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  1. [blurb]Expansive Civilian Warfare on W3D Hub! It's a popular standalone Renegade mod that offers lunacy, chaos, and fun for all! [/blurb] W3D HUB PROUDLY PRESENTS: Created by Blazea58, Jerad2142, Canadacdn, & Napalmic Expansive Civilian Warfare (or ECW) is a popular standalone Renegade mod that recently joined with W3DHub in 2015. Since then, it has been subjected to rigorous balance testing, polishing, script and map additions. What role might you play in the streets of San Casina and its surrounding areas?! WHAT IS EXPANSIVE CIVILIAN WARFARE? ECW was originally Roleplay2.mix, a popular map/mod for C&C Renegade that has since evolved into a standalone game which bares little in common with its predecessor, besides the physical map. Unlike RP2, ECW has been bestowed with improved frame rate, a myriad of new game modes, new areas to explore, jobs to level up, perks to unlock and houses to buy! What began as a merger of San Andreas to Renegade has since taken on an wholly unique identity of its own which is filled with lunacy run amok in a vibrant and living world. Whether you're an old returning player from EKT or NopWorks, or just a greenhorn, odds are you'll find something exciting or impressive to enjoy in ECW. There are jobs to work, disasters to survive, incredible vehicles to command, houses to buy and customize, as well as perks to discover. Whether it be fighting off giant spirit deer, buying and then defending your house from other ruthless players, or even seeking out a meager existence in your fishing trawler. You'll come to find that ECW has something for everyone! A massive, vibrant, open world that's 100,000 x 150,000 meters to explore. Weather effects that influence your character & gameplay at large, Watch out for tornadoes! Over 100 different weapons and items. Over 47 different player controllable vehicles which include: Tanks, Cars, Boats, Submarines, Helicopters, Jets, Mechanical Walkers, ICBM's, Aerospace vehicles, & Orbital Ion Cannons! Jobs: Fishing, Cashier, Train Conductor, Police Officer, Firefighter, Contractor, Truck Driver, Exotic Dancer, Drug Dealer, Professional Gambler, and more, for the player to make money. Frequent events & disasters from invasions, protests, convoys, or meteor showers & more! Smart AI that can drive vehicles, form teams, and decide if they like a player or not based on the players actions. Numerous factions roam the streets of San Casina, from the police, to mobsters and even militants! Numerous varieties of wildlife inhabit the map, some of which you can purchase and befriend as your pet! Houses that can be bought by the player, and customized to their liking. A cell phone system, which is the most useful item in ECW. It allows the transfer of money into the bank; the ability to "call" other players; the option to buy houses, vehicles, and weapons, trigger certain weapons, and many other things! An inventory system that the engine had previously never seen the likes of. When a player dies, they keep all of their weapons for their next life. Countless perks which can be discovered, unlocked or bought that have a profound effect on your play style. A Mutant Assault mode, Comet Buster minigame, or Deathmatch which comes with its own surprises and fun! And many more things that wouldn't fit on this list! HOW CAN I PLAY ECW? ECW will soon be available to the general public, and accessible through the W3DHub Launcher alongside other such favorites as Red Alert: A Path Beyond and Tiberian Sun: Reborn. Currently the release is being tested regularly by W3DHub testers and staff. If you are interested in helping us make this release of ECW the best it can be, apply to be a tester! HISTORY OF EXPANSIVE CIVILIAN WARFARE http://www.indiedb.com/games/rp2/news/rp2s-long-lost-and-completely-unbiased-history Written by former developer Napalmic, this detailed and long winded narrative provides a rather colorful explanation of the storied history of Roleplay 2; which eventually became the ECW we know today. Shortly after this, Roleplay 2 had a vote to change its name, which eventually became Expansive Civilian Warfare and was transformed from a relatively simple map to a standalone game. Since 2011, Jerad has completely changed the face of the mod and given it unforeseen amounts of substance. Blazea58 still contributes regularly with updates to the map. Recent additions include the industrial sector which features an interactive nuclear power plant, a church which plays a role in gameplay, and a pet store that allows you to purchase a cuddly and loyal friend. Word on the street is there are other additions being slowly worked on, one that may put San Casina onto the international scene instead of being some wholly unfortunate rust-belt town in the middle of the Great Lakes.
  2. You maybe believe it, but I cannot. Roland JD-990 and JV-2080 that I bought are the dream of my arsenal of sounds. After Red Alert remakes, this is probably the best of my works. If there will be possibility to remake some of Tiberian Sun tracks... who knows! P.S.: Interesting fact, and I know it from Frank himself: some names of instruments were chosen as titles for songs for Red Alert OST. As I discovered, "Terminate" is a soundscape instrument included with standard soundbank of JV-series, from which that song starts. And so on.
  3. Ever since the inception of Yaks, I'd wager that W3D Hub's KD has decreased drastically.
  4. Personally, I'd go with a bit more range (Yaks have to line up their shot from a distance on approach anyway), a little bit of extra splash (so that it has an easier time hitting infantry, it is known as the "infantry eraser" in the manual, after all), and perhaps a little bit of extra health/armor. Not too much, though, maybe 25/25?
