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Showing most liked content on 04/05/2016 in all areas

  1. Yeah, it was an Aegis cruiser, so it followed the same rules as the other AA-only weapons: no damage to anything that's not air units or (surfaced) naval units, and very ltitle to surfaced naval units at that. On a map with no air units.
  2. Tiberian Sun: Reborn is back! Check this news post for more information. Announcement Hey everyone. A lot of people have been questioning the future of Reborn, and what has been going on behind the scenes. I am here today to clear a lot of things up and present to you a small preview as to what we have planned for the next major update for Reborn. Bear with me if this is a lot of reading, but it will be worth it. Behind closed doors A lot of you know that this game is a hobby for us so, sometimes real life steps in the way of that. This past year, I have been struggling with a lot of real life issues. These have included: A hand surgery, unemployment, and even the loss of my father; all this while trying to maintain a healthy family environment. So--needless to say--these things have taken up the majority of my time. Much like life, even the roughest storms will calm, and life starts to level out. With this hobbies can become relevant again. I am proud to announce the team has begun work on the Tiberian Sun: Reborn release! What does this mean? What this means is that we will be going in and revising the entire game to prep it for what could be considered a final release. Now that does not mean that this is it or that future items will not be implemented. But rather the game will feel complete and we would be able to add future items that would not directly effect the core of the game. The idea would be much like APB's Delta release. To where, things could still be balanced or added on a whim without disrupting its current game play. What can I expect? You can expect several things in the new release, including (but not limited to): A complete overhaul of the gameplay and balance, making TSR more fun overall! A complete redo of several of our buildings and units! Perhaps even some new ones! Overhauls to existing maps, reintroduction of some old maps, and even some new maps! Some brand new features to make your TSR more interesting! And of course, bug fixes. Closing We are still working out most of the details regarding TSR 2.0 and hope to have more updates for the public soon. Including pictures, videos, and in depth details about what to expect in this future build. We are sorry it has taken this long to address the public but given the circumstances. I hope everyone can understand why. Thank you all for your continued support. We can't wait to see you on the battlefield! Also I did manage to find this great video of One Winged Angel boxing in his room.
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  3. Update: Alright guys, thanks for your requests. I have made the decision to create a new Fjord entirely from scratch, and without using Blackwolf's design. The new Fjord will be heavy on the industrial theme, feature a dam (well, duh), a bunch of ice, oh and some water. And bases, yeah. Bases. Look for updates on development progress on this map in the near future! ----------------- Hello everyone! A while back I finished the Hostile Waters remake, and I said I'd try and find time for another contribution to APB in April. So April is now here, and I got some time! I have spoken with Pushwall about what my contribution should be this month. After briefly checking our options we decided that it was probably a good idea to simply ask you, the players, what map you would like to see return or introduced to A Path Beyond: Delta. There aren't really any limitations to requests. You liked a map from the .9935 era but the original developer is no longer around to remake it for APB Delta? Let me know! You liked an official map from past APB versions that is currently missing from the official map roster? Let me know! You got a new idea entirely, one that you think works in APB and isn't a mod-request? Let me know! In the event no clear fan favorite exists, I reserve the right to pick something that I personally like and believe can be done. It must also be said that if a popular request for an old fan map exists, then I can only work on a remake for it if the original creator is no longer around to do it. I will see which request is the most popular at latest by Sunday, April 3rd. So place your requests here as soon as possible! Eins-Edit: Hey guys, here's a link to an archive I've been building. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bzcnim4baG7fU2VnOVc2RV9IWTg You can check out the different maps that have existed over time and see which ones you like! Push-Edit: And here's a link to an archive of Red Alert 1 map screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/photos/97634864@N04/albums For anyone who wants to recreate RA1 maps it's a handy reference. I don't know who actually maintains that album but he's a p cool guy I guess!
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  4. I'm new here to the site and the forum. I noticed there are not Renegade servers up anywhere due to a "hacker" DDOSing them. which isn't cool. So i remembered there is TS: Reborn And RenAlert aka Red Alert: A Path Beyond. SO i googled and ran across you guys and this site/forums/ So i am currently downloading and installing them. I cant wait to play. I spammed the site on two other forums to draw more people because I only saw that there were 3 people on TS and no one on Red Alert. here's the proof: http://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=5624.0 http://rencorner.com/index.php?/topic/9051-other-renegade-games/ You're welcome. i will post in Blizzhackers.cc also when their forums come back up. Idk if they are doing a maintenance check atm or what. Edit: I'm also gonna post on my facebook and Instagram too.
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  5. This is exactly what Killer Mine Layer boy was referring to....
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  6. Captain America, cause his 'tude is way better. Also you can't trust the government.
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  8. Technically, the most powerful member is Scarlet Witch, and the power difference between Iron Man and Captain America isn't very big. Iron Man has the most advanced weapons and armor of all time, while Cap has a nigh indestructible shield, super soldier enhancements, and advanced combat training. It's asymmetrical, but close enough to be an interesting discussion. Also, Bucky did get the serum treatment. He just got it courtesy of HYDRA rather than Howard Stark.
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  9. It appears I'm a little too late, but I always thought it's funny that our namesake map, A Path Beyond, isn't in the rotation. That's one that could really use remake.
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  10. I still wish Zama was an air map with no nukes. I liked how beautiful the map looked from above, and intercepting enemy assaults. Oh well, wishful thinking.
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  11. Guys, act your age, not your warhead size...
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  12. And then there's me, n00b extraordinaire at your service!
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  13. Looks like I'm a little late but here is what I'd love to see come to delta 1. RA_Ivory_Wastelands.mix (base layouts heavily modified, no cliffs.) 2. RA_NorthByNorthwest.mix (probably my favorite apb map, honestly feel like it could just be ported as is though.) 3. RA_Alpine_Lake.mix (needs a lot of work but it's very nostalgic for me.) 4. RA_ShallowGrave.mix (expanded lake? River with a bridge coming over one side of the map?) 5. RA_Volcano.mix ( I don't know why but I've always liked this map even if the volcano is just a lol hill.)
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  14. Hmm... I wonder if this means death to the constant jumping combat. And possibly a change of vehicle ranking/level up.
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  15. Warning: Rebarn detected. Countermeasures activated.
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