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  1. GAME OVER With tensions mounting, one brave soul opens fire on the one who killed the medic on the previous day. It wasn't long before the accomplices were rooted out, and they surrendered without a further fight. iLikeToSnipe, the Mutant Hijacker, has surrendered! Voe, the Chameleon Spy, has surrendered! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Congratulations to all the GDI players! Special thanks to @Nodlied, as my balance consultant for this game! ROLESI'll give my opinion on the roles and the players who played them in one go, for simplicity. LIGHT INFANTRY (Anon_Kat, Retaliation, Louis, Mojoman, Category 5 Hurricane) The five "vanilla Town" players. Pretty bog standard, a direct port of APB'S Rifle Soldiers, and I think they worked pretty well. Category 5 was the best player out of these five, but that's to be expected. Retaliation didn't do a bad job, even scumreading two scum members at the end of D2. Mojoman and Louis were chaotic elements, but surprisingly not as detrimental as it seemed. Anon_Kat, perhaps you should read some past Mafias to get a better idea of what to do and what to say. APB1 was my study guide, so perhaps you could look at that. OFFICER (Shade939) Again, copy/pasta from APB's Starshina, though it worked well here. I think Shade could've benefitted from not playing the numbers game so hard, and I think he could've claimed to save Irish (unless his weapon stuck, which it did), but ultimately, not too terrible. RIOT TROOPER (FRAYDO) This was one role that was depowered from APB Mafia, being a jailer instead of combo jailer/rolecop. Fairly balanced overall, I think, and FRAYDO not submitting his action N1 accidentally led to scum's downfall. Funnily enough, I predicted that FRAYDO would be Town's ace-in-the-hole. UMAGON (ChopBam) You know the drill. Kinda Copy/Pasta from APB's Sniper, except seeing who people visited instead of what action they took. I thought that was better balanced, and it led to some interesting situations where Chop had Snipe cleared in his mind, before using it as incriminating evidence when the time was right. MEDIC (TheIrishMan) Truth be told, this was the role I was most concerned about given APB didn't have a Town doc. But surprisingly, it didn't impact the game as much as I was worried about. Irish didn't do too bad, although claiming on the shot would've helped his case, especially if Shade backed him up. JUMPJET (OrangeP47) Orange got the secret role for this game; the JumpJet. I wasn't sure how to incorporate this unit, until I looked on the Wiki, discovered the Commuter, and decided to play around with it. I've always toyed with the idea of a role that had two different "states" it could toggle between. It was a fascinating experiment. Too bad Scum used neurotoxing on the one night Orange would've been vulnerable to it. CHAMELEON SPY (Voe) Yet again ported over from APB's Spy, though I wasn't sure if APB Spy doubled as a rolecop or not. I left it out this time since Town had no rolecop of their own, and it likely would've given Scum too many tools to work with. Maybe I'll restore the ability next game, maybe I won't. Depends on how I feel. As for Voe, I honestly thought he would've been in a good position to win until Snipe misplayed his hand. TOXIN TROOPER (Jeod) Scum's hyperlethal role, this was also a bit of an experiment. See, it was a unique brand of unstoppable kill in that it resolved before any other action rather than simply punching through roleblocks and doctor abilities. This would've been critical for killing the JumpJet before it took off and became the only role ingame immune to it, while also guaranteeing an early kill. Overall, I think this experiment was a marginal success. MUTANT HIJACKER (iLikeToSnipe) This was a strange one, as I'm not sure how well it fits into the overall balance considering it failed both nights. Snipe played the part well for the most part, however assuming his action failing was due to being blocked led to his downfall. Truth be told, I wasn't sure how to handle the action resolution initially, and the decision to report the action as a simple failure was advice I took from Nodlied. CONCLUSIONOverall, despite some odd issues here and there, I'm willing to call this a success. It was refreshing to see the conversations revolve around scumhunting more than mechanics. I also think my approach was successful, as I was deliberate in keeping information to a minimum, particularly with action resolutions. I also think the element of uncertainty was at just the right level; having just enough information to get the conversation going, but not so much that players could latch onto something with 100% certainty Like Secret Invasion and Netflix Basics, this game ended D3 with a Town victory. Unlike those games, I think this went over well. I look forward to running TSR 2 sometime next year. And with this format, setup will be easy. If someone else wants to go first, though, be my guest. Until then, I'll be ready and waiting. CVC AT THE TOP WILL HAVE LINKS TO THE DOCS AND MASTER SPREADSHEET
  2. Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season! So I’ve actually stopped by to deliver an early Christmas gift. So here it is..... Tiberian Sun Reborn and all asset owenership will be turned over to W3dHub with no strings attached. Effective January,1 ,2021. I’ll be in contact with the proper people over the upcoming Holidays and handle everything on my end and with W3dhub staff to go over details. Basically that’s it. Wish you all the best! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
  3. @Killing_You You did a stellar job setting this up, in my opinion. I had a blast. Thank you thank you for hosting!
