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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Another issue is that the "landing area" logic is also used at shorelines for naval units - this enables the LST's ramp animation, prevents people from ejecting a sub when it's near death in open waters to deny the kill, and discourage people from putting a shock/kov into their sub to fire off a bunch of extra shots at enemy boats after death. What this means is that shorelines would count as "safe zones" for a Yak to slow down and eject. So people would start using them as one-man 3x-speed LSTs to quickly get to the enemy base. I'm still waiting on someone from scripts to give me a way to have separate types of landing areas so they don't interfere with each other; we can't really have airfield+naval maps until then.
  2. Chinooks didn't even exist on HW because Raap felt that detracted from LSTs and would make controlling the centre too easy. If you're talking about ditching Soviet helis completely while adding the airfield, that makes the centre far less important for Soviets. RPAD/SD are useless for Yaks so if Hinds are removed, the Soviets' only reason to capture these is to prevent the Allies from having them, and Yaks obviously can't be used to suicidally drop Engineers off at the centre, so the capturable structure gimmick would be inherently Allied biased. Soviet island would have to be reworked to fit that gigantic structure on it too. At least there's almost no excuse for crashing a Yak on this map
  3. No, they don't. Everything that's produced from a single building uses the same waypaths or cinematic. So if we had an airfield (which is a helipad-type building so we can't have both that and the helipad on the same map without causing other issues) helis would fly in at breakneck speeds, tilt like a plane, and land on the airfield. Out of the current maps I can really only see 4 maps besides RidgeWar that actually have room to place an airfield or wouldn't take much work to make that room, and even then, most of them have other issues to worry about: RA_AS_Seamist - Plenty of free space in the Soviet base... trouble is, Yaks are primarily a defensive tool since they die so easily on the offensive and can't make use of their infantry when they die. And this map is all about Soviets going on the offensive. In most cases, people buying Yaks would be a detriment to the team. RA_Pipeline - the out-of-bounds behind the Soviet base can easily be moved back to accommodate this. However, there's a lot of tall features around the map that would inhibit the Yak's ability to function - the oil silos, oil wells, the pipeline, some palm trees, and the central cliffs that got added in Delta. At the very least the cliffs and tall palms can be lowered somewhat and that wouldn't affect anything else since most of them can't be climbed by other units anyway, but I'm not sure what we'd do about the map's main feature... RA_Siege - tons of base room for this too (apparently intended by Raap), and tons of flight room, and since both bases are at roughly the same map height unlike RW, we can expand the flight ceiling here without over-advantaging one team's helicopters. (Assuming it even needs expanding in the first place, I haven't bothered to check how tall it is.) But Yaks would have a lot of trouble hitting things in the castle, especially if they're at the "Soviet door" where the only angle of attack Yaks can take to shoot into the castle would involve flying near the Allied base. But the castle walls are probably short enough that this wouldn't be as big an issue as RW's plateaus. Raap would have to say RIP to some of his nice little landing pads too as purchased helis would have to land on the airfield And since the Airfield is essentially a helipad with an MCT, that puts a bit of a hamper on Tanya assaults and takes a bit of sweat off the Soviet minelayer who normally has to spend a third of the mine limit covering the pad, though I'm not sure if the anti-Tanya bit is good or bad. This is probably the most reasonable map candidate IMO and would be perfect for MiGs as well. Maybe if I decide to open up the area behind the castle to ground units as per previous discussions, that'd also provide an area where Yaks can do their thing with little risk of crashing. RA_StormyValley - some room could be made for this I guess. But while the tall mountains are positioned such that they're hard to hide behind, they would instead restrict the Yak's ability to turn back towards its target after a single strafe, heavily limiting its DPS on the defensive unless the enemy is coming from the village side, as that's much more open for aircraft since the barrier to ground movement is water instead of a mountain. Maybe Yaks in general need a power buff since they're so easily defeated by cover compared to just about any other unit including the MBTs. I was originally taking care not to make them so damaging or tanky that they'd render the more expensive Hind obsolete, but it's kind of hard for them to obsolete the Hind when they can't stop and reverse, which is the Hind's preferred way of defeating Longbows and of course lets them easily skirt around cover to catch people that are trying to hide. Plus Hinds can go on the offensive more easily as they expect to die after expending all their ammo and turn into a good anti-building or anti-tank infantry to wreak more havoc - which Yaks of course can't do as a consequence of how the "landing area" logic works.
