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Showing most liked content on 01/23/2016 in all areas

  1. Patching you in, please standby... Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update As has been stated, development on Red Alert: A Path Beyond continues. In fact, Pushwall and the team have released a new patch based on your feedback! In this update you will see map adjustments, infantry, vehicle, and boat changes, several aesthetic improvements, and more! But that's just the short of it. Here's the long of it: Changelist GENERAL The damage nuclear weapons do to units has been nerfed significantly; infantry take 1/3 as much damage as before (which will still kill most of them unless they're on the edge of the weapon's range, but Volkov can now barely survive a point blank demo) and vehicles take half as much damage. INFANTRYThe Medic has a new weapon: The MP5-N sub-machinegun. Compared to the "semi auto" M16 he previously had, this reduces his killing power from afar due to its lower accuracy and range (max range is halfway between that of the pistol and the M16) but in close quarters it is essentially a PKM with slightly more stopping power in exchange for a considerably smaller magazine and slightly worse accuracy. As a result, he is much more useful in CQB situations (where he is most likely to be used). [The MP5-N was modeled by Ric, originally textured by The_Beerinator, and modified by Killing_You.] The Medic Kit's healing rate for armour is up from 0.5/sec to 1/sec. Half of the money you get for killing infantry is now given for damaging them instead. Fixed the points/money rewards for killing Sergeants/Thieves, which were 1% of what they should have been. Reduced movement penalties for the Shock Rifle. AI Snipers have 3 times the normal delay between shots, and 2 times the normal reload time. Grenadier splash radius up from 7.5 to 8. Flamethrower splash damage up from 25 to 27.5. Shock Rifle splash damage up from 5 to 7.5. VEHICLES Ranger price up from 500 to 600. Ore Truck price down from 1400 to 1000. Tesla Tank splash damage up from 15 to 20. Handling on Gunboat, Destroyer and Naval Transport has been improved. Depth charge "proximity" up from 17.5m to 25m. Attack Sub torpedo damage multiplier to buildings up from 0.1333 to 0.15 (a 12.5% increase) Attack Sub torpedo projectile speed up from 40 to 50. Destroyer rocket damage down from 80 to 75. Missile Sub rocket damage up from 40 to 42.5. Mine limit is up from 50 to 60. Each team cannot have more than 2 Demo Trucks on the field at once. Mammoth Tank's rate of fire is now equal to the Heavy Tank's. Ranger/APC guns have double the magazine capacity but they now mimic the damage/ROF of their handheld versions instead of just being better. Minelayers can carry a passenger. Supply Trucks, APCs, Naval Transports and Chinooks can now carry 6 people instead of 5. Added hud help text to Mobile Radar Jammer/MAD Tank explaining how to deploy/detonate. Mobile Gap Generator can no longer take a passenger since passengers screw with the bubble. BUILDINGS Dead Ore Silos can no longer be stolen from. Fixed Soviet Ore Silos having slightly less health than Allied ones. AESTHETICSThe Grenadier's frag grenade has an updated model and first-person animation. Fixed the Grenadier's blocky thumb. The Helipad's appearance has been altered to be more consistent with the Refill Pad, and its light animation now only plays when reloading a unit and not all the time. Fixed z-fighting on the first person M16. The "ghost" M16 now uses the new M16 model. Bullet casings, grenades and depth charges are now properly lit. Silenced Beretta has a smoke puff. Pistols have bullet casings now, and rifles have new ones. Mobile Gap Generator now has a funnel like the normal Gap Generator. A bunch of sounds have been enhanced: Tanya's Colt .45 firing Longbow engine Volkov's voice/handcannon switching/reloading/AP firing LST engine Tesla Tank/MRJ engine Mammoth Tank engine/firing Door sounds Light Tank engine/firing Phase Tank engine/firing AA Gun firing M60 firing Defenses rotating C4 ticking Gunboat firing/reloading Cruiser firing (Seamist) PERFORMANCEDecals on dynamic objects (like units and base defenses) have been disabled due to the crashiness and visual issues surrounding them. They may be reimplemented at a later date when they are more stable. MAP CHANGES RA_AS_Seamist: Allied unit composition has changed: Start with 1 less Light Tank and APC After 5 minutes, they gain 1 Medium Tank and APC by Chinook airdrop. In the LST drop, a Medium Tank and APC are downgraded to a Light Tank and Ranger. RA_AS_Seamist: Soviets now have a Service Depot by their Helipad. RA_Fissure: Removed Thieves and Mechanics from the purchase list. RA_Fissure: Timer shortened to 10 minutes. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Changed some things with the Chrono Vortex event. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Timer shortened to 12 minutes 30 seconds. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added a couple places for crates to spawn away from the control points. RA_GuardDuty: Allied ore tunnel and Soviet north mountain pass are now impassable to vehicles. RA_GuardDuty: Removed some overlapping water sounds. RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Minelayers now work, so the map shall be added back into the rotation! RA_PacificThreat: Flight ceiling is raised from 37.5m to 50m. RA_Pipeline: Added a Flame Tower/Pillbox to the WF side base entrances. RA_RidgeWar: Replaced the Tesla Coil with a Flame Tower. RA_RockTrap: Reduced the chance for health crates and added an MP5-N crate. RA_RockTrap: Added a couple places for crates to spawn away from the control points. Get to the launcher and grab this patch update. Be on the lookout for more updates, and see you on the battlefield!
