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Showing most liked content on 04/01/2015 in all areas

  1. When we started W3D Hub, one of our goals was to eventually make every C&C game (excluding C&C4) into fun, addictive and polished first person shooters. There has been a lot of community desire for us to make this project, so we have decided that now is the time to announce it! Red Alert 3: Armageddon is a tactical shooter on the W3D Engine that aims to recreate the atmosphere and world of Red Alert 3 in a first/third person environment! RA3A will do for Red Alert 3 what games like TSR and AR have done for Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2! A direct sequel to Apocalypse Rising, RA3A will feature many of the interesting and crazy creations that made Red Alert 3 so memorable. Expect to see all three factions from Red Alert 3 battling it out across various interesting and unique maps! Here is a list of some of the amazing new features that we hope to bring to the table with RA3A: Base Building on Land & Sea Battle Bears Amphibious Units and Structures Transforming Units Giant Mechs Re-vamped melee system Magnet system Cryo systems Flyable Giga Fortress Shogun Executioner Boss Battle Mode Yuriko Gravity Gun-style Tank Juggling Sickles that can jump around the battlefield Blonde Tanya with "real" physics Engineer Boat Racing Time Machines RA3A will be led by myself, Moonsense, Wallywood and Teamwolf in a joint effort so that our focus can be placed solely on this game. Apocalypse Rising and Battle For Dune will take a bit longer to come out, but we hope that you bare with us and support our new and exciting project! Keep checking back for development updates in the new update forum here! We hope that you enjoy this announcement and support us in the coming months as we release more information on this fun and interesting new project!
  2. One of my concepts a while back was that, over time, the basic infantry would get upgraded such that you start at veteran level as soon as you buy them, thus giving them the teeth to go toe to toe with the top tier units and giving players who join late in the game some useful and cheap units to get started.
  3. I look forward to this feature the most , it should be included in every W3D game .
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  4. Well they would be on the same "team" as far as the game knows. It would just be a...superteam i guess is the word. It would just have all units from both sides. Friendly fire would protect against that because its all on the same side, just not the way we see it. Tell me if im making sense.... I understand it I can't think of a way to have 2 war factories building different units though. Not on the same team. You could just have a mixture of both factions buildings, eg. Allies WF , Soviet Barracks, Allied PP, Soviet Refinery, Allied ground defense turret, Soviet AA turret etc. make the area around the base quite small and it would give the impression that both commanders had only limited room to work with when setting up the base so couldn't set up multiples of the same structure (eg. Allied WF and Soviet WF)
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  5. This is honestly the hardest part, I've dicked with this for years, and while I've got it to the point where I can record all the vehicle/infantry positions at any point in time, thus allowing me to roll the game back to a previous state, there is still the issue of players quitting and joining that I have yet to iron out. Hey now, the only reason I think this game sucked was due to how hard they ruined harvesting.
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  6. April fools! Who would seriously take the time to turn a piece of shit into a piece of shit up close?
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  7. Yay enhanced breast physics? Haha... They lost me with the bears man :/ We'll have bears in no time with Jerad's help for sure. Well beings Bear Island already has bears fully animated as infantry all that's really needed is the 3D model.
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  8. I will also be joining W3D Hub to help with this project!
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  9. cause of this: "Blonde Tanya with "real" physics"
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  10. Or.......Add the Weed Eater unit! Solely for mowing units and then give the buggy the buff suggested here Just kidding, I like what both of you said but i would like to see the Weed Eater one day. Might be a good April fools for next year
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  11. I would wait for the vehicle veterancy feature implementet in the game. So ist not a matter of time to get uber buggys but a matter of skill. You wont get elite buggys too early if the balance is right.
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  12. Well I am sorry that you can't just pop up randomly from a completely invincible and partially invisible state and just burn any infantry down effortlessly. Especially heavy AT infantry Especially heavy AT infantry which costs twice the price of your DT Especially the one and only proper AT infantry GDI has atm. And it's not like DTs already MELT buildings, can go invincible at any point of time and any crushable guy will have a hard time surviving their attack.
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  13. had to read that comic strip again... yep was still just as funny as last night! Interesting to know though... it does make me giggle how much internet drama there is focused around things like this.
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  14. Fixed the title. Also thanks for the heads up. UPD: Kinda counter-intuitive to release actual updates on April Fools don't you think?
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  15. Thing is, the buggy can run people over easily (insti kills everything except GS and Uma) whereas the Wolverine struggles to run over even Cyborgs (which does nothing to them anyway) And the Wolverine still sucks at killing Infantry in most cases due to bunny hopping Infantry being very hard to hit (but it rapes Nod laser turrets, even though said turrets sliced Wolverines to bits in the TS cutscenes) I wonder if you could have something like a timer ingame set up so that once the game hits a certain period (ie roughly when people have the money for the good stuff like Titans and Tick Tanks) a beefed up version of the Buggy/Wolverine becomes available and replaces the original version. Give them lock on guns/auto turrets perhaps or add aoe splash damage or even wide projectiles similar to the disruptor to make gunning down footsloggers easier. suppose you're right. But why would you encourage to run over then to shoot when you have a ranged weapon?
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  16. Well they would be on the same "team" as far as the game knows. It would just be a...superteam i guess is the word. It would just have all units from both sides. Friendly fire would protect against that because its all on the same side, just not the way we see it. Tell me if im making sense.... I understand it I can't think of a way to have 2 war factories building different units though. Not on the same team.
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  17. zunnie started this because he was frustrated with the APB developers at the time. Now that he's friendly with APB again, there's no reason for the game to exist any more. At the time it was funny because this appeared on Renforums. NSFW by the way.
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  18. While this is probably possible (not sure), it sounds an awful lot like the tech level system that was in place on APB a while back, which was very unpopular. Thats just my opinion though, it might work well if properly implemented
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  19. I had terribly inflamed gums until I started flossing.. All good now though true story
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