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Showing most liked content on 01/26/2021 in all areas

  1. I nominate AZ-Stalker, for keeping the spirit of the game night going through the end, and overall being fun to both play against and with (Techie Olympic Swimming anyone?) Also shoutout to Meta, for somehow managing to jumpscare me with a minelayer of all things.
  2. I've seen a lot of great play from many people (not just as players, but being good people on voice chat too), but this time I'll suggest Momok for consistant teamwork no matter the assortment of players that happen to be on her team. Also because she's the only one who can V2 one-shot my GAP (to my infinite but fun annoyance) and make the entire Soviet team rally into a frenzy afterwards. Plus she had a stolen TT on the Allied side for almost the entire round of Under. Honorable mention of Meta for that one move that will be forever known as the Under LST Incident of 2021:
  3. I nominate AZ-Stalker, been pretty fun to fight against and on their side
  4. I nominate myself and AZ-Stalker For I did many gimmicky shit as a spy, ran over 10 people on Pipeline by the Oil rig at the start, dedicated Supply Truck buyer, Team Ore gathering, MGG and jammer boy, Medic, and Field Mech AZ-Stalker for leadership and general coordination of teams, against and for, and for keeping the games lively as they continued to approach max volume.
  5. I think I am gonna nominate AZ-Stalker, at least I think it was him on discord leading quite a few nice strategies (don't really know people's voices, and discord overlay don't work in APB )
  6. I nominate @AZ-Stalkerfor such fun matches, especially at the last hours. it was so much fun
  7. How’s it going everyone? You may have been asking, "Where is AR at the moment?" and through this video you can find out! We are happy to announce that we have hit Alpha! This means that the features that we wanted to include in the first release have made it ingame. Thanks to the efforts of the team over these past few months, we have cleared this milestone! Today we’re excited to showcase a few of these new features! In this video we have included the new HUD and UI, improvements to the Allied Prism Tank including an all-new refraction projectile, and a physics overhaul of the Allied Harrier! All this and more in this video update brought to you by OWA. Please feel free to comment below about anything you would like to see in a future video, and we would be happy to show it off for you!
  8. Hi team, just wondering how much of a hassle it would be for me to setup an australian server of APB and TS:R. I'm not sure how to do this, however I could host it on my server machine in the next month, and as I used to run a community of servers for other games I do have the experience in hosting, it would be great as I would like to try and establish an australian community of players into the game if I can, I do have some people that might be interested in playing, however the pings we usually get on the EU serves is 300-400 which isn't always pleasant. If there is a server package I could install and upload the connection details into the launcher it would be great, as that way I might be able to push the word out more, could be worth a shot to see if we can get more players in.
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  9. I nominate Momok for great team work and displaying their fearful V2 skills over and over again.
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  10. No I came up behind the allied team and ran over 6-10 people at the Silo Oil Rig. They never recovered
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  11. Got any footage of that anywhere by any chance? Would be cool to see what happened. Don't think I was there.
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  12. What about my Supply truck running over Allies on Pipeline xD?
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  14. Clip here for reference. The elusive Steve can also be seen here!
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  15. I personally nominate Steve. I'm not sure if he's here or not, but Steve was a trooper. He stuck it out through tough times, and never complained no matter how doomed we were. Thanks, Steve
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  16. I kind of prefered to see them on the launcer and check on updates through there since I am not visiting the forums often
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  17. Had a lot of good teammates, but apart from the people already mentioned i'd like to say Ryknow69 and KSK_Nico. We got some great teamwork going over VC! EDIT: As they were already mentioned I didnt think I should mention them but still: GUMMIEL and AZStalker
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  18. I nominate V0LK0V for active communication in the voice channels and wholesomeness.
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  19. Honorable mention to Meta for squishing everyone in the short lived Soviet LST rush on Under.
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  20. I'd vote either AZ-Stalker, who helped keep the spirit alive, or Gummiel, for being an active player... can't decide.
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  21. Hello APB players! I’d once again like to say thank you on behalf of the W3D Hub staff for another thrilling event! For those of us that could be there, we love every second we get to play this nostalgic game with you <3 Without further ado, Fraydo was nice enough to make a lovely image for me to announce the winners with. Here they are! Congratulations @GaryOak, @rantanplan, and @SilverShark! We'll reach out to you later today to send the prizes out. MVP awards will be done sometime tomorrow.
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  22. I nominate GaryOak for both of them
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  23. Just so everyone knows this, here is a link to the stats of the event: https://www.w3dhub.com/ranks/apb/#/ladderevent/2021012320210124
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  24. I think it was ok like it was. But ok. I know many new players asked about "why I can't play this game?". So is ok.
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