  2. More importantly: Slenderkov shall be missed. He was so handsome.
  3. Total Annihilation: Extinction has been announced! Read more on the forums! Introduction Greetings and salutations, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, of all ages, genders, sexualities, preferences, colors, and religious beliefs or lack thereof. It is my pleasure to announce that we are officially developing Total Annihilation: Extinction, which will be a total conversion modification for Renegade, and will put players in the four thousand year conflict between the supremacist CORE empire and the ARM resistance! Background This mod has actually been around for a while. Danpaul88 started working on it before he joined the AR team, with many of the earliest models dating back over ten years! In the more recent past (probably about 5 years ago) cnc95fan had a stint at the helm of the project, but it never gained much traction and has mostly lain dormant on dan's NAS all these years. We're hoping to revive this nascent project and finally bring a compelling TA experience to the W3D engine! The concept Danpaul summed it all up perfectly internally, so I'll just repost what he said here! The Premise "What began as a conflict over the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machines escalated into a war that has decimated a million worlds. The CORE and the ARM have all but exhausted the resources of a galaxy in their struggle for domination. Both sides now crippled beyond repair, the remnants of their armies continue to battle over ravaged planets, their hatred fueled by over four thousand years of total war. This is a fight to the death. For each side, the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination of the other." -Total Annihilation Intro Thousands of years in the future, humanity reached an age of prosperity. Hunger, disease, poverty... all were eliminated as we colonized the galaxy. Then, a group of scientists discovered one possible path to immortality: Planting their minds into machines. This process was called "patterning," and quickly became mandatory. However, many people disagreed, and were vocally opposed to this process. Soon, the debate became violent, and war broke out between the CORE empire and the ARM rebellion. CORE Hailing from the metal world of Core Prime, The CORE Empire seek total control of the galaxy, and the elimination of organic life. Preferring artificial intelligence to pilot their units, they are almost completely geared for combat. Their units are more expensive than their ARM counterparts, but they make up for it with superior armor and firepower. ARM Based on the distant world of Empyrrean, the ARM rebellion rose against the patterning process, and now seek to destroy the CORE empire once and for all. All of their pilots consist of clones. Although not as strong as their CORE counterparts, ARM units enjoy being faster and less expensive. They also carry a number of specialized units that, if used properly, can turn a tough struggle into an easy victory. Tasty Images Would you like to see some special behind-the-scenes screenies of some of the stuff we have? Wish granted! Here we have an early wireframe of the ARM's primary KBot, the PeeWee! This is a model of the ARM's early defense, the LLT! And a beautiful shot of the ARM Thunder flying around! We want YOU! We've got a great team here at W3D Hub, but most of us are dedicated to other projects at the moment. So there's no time like the present to lend a hand! We need people who are experienced with modeling, texturing, animating, mapping, and coding! If you are interested in this project, just shoot a PM to either myself or danpaul88. If you're interested in helping W3D Hub in general, fire off a PM to: -One Winged Angel -Teamwolf -danpaul88 -moonsense715 -Wallywood -Jerad2142 We'll get back to you asap! In Conclusion We're excited to get this project going, and we will keep you all posted as development unfolds! See you next time!
  4. While I've yet to see how the patch has affected the game, I've always boiled games down to four factors when I'm guessing who would win in that match: Number of players, skill of players, how they cooperate and luck. If there are low numbers but highly skilled players, it comes down to who can fight more effectively with their faction. If there are high numbers of fresh meat players to the game, it usually comes down to who has the more skilled players or the side that cooperates better. However, if one side is full of fresh meat players go up against a team of pros, the fresh meat players are going to need a shitton of luck and cooperation to win.
