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Showing most liked content on 05/24/2017 in all areas

  1. I at least replaced the Nod insignia on his shoulder with the original C&C one. Yak shenanigans video from today. My favorite moment was probably the C4'd Yak at the very end, but the midair collisions come close.
  2. I once played a game of APB a while ago where it was just me vs him, and he/she/it said "Sorry, I don't play with losers" and left the game, just because I'm the only other player in the server. I'm pretty sure it's because of the fit he/she/it had when I was wrecking him in rebarn a few years earlier, and ended up getting kicked by someone else as a result of his/her/their excess salt. It's ironic, because a move/gesture like that coming from somebody calling someone else a loser is just poor show.
  3. 2 likes
  4. Hi all! It's been awhile since I've posted here, I've mostly been lurking, reading updates and such. I had to log back in though, because I have to talk about something extremely important. Net Neutrality. The definition of Net Neutrality is "the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites." This means that all data flows the same way, from everywhere. If you want to watch a movie on Netflix, or stream that movie on a different website, then they will both use the same speed connection, and the connection cannot be slowed down or blocked. However, the FCC has recently voted to strike this down, and is currently in the debating state. Come August(the 8th, I believe), if nothing is done about it, Net Neutrality will be voted out, giving Internet Service Providers like Comcast free reign over your connection speed and that of others. They will be able to freely throttle or block data from any website, for any reason, and charge the owners to get the speed back, without any legal repercussions. I don't know where W3DHub is based, what your finances are like, or what ISPs would charge for uncompromised data flow, but it may very well make this website unusable, and W3DHub's games unplayable. Which is why I want to warn you. W3DHub is a fantastic place, with great members, and talented devs who are still making the most out of a game engine over a decade old, and doing a damn good job of it. Each mod has a lot of love and hard work thrown into it, with some mods still in development, and I want those mods to be able to be shared for years to come, and I'm sure you do too. Please, support Net Neutrality. Call your Representative, call or email the FCC, join a march, anything. The FCC is pushing this hard, but we can push harder.
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  5. Correct The game servers are hosted in the Netherlands. We have no issues with fcc
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  6. You people are control freaks and are willing to fix something which isn't broken. You can't design a rigid system which would account for all the nuances of every single player playing the game. Drop the topic before something breaks for real.
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  7. Well it's been a long time, so this is no longer an issue anyway; Camo figured out a way to make weapons rotate through more than 2 barrels without hogging an animation to do so. This can already be seen in action with APB's Destroyer which uses all 6 missile tubes but still has its bobbing/antenna animation. This feature has already been applied to the Juggernaut so it will fire all its barrels appropriately without breaking mech animations. TS-esque burst fire will likely not happen though because if it exists people will just tap-fire to bypass it, which defeats the entire point of it existing.
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  8. When I ragequit, it's mostly because of 2-3 reasons that make the game not fun for me anymore: 1) I feel as though a player has specifically targeted me to killwhore over and over and said player typically has a high-tier character (tanya or volkov, with the latter being the more infuriating) 2) My team lost 1-2 major structures in the first 5 minutes of the game and now the other team seems to be dragging out the rest of the match for a killwhore session to boost their rank (because kills gets ranks) 3) My team decided to quit leaving me and 2-3 other people trying desperately to defend against 6 or more with none of the admins deciding to balance the teams to any degree. I know that can't always be done, but hell, having more people on a team makes numbers 1 and 2 way less likely to happen. Ultimately my suggestion is to see if there isn't a way to get the bot to balance the teams without making those players start all over from scratch or interrupting a current attack. E.g. you won't be swapped until you die. Then if players return you get swapped back the next time you die (obviously, the latter would make !killme be a bit more abused, but for the most part that's a moot point). It'd also be nice to have some sort of limit on the number of spies. Too many times have I seen a losing soviet team that looks balanced only because of spies. It's very rage inducing.
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  9. Demanding changes without cause will only get you resistance bud. Care to explain why Pushwall should just undo a significant portion of his hard work?
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  10. v0.41 I've discovered a small few bugs and/or better ways to do certain things in code since the last release. Here's the rundown! Fixed bug where IRC profiles could show up twice in the list in the when editing a server profile. Fixed bug where the IRC profile field could be blank, which could in certain cases cause a crash. Changed delay before connecting to IRC from 10 to 15 seconds in an attempt to fix a bug where network/internet latency could cause the IRC connection to terminate prematurely, resulting in a failed !auth attempt. I'm looking for a better way to implement this so I can eliminate issues with slow connections completely. Implemented better delay code which allows the program UI to stay responsive rather than frozen from the effects of the previously threading.thread.sleep() method. Corrected text on Save button when editing an IRC profile. Due to certain antivirus applications causing a ruckus, and me deciding to be lazy now, I will no longer be attempting to obfuscate the code for this program. I initially tried it, as it is considered "best practice", but I've deemed it not worth it in this case. Don't know what this means? Don't worry about it Now that the W3D-Hub downloads section is up and running, I will be making use of it! I have pinned a perma-link to the OP where you can always find the most up-to-date version!
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  11. Aren't we based in a hidden Europe-based server room in which Strike sleeps and vigilantly guards the data with his life 24-7 from the forces of evil? Or so the legend goes...
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  12. Finally had a moment to resume work on the Hostile Waters revamp, here is one of the two new naval landing spots (iceberg top not finished): This is also the general art direction for all things industrial on the map (including the new "land route").
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  13. I think that marketing our projects as independent games, (whilst EA said we could release them as standalones) is a risky move due to the legal implications. By saying that our projects are Renegade mods, it instantly sets it apart from your average free-to-play games that may or may not have monetisation. With a mod you always know it's going to be free, which at first glance is good at getting our message across that we are free forever. I think that the best way to describe the projects would be standalone total-conversion mods. We started with a game, Renegade, and built off of that; so I think that classification fits us well without stepping into the murky waters of indie, free-to-play and freemium games.
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  14. W3DHub cannot accept revenue from the games provided. However to host services like game servers, donations are accepted.
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  15. Thanks to the STLPort stuff I've been able to fully reimplement the filesystem code and the string file parser now. I've also mapped out most of the global options class, a few members are still unknown or uncertain, but all the user configurable options are mapped.
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  16. Author: Ripper86 Skill level: 1 This tutorial will show you how to modify a texture of any ingame W3D model. 1. Get the texture Extract a texture file (dds) from the always.dat file found in the Data folder of any game. I`ve chosen w_c4-r.dds, that`s Third person Remote C4 in Renegade. Important thing to remember, the pixel format, pending on what texture you mod it will change. Game objects will usually be DXT1, hud objects will usually be DXT5. 2. Modify the texture Open the file in Photoshop. On the popup asking to load Mip Maps, click no. Edit your texture to your taste, the easiest thing I do is change the Hue/Saturation. If you are doing this, use the marquee select tool to select what you want to change, then go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, make sure you have Colorise ticked. Pick a colour using the hue bar then tweak the colour using the saturation bar and if needed the brightness bar. I have chosen the "Pimp" purple. 3. Save the texture Go to File > Save as Make the file save as a DDS and click save. Remember that important thing I told you to remember? now we`re using it. If it was DXT1 follow these options and click save. If it was DXT5 change save format to Interpolated Alpha (DXT5) and save. 4. Finish Now put your DDS file in your game's Data directory. This makes the engine use your new texture file here instead of the one in always.dat. If you want to use the original texture again, just move the file out of your Data folder or delete it. That`s it! Now the fun part, testing!! Heres my final result: Well I hope you learned something. Thanks for reading, Ripper86.
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