  4. Open the launcher Click the "Games" tab Click "Red Alert: A Path Beyond" Click "User Data Folder" (just under the play buttons) Open the "debug" folder Take all the files that have "r8548" near the end of the name, and put them into some kind of compressed archive , like a .zip or .rar. Attach that zip/rar/whatever in a reply to this thread.
  5. Not to mention readding them means the shock trooper and tesla tank will fade into obscurity again. There really needs to be more incentive to use them even when the T5 units are available - which will in turn also help Soviets out on kovless maps such as this. Maybe a bigger penalty for Mechanics healing vehicle health, since a big part of shocks/TTs is the fact that some concentrated tesla fire will shut down mechanics' attempt to prop up a vehicle mid-combat, which is something Volkov, Mammoths and low-tier units can't really do without getting close enough to reliably attack the mechs themselves. Or maybe increase TT's phase detection radius from 75m (radar range) to 100m (the phase tank's attacking range). Or maybe some kind of nerf to phases, dunno exactly what though. Then again, in this patch, Soviets are suddenly dominating the map without the kov/mammy (look at games since the 16th). So maybe the removal of one of the turrets, and TT and general infantry buff/Medic and Mechanic nerf have helped out enough here in terms of faction on map balance. Might be a bit early to be sure of that though.
  6. If I could just flip a simple switch or change a couple ini values and suddenly have all those changes you mentioned, bug-free and communicable to the players, I don't see why we couldn't test it out. Unfortunately "radical gameplay changes" aren't always a 5-minute job like the headshot overhaul, especially when they require more than just LE/ini work (which is bound to be case if it involves adding functionality that doesn't already exist like changing flare durations on the fly). But why am I saying this, surely the person responsible for overhauling Hostile Waters already knows this?
  7. There are plenty of issues with this. Too many high-rise cliffs and high-rise trees to make them plausible since they have to divebomb and face their target directly. Compare to Guard Duty where almost the entire map is relatively flat ground, and almost all of its "cliffs" merely separate land from water instead of land from more land, so Allies can't exactly hide behind most of Guard Duty's cliffs. They really don't deal with Longbows as well as you think. Especially given the whole "has to face its target" thing and LBs being the most agile unit in the game. The flight ceiling - particularly above the Allied base - is way too low to accommodate planes. Remember how many people were complaining about how there was "no room" to fly planes in the first iteration of Yak Duty? Yeah, that flight ceiling was twice as high as the height difference between Ridge War's Allied base and flight ceiling. And now after the update it's three times as high. And if I raise the flight ceiling enough to make Yaks flyable around the Allied base? Then you can have fun with Longbows being able to fly so high over the Soviet base that they can't even be hit by SAMs or Strelas. Giving them more range would break other air maps in the process. It means getting rid of Soviet helis unless you want them to be delivered the same way Yaks are, which looks ridiculous. And, well, this is one of the few flying maps where I actually see Soviets use chinooks... Why add them without MiGs, which wouldn't suffer the first two problems due to how tracking weapons work? I'd be all for giving this a try when/if MiGs become a thing but even then we still have the flight ceiling and Soviet heli issues to deal with.
  8. Probably an easier solution to the "drop HS to x4" that wouldn't need me to jiggle around unit healths and weapon damages again so that everything kills in the same/similar number of headshots as before, would be raising the body damage multiplier from 1x to 1.25x, and limbs from 0.75x to 1x. So headshots effectively only do 4x as much as bodyshots do - then 5x as much as limbshots. Probably the only thing that'd need changing after that is dropping tank shell damage vs infantry as those are mostly bodyshots. And it'd be quick an easy to do and to revert if it fails. So I may give that a go.
  9. Yeah large particles harm performance. Or more accurately, it depends on how much of the screen each particle covers. It's particularly easy to notice if you buy a mammoth tank and a sniper, and scope in on the top of the mammoth's exhaust and zoom in all the way. Those are small particles obviously but if you do that, suddenly your FPS will tank until you look away or even look at the start of the exhaust where particles are even smaller and less numerous as they aren't gathering at that spot. So dropping the size on the sandstorm helps - except during the one or two frames where they are right up against the camera. But that can't be helped.
