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Showing most liked content on 11/12/2016 in all areas

  1. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update on the forums, and stay tuned for more news soon! Changelist GENERAL Fixed radio command spam. Tesla weapons have been nerfed a bit against infantry, having their direct damage removed entirely but having the damage-over-time effect buffed. Since only direct damage gets affected by limb multipliers, this means that shooting an enemy in the chest or leg will do exactly as much as shooting them in the head. So Shock Rifles still kill most infantry in two shots but can't upgrade to instant kills via headshots any more, and Tesla Tanks still kill regular infantry in one shot but can't one-shot Tanyas via headshots any more and need another shot (or possibly splash) to kill anything tougher than a rifle/rocket soldier. Mousing over a targetable object and then mousing over a hidden phase tank/gapped object no longer instantly removes the target box, so this method cannot be used to scan for such units. Some rebalancing to the new event; details are confidential though INFANTRY Infantry now take half as much damage from barbed wire. C4/Tanya C4 damage to heavy vehicles (LT/HT/Med/APC/ML) up by 50%. C4 damage to aircraft up by 100%. C4 damage to Ore Trucks up by 100%. C4 damage to building exteriors down from 12.5% to 10%. Tanya C4 damage to building exteriors up from 12.5% to 20%. VEHICLES Vehicles now take half as much damage from deep water. Tesla Tank inaccuracy up from 0.25 to 0.5. Tesla Tank range down from 125 to 122.5. Hind damage to naval units down by ~17% (0.3 -> 0.25) Longbow damage to naval units down by ~17% (0.9 -> 0.75) BUILDINGS SAM Site rockets can no longer travel significantly further than the SAM Site's target acquisition range. Soviet Ore Silos, Refill Pads and Service Depots now properly give 100 points to each Allied player when destroyed like Allied ones do for Soviet players. Concrete Wall health up from 150 to 225. AESTHETICS Flamethrower, Shock Rifle and Volkov's handcannons no longer "tilt" while reloading (since they don't "reload" in a conventional manner) All weapons and vehicles now have proper HUD strings (only relevant if you're using a custom HUD like Threve's) MAPS RA_CamosCanyon_Bots: Infantry bots at home no longer remain idle and block ore trucks until an enemy comes into view. Revived RA_CanyonRiver! Map now meets Delta standards--terrain remade from the ground up, with scattered foliage and objects to match. New series of tunnels connects the two caves where the river enters and exits the map (allowing a vehicle route completely hidden from the main thoroughfare), plus offshoot tunnels as infantry routes that connect to the main map area. Allied War Factory rotated to a position that complements the Barracks. Defenses added to the bases. Each team gets two silos, each team's silo area spruced up with fenced-in area that contains a PT and some props. New lighting, plus scripted weather and fog scheme. Vis fitted for additional player comfort. Added a waterfall, foam, small ponds, a retaining wall with a tunnel, a graveyard, guard towers, scaffolding, sculpted cliffs, and so many more things that are too numerable to mention here! RA_Fissure: Thief zone exists now on the lower Soviet silo. Made it a little harder to get close to the lower Soviet silo. RA_HostileWaters: Added a small chance of getting a Golden Wrench crate. This depleted Golden Wrench only has 40 ammo (enough to capture anything except a teamed SD/rpad - it will still neutralise those though making it possible to capture them with a second wrench) and cannot repair buildings. RA_PacificThreat: Fixed the ugly slope by the Soviet barracks. RA_StormyValley: Rocket partisan should be more aggressive now. RA_Under: Tesla Tanks can no longer jam Allied radar from the central plateau.
  2. Precisely. People are who are/were disillusioned with the current state of affairs have been/are being silenced by today's political correctness. Forcing this view onto people will only make it more likely for people to vote for the opposition, they feel heard, they feel that said candidate/option/whatever represents possible change and they are sick and tired for not being allowed to express their views lest they be branded as racist/sexist/homophobic/*inserreligionorminorityhere*phobic. There are more reasons, but this is one of the main ones. And the worst thing is that people haven't learned and continue to brand the voters like this even if they may not be herpaderpaphobic at all.
  3. apb forklift shood be able to impale people
  4. I digged some good old german forklift instruction parody vid from 2001. I wanted to share it since it might help our local polish workforce voe (even though he might know about it already, but good reminder) Warning: Contains blood and gore
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  5. Someone just made a video of a VR RA2 game. I never thought that someone could make a VR RTS work, but here it is.
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  6. I'd love to see a remake of Shallow Grave.
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  7. Funny, I was thinking about CanyonRiver the other day, I'm glad it's returning. Will we see other maps return in the future? Also glad that radio spam has been addressed again.
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  8. You can break down his win to one simple thing: voter turnout. Republicans have been sick of eight years of democratic policies and the MSM had spent the past year pushing grossly incorrect polls projecting upwards of 80% chance of a Clinton win. Factor the Clinton scandal and Bernie Sanders being cheated out of the primary turning many democrats over to the republican side and you have a prime case for an easy Donald Trump win. It's almost as if the establishment wanted it to happen.
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  9. I found the following kinda humorous. Shows how people underestimated both Trump and a large part of the US population. If anybody wants to know why I think he won and what I think is taking place in the world right now, feel free to ask. Just don't feel like spending time on the post if people don't think I should bother.
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