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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. Actually we only have 11 testers: Hardly everyone in the community. You should instead look at our 48 developers.
  2. That's unfortunately not my decision to make regarding maps. Trust me however, the existing maps are getting fixed and improved. I'm actually working on an improved version of Crossroads at this moment.
  3. Hence the emphasis on "test version." Bugs happen in testing versions. Then we fix them so they do not go into the public version. This was something we made a mistake on the past few versions, so this version aims to correct that mistake.
  4. Actually I copied the Battle for Dune HUD. Funny how they get a freepass but we don't. But we needed a concept, so someone else could later go in and design a proper HUD, like this concept: This was made by Dentistman, one of our testers. He certainly has talent, and this will likely be used to make the final version
  5. Hey everyone. Sorry about the recent silence, we have been busy. VERTi60 has recorded some neat footage from yesterday's test however, and I thought I would share it to you: Just a few notes: HUD was an experimental change in this patch, it isn't finished. The reason for the missing health and ammo displays is because I forgot to include font files... The enforcer is using placeholder models for the character and weapon. While the character MAY be released with the placeholder, the weapon for sure will not be. You may notice Field_2 is back. It has been renamed to Field, with the original Field being renamed to Desert_River So what is left you may ask? Add new logic for Jumpjets so they cannot fly inside buildings or tunnels Fix up some maps Add the new Sabotage beacons to Chameleon Spies Finish off the new HUD These will take a bit, but the wait shouldn't be too long now. This patch pretty much finalized the disk thrower and the enforcer balancing, and really the only tweaking needed is in Jumpjets and some new features.
  6. You know, that is actually only slightly faster than the dialup I was forced to have 13 years ago.
  7. This is something we are missing, a thread to collect internet speeds! Post your shared results from www.speedtest.net here to show off how much money you have to throw at your broadband.. or alternatively show off how bad your internet is! I'm going to start off by showing off my internet from: 4 years ago (2011): Now (2015): Literally the only difference is that the ISP ripped up the old copper cables and replaced them with fibre optics using a government grant. Not much else. Funny how the upload speed did not change.. at all. Now post yours, it can't be much worse than mine.
  8. Oh dear, I feel young and out of place. HELP ME.
  9. We've been held up the past month, our last few tests were failures for various reasons. However, this turned out to be a GOOD thing, since Jerad, Jonwil, and the other script team members managed to bring in features that were on the backburner for many months. To give you a taste: We now have Jumpjets that actually fly faster than they walk.
  10. Couple other things: The deploy mechanic mentioned in the RA2Vengeance videos were based off of an improved version of the Reborn 2003 deploy code. Thankfully we don't need to kick people out now, and we have raytracing code calls to check how high a vehicle is off the ground. The game is fun to play, except for the fact that a few features are buggy or missing. Scripts 5.x contributed to most of these issues. The scripts team led by Jonwil and Jerad recently fixed many many issues with scripts however, and it is very close to being released. It could even be released with TSR, depending on how it runs. The taco car is still in. I haven't seen the soccer ball anywhere. Oh, and I might post an update in the next few weeks for AR to show off something neat.
  11. Yeah, OWA mentioned that. That picture was actually me trying out a new renderer (Mental Ray as opposed to Scanline) in 3dsmax. I was going to fix it, then I was drafted into TSR.
  12. Mostly graphical and modding capabilities. I will admit, in the past few weeks working as a full-time developer, I got frustrated at times with outdated techniques. For those of you who do not know (most of you), I have been working full-time on TSR. I've been working on not only bringing new features and balancing, but also some new graphics. I've been updating our effects, and also implementing a new system of headlights and brakelights that is designed to bring a bit more to the table in terms of graphics. Reception internally has been positive, but it is difficult as I need to do a lot of these things. For all that work, it adds a bit graphically, but it isn't as good as what I really want. To let me demonstrate, I was working on a few lightmaps for AR before I started work on TSR. Here is my (WIP) results on the barracks after a few iterations: This looks great, yes? Well, unfortunately, w3d does not support the lighting I did here, so I need to fake it. And it still won't look as good as this render. However, with an engine like UE4, I can create the lightmap right in the engine, and essentially, what you see is what you get in-game, since the editor is the game. Do further note that I have access to the latest script builds of w3d, and a ton of documentation and helpful experience. What about modders who do not have access to this stuff? They will for sure have a much harder time.
  13. Yes, it appears that https://secure.w3dhub.com and https://w3dhub.com causes a nice alert message. I'll report this to the relevant people.
  14. Bit of internal resistance to releasing a dedicated server. At the moment, I am tempted to agree with them considering how confusing it is to start up a server. I eventually want to make it easy to run one via a setup tool, like the infantry beta server or the APB Beta server.
  15. Can we perhaps wait for an update for TSR however? The current version really isn't what I call fun. The next two versions aims to fix this.
  16. Well, I had a nice long talk with Blackwolf about his TS project. Turns out he is making C&C Reborn, and not Tiberian Sun Reborn, since many of the logic we used is complicated. I did not get a chance to pursue this, but one of the things mentioned was Veteran Logic. That's a core TS and RA2 gameplay feature, and compared to the rest of the stuff (Superweapon logic), is quite basic.
  17. Hmm: The animation seems a bit stiff when the foot comes down. An easy enough fix though. That is a pretty short barrel, it isn't to scale with the Cybergooch references What are those holes in the barrel for? Not only was that not in the cybergooch reference, but those do not belong on a tank gun. Pretty good model though. (http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=135&p=150347#p150347) http://abload.de/img/2015-03-24_000040kstl.jpg "Underground units,Unit detection" ? -> Sure Im just putting salt in i know. But you kinda asked for it by saying this uninformed things about the Renegade X SDK. Thats all. Peace I could say the same thing about you being uninformed about TSR, since he was referring to Underground logic, which is different than stealth detection. However, I've gained a lot of information about your SDK, and it does seem to be quite powerful.
  18. Just to add to the fun, let's add anachronisms all over the place! Byzantines vs. the Incas! It will be just like the original game in that sense. I mean, there was an Aztec campaign which had the Aztecs developing Gunpowder and Calvalry late in the game...
  19. How about Age of Empires in an First Person RPG game?
  20. There is absolutely no evidence to support that "C&C Arena" was "Chinese Based".
  21. How about I raise all of you with some Tech Buildings that were ACTUALLY in TS! Tech Armoury: The team that captures has the ability to enter it and gain a FREE veteran status! Tech Hospital: The team that captures it has innate healing! As for your other ideas: Mutant Mercenary Outpost: Not really possible, though you may see some of these units in crates. Engineer Lab: Too Overpowered. Besides, this kind-of conflicts with our plans for Vehicle Veterancy. ..Seriously though. We have been considering ideas for Tech Buildings. We just haven't been focusing on them yet.
  22. I don't really have much to say. I've been very busy these past two weeks, and haven't had time to work on TSR that much. Testing is going very well however, most of our testers are telling us this is the best version of TSR so far... minus a lot of the bugs introduced thanks to new experimental scripts.
  23. Actually, there were only TWO factions. The Allies/GDI, and the Scavengers who came about from the dead soviets. Later on, the scavengers were scrapped in favor of just the Soviets and Allies, with a slightly bigger arsenal than RA2. And there were several very good reasons for its cancellation as well.
  24. I heard that Tiberium was cancelled because they focused all their budget on cool teasers, and not enough on the actual game. So of course it was cancelled because before they even worked on an actual game, they blew their budget.
  25. I kept that around as well. It even had the broken juggernaut. Also all the TT collisions were messed up, so you had MKIIs travelling ontop of the water. That was fun.
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