  10. At first I just wrote that off as mods fucking around and spawning a circular cluster of chronotanks to look like a death star, and not an actual replacement of the moon texture. Go me.
  11. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update [blurb]In which the "old style" Grenadier is given a new lease on life, mid-tier infantry eat their Wheaties, and the Medic is cut down to size AGAIN[/blurb] Infantry Health All non-Volkov infantry take slightly more damage from direct rocket/tank shell hits (0.3 -> 0.333) Health of most infantry has been increased across the board, the main exceptions being free infantry and ones that already have 100+ health: Flamethrower and Spy are up to 60. Thief is up to 80, but no longer has armour. All 60-health infantry are up to 70. All 75-health infantry are up to 80, except the Sniper who is up to 90. I'm sure this will be seen as fairly controversial so I'll give you my reasonings ahead of time so you don't need to ask first. Engineer Golden Wrench power down by 12.5% (except when capturing) Flamethrower Death explosion now hurts health of other flamethrowers. Mechanic No longer automatically heals armour of occupied vehicles. Officers M60/PKM damage multiplier to building exteriors down (0.15 -> 0.1), DPS -33.33% M60/PKM damage multiplier to no-MCT buildings up (0.1875 -> 0.2), DPS +6.67% M60/PKM damage multiplier to heavy vehicles adjusted (0.4/0.4 health/armour -> 0.45/0.3), DPS -10%. M60/PKM damage multiplier to mammoth vehicles adjusted (0.275/0.275 -> 0.3/0.2), DPS -12.7%. However in both cases they handle heavily damaged (no armour - heavily into combat or tripped an AT mine) vehicles better. Rifle Soldiers, Medic (weapons share same warheads) MP5 rate of fire down (15 -> 12.5). DPS to infantry -9.1%. AK-47 secondary rate of fire down (10 -> 9) AK-47 secondary inaccuracy down (3.75 -> 2.75) M16 Trishot ROF up (1.5 -> 2) "Spray" damage penalty (used by AK-47 secondary and MP5) to hard targets reduced (-16% -> -10%). For AK-47 this changes nothing; for MP5 this means its DPS to hard targets is only -2.6%. M16/AK-47/MP5 damage multiplier to MCTs up (0.18 -> 0.1875). DPS +4.17% for M16/AK-47, +1.5% for MP5. Rocket Soldiers Soviet one is no longer called the "Grenadier"; he's back to being an RPG Trooper and having a Makarov as a sidearm. Shotgunners Remington slug damage vs vehicles is now always the same as dragonsbreath damage. TOZ flechette damage vs vehicles is now always 50% higher than dragonsbreath damage. (Previously these both had different anti-armour settings to dragonsbreath.) Remington/TOZ dragonsbreath damage multiplier to light/air vehicles adjusted (0.5/0.375 -> 0.6/0.3), DPS -6.7% to all the armoured ones, but +20% to Supply/Demo Trucks. Remington/TOZ dragonsbreath damage multiplier to heavy vehicles adjusted (0.375/0.25 -> 0.4/0.2), DPS -11.1%. However in both cases they handle heavily damaged (no armour - heavily into combat or tripped an AT mine) vehicles better. Remington/TOZ dragonsbreath damage multiplier to mammoth vehicles lowered (0.25/0.15 -> 0.25/0.125), DPS -11.1%. Spy Fixed bug where radio commands were showing up in the wrong colour. Grenadier Retooled into a budget anti-tank/anti-building-exterior/anti-infantry splash unit, available to both sides and does not require a Barracks. Against vehicles, its damage varies. Against light vehicles, its damage is similar to the Flamethrower, but against heavier vehicles it's a little better and against mammoth vehicles it's a LOT better, but still nowhere near the power of proper anti-tank units (2 grens take a little longer to kill an ore truck than 1 RS does, but it takes 4 flamethrowers to kill it in that much time). It's a much stronger anti-tank unit than the Captain but also riskier. Against building exteriors, its DPS is slightly better than a Flamethrower, though it has no MCT bonus (not that it's safe to try using it against most MCTs anyway). This is its main area of expertise, and while the RS does it better due to more damage, range and survivability, the Grenadier does it cheaper and defends itself better against infantry. Against infantry, its damage potential is the same as the "RPGrenadier"'s frag grenades, except now it's available in infinite supply. This is a little worse than the flamethrower in DPS and lacks the flamer's perks of afterburn damage, cover