective.

I know that's a lot of blind assumptions, but that's what we're all doing at this point, so....

There is a guaranteed in what you can expect to find at location 1 compared to all of the other locations.

If nothing else, you know that you can blow it up in order to provide a distraction.

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Coin flip results 2/3 for landing in Traschwandt.

Mayhem indicates to the pilot to fly over Transchwandt. It is about 2000h when he lands outside the village. The village consists of a few small suburbs, a Municipal Building in the town square, and the regular conveniences of life (grocery stores, churches, etc...). On the outskirts of the city, a few small farms are also present. There's an obvious class divide with houses of local notables being prominent compared to the regular houses.

The streets are lit by a few street lamps on the main strip, but many of the side streets are dark. There's no indication that Tiberium has taken root within the bounds of the village yet.

Mayhem noticed as he was coming down that there was no one on the streets and many of the buildings had their lights off. From where Mayhem landed, he noticed that the Municipal Building seemed to have a crowd gathered both in and outside the building.

Approaching closer to the building, Mayhem begins to hear voices, and many of them are not happy. Mayhem slips into an unoccupied building on the opposite side of the village square from the Municipal Building. Mayhem at this time is undetected by any townsfolk or authorities, he has seen no indication of stealth soldiers, or any Nod presence in the town.

Mayhem now plots his next move...

Additional info:

Mayhem is familiar with the local language, but his accent would give away that he is not from this part of the country at the very least. He would have no problem reading the local dialect either.


1.  Approach the Municipal Building to eavesdrop on the gathering. Mayhem is able to see a few access points to get into the building if needed and, other than at the front of the building, there doesn't appear to be any guards around the building.

2. Search the town. Mayhem is unsure how long the gathering at the Municipal Building will go on for, but from the occasional raised voice he hears, it seems he would have time to go to a few of the more prominent places in town before it breaks up.

3. Go to the farms on the outskirts. Mayhem's intel indicated that people and livestock had been disappearing over the last few months. Mayhem would also have additional time if the gathering was broken up early for any reason.

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1 hour ago, Mojoman said:

Oh no I borked it. If anyone knows how I could re-add the poll that'd be great. So I edited the original post and deleted the original question and now I can't make a poll.

I've only found an option to add in a poll when starting a new thread.

You might be stuck doing what we usually do and having to manually keep track of the votes like in our mafia games if you don't want to start a new thread.

Or linking to a poll hosted somewhere else.

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Right, Option 2 is the worst option at this point.

Looting the village is probably going to make us an enemy of everyone in the village and we probably won't find anything valuable by randomly searching either.

Option 1 is basically try and contact as many villagers as possible seeing if they can help us or Option 3 is basically contact as few of the villagers as possible.

Considering that contacting any villager is dangerous in ruining the stealth aspect of the mission, contacting multiple villagers really doesn't seem like it'll exponentially increase the risk to ourselves while it will exponentially increase our odds of finding some villagers that can help us.

So, I'll go with Option 1 @ Mojoman .

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##vote Option 1

I agree with Shade. Option 2 won't get us anywhere.  Option 3 could be useful for finding clues as to the disappearence, but we'd also be suffering from a lack of direction.

I'm not sure if I agree with contacting the villagers for help right now, but eavesdropping on the meeting might yield enough information to point us in the right direction. For example, they might namedrop a specific farmer who has disappeared, and we can then go to his farm to look for clues and try to discover some information. Y'know, something along those lines. Plus, we might pick up on their allegiance. Are they friendly towards GDI, Nod, both or neither?

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I'm also thinking option 1.  This is assuming we don't do something stupid to give ourselves away, but eh, we can't be making decisions based on our own competence (yet).  Option 3 seems like a 50/50 of finding something useful vs just wasting time.  With option 1, if we don't do anything useful, at least we're still in town.

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1 hour ago, FRAYDO said:

I'm going Choice 1 with intent to eavesdrop only. I would like to avoid unnecessary contact, and although there is no explicit Nod presence we may be risking conversing with a Nod sympathizer.

I feel like it's a bit late to plan on avoiding the villagers while having landed at the village.

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40 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

I feel like it's a bit late to plan on avoiding the villagers while having landed at the village.

Ironically this is probably one of the smartest things Shade has ever said despite the fact that I am too low-key hoping to avoid the villagers despite having pushed hard for landing at the village and now voting for option 1.

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2 hours ago, Threve said:

To be fair, if we can conceal a

Tiberium field suit
.50 cal silenced sniper rifle
C4 charges
Mossberg 500 shotgun

then we should be able to hold ourselves and blend in with the crowd. :smug:

Assuming we're not about to form a mob of angry villagers willing to attack the Research Center for us.

Because I really doubt we're going to get any useful info from a bunch of Villagers that have infiltrated or even scouted the Nod Research Center or Base in order to plan out an assault on them.

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1 hour ago, FRAYDO said:

Hey you were the guys who chose to land there! If it was my decision, we would be chilling in the Tiberium field and making friends with the Visceroids instead. :)

Have to go with the flow, and adapt to whatever option is actually voted upon.

I still call it counterproductive, to land at the Village and not make contact with the villagers, it defeats the entire point of that option being selected and amounts to us trying to undo what we just did.

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