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Everything posted by Death_Kitty

  1. This sounds like something I would be very interested in. Hope the development goes well.
  2. Hey, I was just wondering if the APB US server is still up, as i don't really want to put up with 100+ ping playing on the European server. if it is, I'm having trouble seeing it, it just shows me a 0/0 players, and i cant see anything for the current map.
  3. really cool. do you develop these into mods?
  4. The only reason that bliz is realeasing SC1 remastered is because sc2 failed so miserably. For those of you who dont follow sc2 balance, it got really out of hand, and killed off its grassroots community. The toxicity of the US server also helped (a LOT)(in us ofc)
  5. I see the thief hath been hit with nerf bat... thanks! Th rest of these changes look pretty good. I looked forward to the officer nerf, as they made shotguns look kind of weak Great job on the igla model. looks really cool. Best change IMO: BIGGER MAMY.
  6. do i need c&c net to access server?
  7. So I've heard about this mod and I have renegade: does anyone know how to actually install this mod (I have renegade on origin). Or get ahold of Kaskins.
  8. These statistics.... and the the 50 to 33% bit is new to me. still...
  9. As in the topic title. Why the hell can allies get a radar invisible thief to steal soviet money on the map with the easiest thief play in the game. It ruined the game for me. Not only because we lost money, but we lost hinds as well. radar invis infantry steal them. This map was fine before their was on it it. I want to know what form of mental gymnastics got this unit back on the map. please explain reasoning. This is a step backwards, one might say. P.S. just RQ offed the map and yes I'm a little angry.
  10. HA! don't know if i'm quite ready to get back in the fight with how rusty i'm gonna be. But i think for now, ill return to my trademark unit: minelayers. I think ill start playing around with snipers too.
  11. The kitty of death has returned! So after a hiatus from FPS video-games entirely, I've decided to come creeping around old haunts again, and ofc I come back here! Y'all care to please inform me as to what has happened with all you and the game as well. I'm already acquainted with the new guard duty and the hilarity that is lunar paradox (I see some new logic there pushwall) but other than that no clue what has happened. I left when raap revealed the siege guns for RA_Seige, that is the last thing i remember. Also this community mafia... how does one join such madness? And what happened to hostile waters!!! TY in advance.
  12. DAMMIT ALSTAR! Soooooo hyped for MO 3.3.. Id say the Apocalypse from MO. that thank both was and looked sweet. It will be a wasteland...
  13. infantry: medic, kov. Stuff im known for. vehicles: minelayers: If you dunno why ask Tiber. Or anyone else who has tries to get into a building while im on the sov. team. heli/navy: mrp.
  14. Best wishes MP. we await your return with great eagerness.
  15. OMG!!!! Stormy Valley looks gorgeous now! Great job push! I love the new barrier on the bridges (river_raid) and the coastal changes. What I don't get is: What does this mean? and why the tier decrease on complex?
  16. Edited original post do they even have mines in TS:R?
  17. So can someone fill me in on how mines work i.e. : what can damage them? do they re gen health? can you repair them? ect. EDIT; APB mines Also on a side note, what does the spy do when he gets inside each soviet building.
  18. Couldn't tell Until the map comes out and Kitty gets crushed by the Soviets three times in a row, and then it's RAGE THREAD HA! 2 thing you got wrong: Ill be playing AS soviets and I'll be doing the crushing!
  19. Nah. provides some ridiculous variety, which is good for the game, especially fissure and FoI, because of the Easter egg there. Rock trap I will admit Im not that big of a fan of.
  20. With all these balance threads and map requests abounding, I thought I'd make a little survey: Favorite map, why, and least favorite map, and why! Favorite map: I love good 'ol Ridge war: might be a huge map, but the amount of crap and funny demos that go on on a regular basis make it memorable; from demos under the allied cliff, to 'nook rushes, this one comes in as my all- round favorite. Least: Bonsai: Along with hostile waters, this is the one map I have never had a victory on, and for me, at least, a victory counts as a game where I made a meaningful contribution to the team, while being there from the beginning/ start of match. Also, 2 words: Roof flare.
  21. Hey buddy... You sure that was raptor?Oh and the ore silo... That is a step in the right direction!
  22. That's not a solution to the problem though, and will barley change anything, because no one ever goes for the refill pads, and allies can easily make do with just a helipad as is now, the AA gun is irrelevant unless Soviets go for hind push, but rocket soldiers exist so thats null, and thanks to mechs, the service depot removal does nothing but maybe slow down the minelayer a few seconds. The problem is the fact that allies start with so much momentum in the beginning, so they can immediately take control of the field, giving no time for Soviets to put any pressure on- by the time they can allied reinforcements have arrived, an L-bow will be up, mechs will be up, mines will be up, and if arty still is alive, you are really screwed. I see you really dont want to weaken allied reinforcements, but I still think you should; losing a med tanks and an APC and the 2nd light would make those remaining vehicles more relevant, and more valuable, and force the allies to use infantry support. Of course, the flip side of this is to give the soviets vehicle at start allowing them to immediately pressure the allies, which is the point: 1-2 Ht's, and a hind maybe a TT (but no V2. that would be OP) would work wonders. P.S. im all for repair tools capping buildings. Would help HW and Pipeline quite a bit. Heck, why not add more "bonus objectives to existing maps:" as well!
  23. Welp. Lets get to work: the maps I want to address here are seamist and river raid. 1.) Seamist, the most allied biased map in existence, has the issue of far too many vehicles, so: the reinforcements should be lowered to 1 med tank, 1 APC and 1 light tank, maybe a rangers. And out of the phase, arty and minelayer, one of those has to go. 2.) River raid: the main issue with this is that allied arty gathers on their side of the broken bridge, and if you say want to flank them RPG ranger style, that areas covered by the pillbox; Plz move it back or switch base positions. I guessing the former is easier. Those are my problems and suggestions, I'm sure the list will get longer with time. P.S. I get placed on soviets an absurd amount of times; does !defecting to sovs have any influence on this? Also does anyone care to share how to summon the kov/borg on FOI?
  24. Yeah under is fine. On real note: love the dock and the defense re-work, but how about moving the Service depots pushwall? Also: So basically when the glitch happens, that player has hit me on their screen? That path needs to go... want mechs on island allies? Buy LST (insert swear word here)!
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