penetration, safe CQC use and an easy arc, but is still worlds better at splashing than the LAW/RPG are. Its low price of 150 credits and high movement speed give it a place at the start of the match and during desperate times if your money is low or you lack a WF and need to move fast. Before the overhaul that turned the Grenadier into an "artillery infantry", Soviets didn't really have much of a reason to buy them because Flamethrowers cost barely more than them. Should be a bit of a different case now that there's a 300 credit gap between the two units, and buying a Flamethrower before the first dump pretty much prevents you from buying ANY vehicles for a while, whereas a Gren lets you buy some vehicles and if you cause enough havoc you can even afford a HT. Range is not as ridiculous as before; it can only throw as far as a Shock Trooper can shoot. So it can't outrange base defenses, rifles/captains/flamers, or any vehicle. As a result it should also be easier to detect. Its main downside is a lack of armour - this renders it very vulnerable to splash damage, both its own and that of enemy tanks. This means that smart positioning is very important when dealing with enemy tanks and artillery since you can't just eat up splash damage like an RS can, trying to use them as a CQC splasher like the Flamethrower is not recommended as you'll be hurting yourself more than you hurt them, and Medics can't solve either of these problems with their armour cache. It also lacks a sidearm, so it MUST maintain some distance from infantry in order to hurt them safely. Vehicles Light Tank No longer has strongpoints/weakpoints, putting it in line with other light vehicles. Minelayer Adjusted suspension a bit, shouldn't get stuck on Refill Pads anymore. AP mines actually kill medics now. Ranger Damage multiplier to building exteriors down (0.15 -> 0.125), DPS -16.67% Damage multiplier to no-MCT buildings up (0.1875 -> 0.2), DPS +6.67% Damage multiplier to heavy vehicles adjusted (0.4/0.4 -> 0.45/0.3375), DPS -10% (see Officers) Damage multiplier to mammoth vehicles adjusted (0.275/0.275 -> 0.3/0.225), DPS -12.7% Tesla Tank Damage up (210 -> 240). DPS +14.3%. Can now kill Longbows in two shots! Damage multiplier to buildings down (0.2 -> 0.18), DPS only +2.9% Damage multiplier to stealth vehicles down (1.5 -. 1.375), DPS only +4.7% Aesthetics Added ambient sounds for MCT/new computers in base buildings. Buildings Power Plant Fixed some fences that did not have collision. Fixed a bug that was causing players' weapons to aim strangely when indoors. Ore stuff Molten ore warhead changed from SplashFire to Fire, so it can actually hurt flamethrower infantry again. Silo now has a vehicle blocker on top so helis can't touch its molten ore and get perma-damaged. War Factory Old props no longer overlap with new ones in certain Soviet interior layouts. Maps On all air maps, C4 will now disappear when placed at very high parts of Tesla Coils, Gap Generators and Ore Silos (or floating near said parts, so no C4-Longbow foolishness). RA_Bonsai Removed Allies' WF turret. RA_GuardDuty Raised some of the blockers around the hills. Most of the dirt roads are now bifurcated ala RA/various other maps. Shrunk a couple of trees that were frequent Yak suicide spots. RA_Metro Soviet service depot is more accessible from the Barracks/War Factory sides. Soviet service depot has a miniature concrete wall between it and the bridge, short enough that repairing tanks can shoot at enemies on the bridge, but tall enough that it's very difficult for Allied tanks on the bridge to line up a shot against the SD itself, and impossible for caps/rifles without breaking the wall, making it harder to destroy the SD. Unfortunately, this makes it less accessible from the front, but from what I've seen the Soviet SD rarely survives long enough for Soviets to even use it, so what difference does it make? Removed barricades in front of the Soviet Barracks; their existence was vestigial thing from the Beta version - albeit updated with a more modern appearance - but they really just get in the way of Minelayers. Exposed Allied truck-side silo a bit more. RA_Pipeline Sandstorm particles are 50% smaller. Fixed missing texture on spare pump parts. RA_RidgeRacer Hopefully fixed the map timer (should be 5 minutes) RA_Zama Fixed out of bounds zone not counting as a no-beacon zone.