  5. Generally what I see is Soviets hunkering down and getting heavies on the first dump. Sometimes they go on a preliminary rush, and it has worked to varying degrees. Usually the Allies can hold it off and then counter with a Light rush. One instance, however, that I've seen resulted in the Soviets taking out the Ore Silo and War Factory. We died shortly afterwards, then steamrolled with heavies for a swift win. It all comes down to how well your team can play to the strengths of the faction in question.
  6. Back in my day....the V2's missile didn't have an arc and could fly in a straight line. Only problem was you had to turn the damn thing to aim it if you wanted to use it in place of a tank.
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  7. I think the T2B and T4B look really ugly, and I'd rather they just be forgotten about... As for a Tiberium replacement, well "minerals" or "ore" would probably do just fine.
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  8. I'd say let the balance bed in for a while. We've only just released, so lets have some more games and then talk about the balance when it's a bit clearer in our minds.
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  9. The graphics are better than they were a decade ago, the netcode is comparable, and the playerbase is comparable, so I wouldn't consider any of these things to be "nails in the coffin." Where oldbies left, newbies stepped in, and as long as there is a community to have fun playing these games, and as long as Windows keeps supporting them (and last I checked, Windows 10 does), they'll be fine. People play new games, sure, but in this community many of them keep playing these games regularly. See: APB Delta.
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  10. Very well, let's see if I can pull off something interesting. (Back story first.) The Republic of Caladoria Caladoria is a Republic in which an elected president is tasked with the democratic checks. The world on which the country resides, is enduring turbulant times. Many great powers and empires have been at war during the World war around twenty years ago. However, despite the devastating effect of the war, conflicts still occur and battleships still roam the oceans in order to portray their owner's strenght. Caladoria, however, sits in a more peaceful part of the world. Being settled by explorers from the old empires 200 years ago, it won its independence 85 years ago when it assisted its ruler in a bloody war. Even though Caladoria had the status of ''colony'' only 85 years ago, it has already followed the great power's example and has started colonising several islands and a former Yuang province after winning them in the World war. (Although the nation was neutral on the outbreak of the war, it was dragged in after a Rodonelle fleet accidently sunk Caladoria's capital ship and two escorts.) Caladoria's industry has been booming over the past 85 years and it recently introduced a new innovation to the world: the assembly line. The economic prospects are look good and many believe that the republic's powerful economy and industry, combined with its ability to sustain herself and ultilise her colonies will soon grand Caladoria her great power title. The Caladorian Presidential Army. The Caladorian Presidential Army focuses on mobility, firepower, and versatility to combat its foes. Its armed forces can quickly move around the area with their quick tanks and half-tracks while their dedicated specialists are able to put out some serious firepower. Due to the (assumed) lower technological level of the Caladorians compared to their (to be introduced) adversaries, this feeling of overwhelming firepower may not always be present. This doesn't mean that the president's army is weak, for they have a few tricks up their sleves. The almost complete lack of rockets and missiles will prevent their projectiles from being deflected or intercepted while tactical use of smoke can change entire engagements in just a fraction of a second. Strenghts: High mobility, Vesatility, Concentrated firepower, Combined arms, Low power requirements Weaknesses: Protection, Manned base defenses, No projectile interceptors, No heavy ''breakthrough'' tanks/mechs/whatever, No stealth Housecolour: Dark Green [x]
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  11. Also it's possible that other games might have been released on the launcher in the meantime.
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  12. 1) playing red alert 1 like a boss way back in 98 2) played as Russia cus cheap units is boss 3) spam a crap ton of grenaiders cus grenaiders are broken as boss 4) attack the ground then attack on mini map where enemy builds are like a true micro boss 5) grinaides fly across map and 1 shot buildings like a boss 6) repeat process till win like a cheating boss with glitch abuse 7) mis clicked and killed entire grenadier army, not very boss like proceed to cry
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  13. We really should do this, maybe danpaul will be able to put some time into that once a certain project gets all the client support it needs to be released >.> Until that happens, I recommend using RenList
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  14. I once hijacked a Mammoth in TS on Forest Fires with the help of a mobile stealth generator, then turned it back to the enemy's base. It basically looked as though the mammoth just flat out disappeared in front of the GDI player.
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