  5. One more time - ONE LAST TIME
  6. Welcome to Belgrade my friends! Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austro-Hungary has been assassinated by Gavrilo Princip and trouble has begun! This is no standard mafia game, oh no, an event like this sparks all kinds of international attention and could ignite the powderkeg of Europe! Who knows what nightmares might be unleashed if that happens? And thus I host my first mafia game since the 2012 Battle of the Atlantic game. This time, I have Voe acting as a co-host in case I'm not able to be around for a night or whenever we feel like we need to post a cvc. Don't worry, I've prepared careful instructions for him so I do not expect anything to go wrong. Talking about things going wrong, what about the murder? Well, here's what you should know. Known Objectives Warmonger aligned players will win by either raising the world tension to 100% or by simply being equal in number to all other remaining players. Town and the town aligned Taskforce will win by either removing all bad guys by imprisonment or by killing them by any means necessary. Additionally, uncovering all the truth will insantly drop the world tension to -1%, ending the game in a town victory. World Tension The world tension meter shows how close the world is to being plunged into war. Every event and every action can potentially have some sort of effect on the world tension meter for the better or worse. Coming closer to the truth will lower world tension while hostile and subversive actions will raise it quite substantially. Raising the world tension isn't all bad though, as heightened tensions may unlock additional actions. The Vault and Evidence Locker During the day, a player can be voted on to visit the vault with ##VoteNominate <Player Name>. The vault holds confiscated and deposited items, one of which can be taken if the chosen players wishes to. Additionally, the vault hosts the evidence locker which holds all the evidence and players that have access to the vault can put the evidence in two different kinds of boxes. The first being the standard evidence locker and the second one being the table on which the evidence is presented as truth. Depending on how much evidence is uncovered and how much evidence is placed in the correct box, the evidence meter will go up or down. Guess Voe is getting lynched again! Investigations and Lynching In addition to nominating a player to enter the vault, players can vote on other players to be investigated or lynched. The first is to ##VoteInvestigate <Player name> somebody and the second is to ##VoteLynch <Player name>. You can either vote to investigate or to vote to lynch, not both. Investigations are always possible while lynching is possible from 60% world tension onwards. Investigating will uncover a player's name, nationality, current status as either innocent, suspicious or hostile, and other relevant and irrelevant information. Innocent players will be freed immediately but will leave behind any evidence they might unknowingly carry. Suspicious players will spend one night being blocked from any actions and will have all of their items and evidence confiscated. Hostile players will spend the rest of his days in prison, being blocked from any actions, losing all items and evidence. Essentially, the players is eliminated. Lynching will kill the player and transfer his body to the morgue for investigation. The player's items will be transferred to the vault and evidence to the evidence locker. However, the identity of the player will be revealed after the following night phase but will also uncover his alignment. Additional rules and notes Beyond all the game specific rules, standard mafia rules will apply. So only two posts at night, hammers can happen and Fraydo will be RNGesusd should a tie arise (/joke). You know the drill! Please note that the game set-up is experimental and I cannot guarantee flawless balance. But I do hope that you will all have as much fun playing the game as I had creating it! Sign-up's will end on the 31st of July. The game is optimised for 10 players, but more are possible. Sign-ups: 01. Jeod 02. Mojoman 03. Fraydo 04. OrangeP47 05. TheIrishman 06. Cat5 07. Chaos_Knight 08. Killing_You 09. Retaliation 10. Verti60 Day and Night phases Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4 Night 4 Day 5 Night 5 Day 6 Night 6 Day 7 Night 7 Day 8 Post game results
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  8. thanks for comment, that track is about to be uploaded to YouTube soon, because really deserves it. You can find more here - http://download.ccassault.com/museum/music/music.html - and it may will be updated within month or two, also I am on Bandcamp.
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  9. Screw giving Voe D1 Lynch protection. Give FRAYDO RNG protection.
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  10. An interesting setup. I am in! Have you angered RNGesus in some way? Maybe you could try and win his favor back somehow?
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  11. i think i got it fixed, try it again otherwise, i am Luigi De Luca 7
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  12. Put a capturable AA gun on top of the oil silo.
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  14. I have more! plus a few from other games a while back
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  15. So, I was having dinner and ate some funky food... I think it got me hallucinating or something... what in the actual...
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  16. Let the Ore Wars begin...
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  17. [blurb]Coming soon to a RA:APB near you! Introducing the Yakovlev Yak-9P![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb] Red Alert: A Path Beyond Dev. Blog Yakovlev Yak-9P Set to debut on Guard Duty, the Yak will afford the Soviets an incredible alpha-strike in their arty-hunting efforts. The Yak can reach speeds of up to 45m/s (the next fastest unit being the Longbow at a mere 24m/s) and expend its magazine in a minimum of 1.33 seconds. The Yak boasts infinite ammo but with a long reload time, although that shouldn't matter much as once you've expended your magazine you're turning around for your next attack. It's splash damage ignites infantry, better allowing your comrades to finish the task should your target remain alive. While mostly effective against infantry and light vehicles, the Yak can still find opportunities in armour-broken heavy vehicles that are on the retreat. As in Red Alert, the Yak will cost 800. With a health of 350 and lack of armour, be advised that your attack runs will leave you vulnerable to return fire. Choose your battles wisely and you can stay airborne for long periods and dish out more punishment than a Hind can. Unlike the Hind however, in the event you are shot down your infantry will also die in the crash. Airfield It goes without saying that the Airfield will also be included as a new structure. Purchased Yaks will fly onto the strip waiting for takeoff, and here you repair and can sell your Yak. It should be noted that the Airfield is technically a "Helipad" in the code, making it unlikely to see both buildings on the same map. Nonetheless, we can discuss how to fit the Airfield and Yak into high-tech maps and implementing them in the future.[thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb]
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