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Raptor29aa last won the day on December 4 2024

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About Raptor29aa

  • Birthday 07/01/1987

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  • Suffers from Logic

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    Writing Fiction, Science, Landscapes, and Teaching Writing.

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  1. But this forum will get more action than Elvis' dead body. (so not dead just slow... like me right now recovering from an injury.) The most effective counter for Biker rush is a mixture of Rocket and Officer. Discs in mass might kill the bikes, but not so much the infantry inside. Discs right now are better for stationary or Large targets. -Or Rockets alone work because gattlin' turrets are thursty for Nod Blood.
  2. Sorry for the double post, but I have two more
  3. And That's how PXD2000 steals a Yak
  4. Sorry to double post/resurrect. The Vigilante has a light armor class that's why an anti-tank/ramjet rifle can chew through it in one magazine. Maybe if it just had a stronger armor class it wouldn't explode so easy. I don't know if that was a bug or intentional
  5. I like the current set up of the Vigilante, it can shoot vertically (excellet degree of rotation), it has the range of the SPAAG, it is much more accurate, and does more damage than the SPAAG. It can kill snipers in the field with ease. It also melts tank armor beautifully (2x more than the SPAAG). I just won't pay 6000$ for a tank that has the same hp/ap as a 500$ apc. It would be perfect if it wasn't one shotted by a 400$ artillery.
  6. 1.) Reduce Zippo tank's reload time by 30% (it doesn't do much to buildings or tanks, and has thin armor) 2.) Give Repair APC and Mortor APC the ability to travel on water (its in the name amphibious) A) Nod has an amphibious Repair APC they use to repair battleships, MRLS husks on the water, and steal Naval Yards (so why not give GDI one?) B) Nod has the Nona which is a Naval Mortor with twice the health (range won't be an issue since Nod has a lot of counter artillery, so I don't see why not) 3.) Give the Vigilante either A.) 400hp/400ap to help it kill banshees better (It's too fragile, for 6000$). Why? Well, the SPAAG is currently the better AA choice, because its cheaper, has more ammo, 2x more hp (able to take the abuse of a banshee), and lastly its reload time is almost the same as the Vigilante. -or- B.) An armored deploy like artillery, so it can take the abuse of banshees as a stationary AA turret.
  7. I have done tests with bots on my own time and I found if I host my own match and do the command ~ botcount 30 and after 20min bots on the opposing team start to become invincible for no reason. It is a weird phenomina, but does exist.
  8. Sorry I’ll clarify. Some units have binoculars, and when using binoculars the message “binocular recon detected” pops up. It would be interesting if a tank icon would temporarily appear when looking at an enemy tank. (Or symbol for boat or aircraft) It was a suggestion that would parallel the spy plane idea. In no way was I suggesting anything about altering the engineer markers system.
  9. Spy plane could finally be of use hmm... Also I could also think of binocular recon working this way too. (That is to give some use to binoculars)
  10. Freshman Philosophy Majors After thier First semester...
  11. -Maybe an extra salvo to hinds -Maybe +1 to mine layer carrying compacity -Maybe unlock an m40 for a Naval Transport -Or maybe unlock an alternate a new variant of the same unit. Like an alternate warhead/ammo type - But on the other hand I do like IA’s system of team armor ups, and weapon type ups
  12. GDI Bots on Vile Facility and I missed it. (I haven’t been Nod on this bots map before) I’ll have to check in more often to catch a round.
  13. This has been the craziest last Two Weeks for me. 5000+ people descended upon an area of forest only 7,400 mi^2 (Or ~12,000km^2). My town was full of out of state license plates. Yep it even made news headlines Lookup Tonto National Forest Party ^Too early in the year for lights and no, that is not a Christmas Tree The mariachi music played long into the night (many of my friends told me, I decided sleep was more important than being in the woods at a party) Surprisingly a lot of the trash has been cleaned up. Sidenote: I think MadMax the movie was said to be in 2021 Arizona. News link https://www.azfamily.com/news/authorities-break-up-illegal-weekend-party-with-over-5-000-people-in-tonto-national-forest/article_057ce036-9733-11eb-8ca8-d3508eed8a15.html
  14. No thank you it does enough damage. It already chews up tank armor.
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