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Showing most liked content on 02/11/2020 in all areas

  1. Upload any C&C related memes here, I'm bored.
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  2. Im the only one who wants to see a leopard 2 on gdi arsenal... or the tiger 1 or 2 on the forgotten war Factory idk it Will be cool to see tanks from ww2 on the forgotten arsenal xD
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  3. This would be a great Nod-Counterpart to the Tortoise (image source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagdpanzer_VI_Jagdtiger#/media/Datei:Jagdtiger-Aberdeen.00059se8.jpg by User:Fat yankey, CC BY-SA 2.5)
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  4. - Wolverine is actually pretty OP. Going to nerf it some more. - There isn't much you can do when that amount of teamwork. Whilst it's a shame that 3-4 People can kill a building.. it's apart of the game. Proxie mines, denying your enemy Economy, snipers/vehicles and buildable defenses can all help to prevent this. You can also just blow up the enemies barracks when you get a chance. - I believe this in the same regard. After a certain point, getting a stealth unit really is the only option to survive long term and deal good damage in the field. Unless you're doing a specialty rush or something consisting of arty which further backs up your point. Although to be fair, the Flame Tank is great when the opportunity presents itself. The Super Tank for Nod is a great way to spearhead a rush and is incredibly deadly in close combat or when you need something to take hits in a rush. While not complete, don't forget to check out the Tacitus to read more on Tactics for units and stratagies. There is a map guide as well. Use the Styrker AGTM. With the nerf's to Hinds you can kill them now with this unit. Actually, the best course of action as Nod is to drive to the Forgotten Silos. Go to the left side (Hon side) with a buggy and techie. Get to the middle and capture the turret above. The turret along with the Electric Tiberium Puff Zapper will help hold the position for you. Then go towards the water and there will be a small cliff. You can then use this to capture the silos. Although it is best to make sure there is no GDI presence or have GDI capture the silos (Hide) and then put a timed C4 on each silo. Blow them up and capture them. @ all reading this. The Infared Tank was also updated with a much faster firing main laser. The damage however for it is toned down a bit. The charge laser I believe stays the same.
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  6. Long time powder user first time writer Just some general feedbacks: - The Wolverine is hilariously bad. Like, okay, its weapon has a big mag, great range, strong against weak armored stuffs. That said, the vehicle itself is SLOW AF and easy to kill just by ramming it with literally anything, but I'm sure you're looking into that internally. - I know both teams have the heavy weapon boost upgrade, but for what it is, and definitely on the PIC side, is that it's just straight bonkers. Three PICs or Shocks with that upgrade can steamroll a building in seconds, and if an techy or two isn't in there IMMEDIATELY it's dead and there's nothing you can do. Honestly, I think this needs to be rethought because it doesn't take much coordination once the upgrade is bought. It definitely feels a bit stronger in GDI hands, though, as the PIC and battle suit are both stronger than the Shock Trooper overall. - Nod definitely needs a boost in the non-stealth department. Once you've got a bit of money and don't have to farm cash with the Ol' Faithful (Wiesel), your options are more or less going with artillery units, or grabbing a Stealth/Ezek/Infrared. Good options, but things like the Super Tank, Flame Tanks, etc. all feel pretty useless in comparison. - EMP grenades are annoying af. I dunno, might not need to be changed but they're definitely a big pain in the ass.
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