  4. Round 2? This was a nice change from cyor.
  5. You're very welcome! As I said in the dead doc, I think TSR mafia is a good fit for me to GM, and I'm looking forward to iterating on this further! And a big THANK YOU to all who played! It's the players that make the game, after all!
  6. I like the Max column if there are more role types that could be in the game. Depending on how it's setup, it could add another element to investigation/logic for both town and mafia. This game it was the JJ mystery role and only one spy instead of two. Maybe if the JJ was listed and 2-3 other roles for Nod/GDI it could have worked. Having it strict for mafia (i.e. no mystery roles) is much more of a hindrance for mafia than for town. Maybe even give a possible range for kill percentages for power roles and each one gets a different kill chance within that range. Personally, I see mafia as a logic and deduction game. That does mean there's room for percentages and math, but I don't think it should be a major/hyper effective part of it.
  7. I think the unstoppable kill should be unstoppable, period. It should go through all blockers, medics, special abilities and even jailers. That is its only purpose.
  8. 2 likes
  9. C&C Renegade Interim Apex Gameplay 3 - YouTube
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  10. Clearly I am the one who won this game, not the other power roles.
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  11. Either would be decent options. Resume in January though.
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  12. Yeah, really good game Killing_You, thank you very much!~
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  13. Main point of the separate stuck/kill chances was to help with the Spy role for this game. So unless you're using a game play mechanic like that for roles, do yourself a favor and simplify how quickly you can resolve the action.
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  14. I'm wondering if I should take the warhammer attack sequence (To hit, to wound, to save) to make a game more like this.
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  15. In my defense, I tried to take into account the possibility of Town roles interfering with other Town roles (Riot Trooper and JumpJet, namely), and I think it's possible that Scum could've won in this setup. I did spot some holes in my original mindset, which will be rectified next game. I did have a mystery role, though; the JumpJet. There was also a plan for Nod to have a Confessor (which would've had a silencing ability), but Nod needed all of their more powerful roles for this game. I like the concept of a complete mystery because it adds a bit of uncertainty to the game, making it more interesting IMO.
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  16. Was anyone else so sick of arguing over stats by D3 that they stopped trying to determine people's roles based on the ##shoot result?
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  17. I can't believe town won TBH. I had to keep digging my hole D1 because I misread the dig in ability and thought it was a day ability.
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  18. So we were correct to assassinate Orange right away.
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  19. That's right. I presented Nodlied with the total rolesheet (including the JumpJet and Confessor, another mystery role that did not appear), and he pretty much told me it looked good. I then made the thread to put the game together.
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  20. Mojoman just did everything he could to offer himself as a sacrifice. Because, let's face it, if he didn't, we would have lynched a town power role instead.
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  21. Well, this all went south quickly, didn't it, scum? It was most certainly entertaining to watch these past hours.
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  22. I hope Louis now always suses Jeod instead of me
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  23. The voting analysis wound up being correct, but not for the reasons I was thinking. And I pretty much included the stats in the dead doc. 46% chance Shade was Spy, 8% chance FRAYDO was Jailer, all following the math. You can't rely on it.
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  24. I’m still on my adrenaline rush so I don’t really need a break. Game ended too soon.
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  25. It was between you and Anon_Kat after FRAYDO and Chopbam claimed. You were in a no win situation.
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  26. Congratulations, Town, we concede. You win
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  28. I did that as much to stop Jeod from posting as I did to kill a scum member.
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