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Showing most liked content on 12/07/2019 in all areas

  1. Holy moly! I have work to do! ok Thunberg 1v1 me Halo Reach Naughty list I'll let RNG decide your place on the list. Random number between 1 and 10 Odd number: Nice list Even number: Naughty list Number Generator Your result: 2 Naughty list! Thanks for playing. 99% level of stress! 'tis the season! Nice list for your hard efforts. I swear to St. Nick if these are vegan cookies you get naughty list for life Nice list! (for now) To play Wargaming games and also obtain coal, I have just the solution for you! Commit war crimes! I'll preemptively place you on the Naughty list. May you receive lots of coal! "Should be on the list" sounds demanding. However, peace on Earth is an admirable wish and so Nice list ??? Nice list....? For the Brotherhood, and for our Tiberium future! You have done well. Nice list! For tribute! Excellent. Santa has informed me that due to new labour laws introduced in his workshop he has been needing extra help, preferably help that does not complain of silly things such as "unsafe working conditions" and "imminent danger". Nice list and a good reference from Święty for your résumé. 80 people falsely accusing you sounds suspicious. Surely 80 people cannot be wrong, and so I must abide by consensus. Naughty list, I'm afraid. See an attorney to overrule this decision before December 25th. Hmmm.... I'll say Nice list! May you receive the coal you need and may life become better for you in the near future. Nice list Nice list unless death crate. If death crate, prepare to hear "Nuclear Warhead approaching".
  2. Have you ever thought about just bringing a Christmas tree into work all day and boxing your employees?
  3. When you missed the Autumn-Halloween Build, the best is to push it out the following season, which is now. -To begin, the M113 Chassis has been revamp, for all M113 vehicles such as the M901 Tow, M579 Repair, M132 Zippo, M113 HVMS, and M113 ADATS. G6 Rhino is the revamp of the Nod famous Artillery unit. M113 Armored Personal carrier. Can be a Gun platform, a support or a utility vehicle. Vile Facility Remaster or shall we say Remake? Just like Winter Assault, Vile Facility took its original design from the old and remake from ground up to accommodate the future proof build of the upcoming units and its feature. It is 25% larger than the previous Vile Facility, which add various objects, props and structure from RA1 universe which currently is not in use but will be activated in the near future, it is by far the most detail map I ever made second to Winter Assault. I cannot say for sure but stay tune. Year 2020 ( "Wawasan" 2020 ) will be another amazing chapter. Added Construction Yard Added Communication Center Added Forgotten War Factory 90% of the buildings in this map you may enter. RA1 Advanced Power Plant, Ore Refinery and Radar Dome are in, their feature and usage are limited as their feature is not yet in. Screenshot near to Nod Power Plant Screenshot near to GDI Base by the abandon Ore Refinery ( Hint future usage ) Screenshot Water Pump house. Screenshot Fort Kick Ass, well is Container Fort. I recall OWA mentioned something about it. Changelog as listed below. Any hot fix will be edited on the change log above. Date will be included below...
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  4. Hey all. Things have been busy for me with university and I have unfortunately been able to report our happenings. However, I have time now so let's go over some things that have happened! IA Update Interim Apex has released a November/Winter Build with an abundance of changes and new additions! Read the full changelog in Kaskins' thread here. TSR We understand the wait for Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 continues to leave us with anticipation day by day. We have listened to you on our server wanting to play TSR again and we are happy to announce that you can now play again! This is big news for TSR players as previously the public server was unstable and experienced numerous crashes. This update now ensures a stable experience and engine improvements that were long needed! Update your TSR client if you haven't already and get your game on! Interested persons can read the short announcement here. Full APB Server Where were you when the APB server reached full capacity this past Sunday? To kick off the first day of December, our server hit a full 20v20 game! Naturally, chaos ensued on the battlefield and good fun was had by all. @OWA managed to get some footage of a few of the rounds! Keep posted for more videos from others as well! Can we do it again? "Time will tell. Sooner or later, time will tell." Monthly Avatar Theme On another note, December means holiday avatars! You know what to do but if not, well it's easy! Change your forum avatar to something festive! Or don't! Reminder also to be on your best behavior or you may not be on Santa's Nice list this year! Staff Change Some praise for our newest addition to the high office of Testing Director, NoSoldier! Along with Esteemed Quartermaster Nodlied and Resident Time Traveler Einstein, Herr NoSoldier now has the responsibility and duties of conducting and leading our tests entrusted to him. Having proved himself a reliable man and a valuable member of our team, know that he will do great in his new role. Congratulations are in order! More? Have I missed anything? Very likely! Would you like to share some news for us here on the frontpage for all to read? Feel free to post below and let us know what you have been up to! [blurb]Hey all. Things have been busy for me with university and I have unfortunately been able to report our happenings. However, I have time now so let's go over some things that have happened! [/blurb]
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  5. I will be thinking about you during the three days
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  6. Trees and trains don't get on very well, and I have considered boxing my gang, however I really don't want to lose my christmas bonus and triple wage this year! I'm trying to save up for a Mammoth Tank 36 Inch
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  7. You had me laughing for 10 minutes. Just had to do something close:
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  8. Mine would be either money or meteor....heavy lean on meteor though...
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  9. Santa you say? Can I have some:
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  11. Santa isn't allowed to deliver coal this year due to concerns over rising global temperatures, thus he should opt to deliver wind turbines and solar panels to naughty children as a way to spread climate awareness. Also Fraydo is fucking gay.
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