  12. I always dread whenever you upload these at the same time that I've just finished a patch and am preparing to upload it, because these videos are almost invariably a showcase of Shit That Needs Changing that I then have to deal with. Fortunately it's just the MP5 which has been dealt with already, and minor bugs that nobody cares about like Jesus infantry hanging around for a while if they die while rebuying.
  13. Now I understand your tag. Are you from North Korea by any chance?
  14. What, he's not even nanomachined enough to hold back a submersible battleship one-handed? This is all he's capable of? Lame.
  15. A request I made which ChopBam delivered on, back when Siege's development was nearing a close and its files were being delivered to us. He brought it up ingame today so I figured I might as well show it to everyone.
  16. So just bringing this topic back for a bit. How about a "sudden death" trigger, which means that once a team loses all their production buildings, their buildings become unrepairable (or perhaps all their repair tools become useless - so any previously-bought engineers can wring out one wrench's worth of repair), so the game can end faster even if both teams are production-less? Would have to figure out some alternate purpose for the CY though since that's a non-production building and all it does is repair...
  17. This was an especially big issue with Gamma's version of Antlion which had an immobile version of the cargo truck that you now see on Pipeline/Metro. Not only could you hide inside it but it was indestructible. And it was very close to one of the spawning areas - forget whose team though - meaning the other team could use it to spawncamp (wait for people to spawn, kill them, hide in truck forever when things get hot, rinse and repeat) assuming someone else wasn't spending the whole match sitting inside it for the express purpose of preventing that. I really wonder what was going through CJ/PA's heads sometimes.
  18. That's also a possibility. But where would it go that has almost the same travel time and accessibility for both teams though, given the way the terminal is positioned. It can't go anywhere in the centre because of the collapsible platform that blocks access to the lower centre, and it would make no sense for it to be on the man made platforms.
  19. Do supply trucks, ore trucks (two of the least useful vehicles), rangers, gunboats, and especially V2s who will have the hardest time of dodging sniper fire really need to be nerfed in this way though?
  20. In these maps where units rarely engage with each other at distances greater than the cannon's minimum range, in rooms/corridors/valleys that range from "narrower than the cannon" to "barely wider", where exactly would the cannon would fit gameplay-wise? To say nothing of where it would fit thematically. I might as well put icebergs on Pipeline and palm trees on Camos Canyon. Whatever gets done with Fissure or RockTrap, I might try scaling them up by like +25% or +50% as well. They're just too cramped, and they're such small maps that it won't really be a pain to have to redo all the scenery.
  21. A test to see if not having infantry maps randomly interspersed through the rotation would help retain players, because those are something I've noticed people like to quit over. And, well, we have had larger player peaks ever since I took them out. I'm not going to go out and say there's a correlation or anything though. I forget exactly when I took them out but stats say Fissure was last played almost a month after I added the Yak to the game, so those sudden higher player peaks certainly can't be from new content hype...
  22. Maybe I'll expose one of them, but not both?
  23. I already commented on discord but you don't seem to have noticed so I'll repeat myself here. I can't help but notice that you are deliberately going out of your way to only target the ground and never target anything else. And you get dropped at exactly the spot you target, but a few metres above it. So I get the feeling that targeting the sky would put you above the flight ceiling (or toss you into bluehell if there is no flight ceiling), targeting a wall would put you inside the wall, targeting an underground ceiling (for example inside Complex's tunnel) would place you outside the map, targeting part of a building roof that's easily targetable like the WF slant roof would put you up on the roof, and targeting the middle of a vehicle would cause you to sit on top of the vehicle, meaning you just instantly win against any lone vehicle that's not a TT with no skill required. If any of these are true this system is not viable. Also it means we lose the chronoshift effect, but I'm sure that's a lot easier to fix than any of the other issues. I get that you have a lot of fun making these but you clearly know that the system is extremely flawed as it stands
  24. Maybe that won't be their full arsenal in future. I think I've hinted at this enough already
  25. And when it had mammys, Allies could not win without killing ref in the first 5 minutes (or, again, using a flare). I would propose that we not swing the pendulum exactly as far in the other direction now that we know that both extremes fail. The unit that detects phases on radar, breaks their stealth in one hit, and basically denies phase attacks if your tank column has a tesla tank facing the other direction, is not a phase counter. Kden. Been meaning to buff them anyway. Maybe 2shotting longbows will give Allies something to think about on Ridge War too (that's not this map but it'd be extra damage to EVERYTHING not just LBs).
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