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Everything posted by Raptor29aa

  1. 1) Cool info, but the T-62 has heavy armor, not like an artillery. That would be like the cannon mammoth outranging the Obelisk (please no ideas) 2). It’s not a nerf if you up the armor or increase the damage to compensate 3). Some maps where not designed for the changes. Example U-lake was not designed for GDI and Nod to have equal air combat. (Hense why all hill entrances face Nod) Another Example Suspense was not designed for GDI’s new armor boost. Now all GDI has to do is clog up the cave. (Before the Nerf the Inferred tank was the best Clog buster, and yes I know someone will say no the EZ tank was but try to maneuver more than one or two of those wide loads and in a confined space and forget it. The narrow body of the Inferred was perfect). Anyways, I’ll rest my opinion here.
  2. Vile Facility is one of my most favorite maps, but...when playing as Nod it feels like their base design is full of entrances and no away to cover all of them. Unlike Nod, the GDI base has the tunnels, behind the barracks, the back entrance, and the front entrance (left and right share this space). (4 entrances) But with Nod you have Tunnels, entrance by the HoN, Front Left, Front Right + side entrance to Forgotten Refinery, and back left to air field/power plant and back right to Forgotten Refinery. (I’ll just say 6 entrances) And to top it off Nod doesn’t have much a Sea Counter to ATADs/Mrls when it comes to capturing the Forgotten Silos. -Other than the above... favorite map
  3. Naval Combat is fine as long as have a few ATADs’ you’ll be will be safe from any ship. Mrls are ok, but they lack the DPS of the ATADs’ If you’re Nod... you’re hosed. I mean there is the torpedo boat, but pray GDI doesn’t have any air or mrls or ATADs support.
  4. I also found something fascinating on Winter Assault. I Captured the Allied Naval yard and bought an Iowa and found it can’t shoot over the ledge/cliff of the GDI base... so every tank can hit the Iowa, but the Iowa can’t hit back Sadly not the same when GDI steals the Nod Naval Yard and buys their most expensive ship on Winter Assault. (not sure if that is a bug or a feature)
  5. This is excellent feedback thanks, I’ll try the BDRM. Also I forgot about the Nona mortar, it’s not an easy to aim vehicle, but I will give it a shot too. Any advice on how to counter the Nod Anti-tank Comanche on the open waters? (Had no luck recently on hostile waters)
  6. Just an idea, the super spy (from the crate) is targeted by defenses when uncloaked. why can’t the spy be targeted by defenses if he shoots or plants a flare outside a building?
  7. I’ve noticed this over the course of many games now as GDI whenever Nod has stealth anti-tank Commanche, GDI can’t seem to advance in Naval combat. (And yes I’ve tried using ADATs, it’s the ambush/lack of response time that sucks) Although on maps without Nod aircraft I have found GDI dominates the Naval Combat, because Nod Naval is seriously lacking any high tiered units (and yes I have tried the AMEX to counter GDI Mrls and ADATs) Any advice/ thoughts?
  8. Here is where I do agree GDI is almost too simple to use. The strategy is get a bigger tank.
  9. 1) Pioneers turrets can’t see cloaked units unless either A) detetected by detector unit/shot at -or- B) previously uncloaked in range of turret (they have some sort of memory when in range) 2) Don’t forget Nod has more Artillery than GDI add a stealth generator for increased fun (for more fun add Erebus for killing Adv Guard Tower) 3) I disagree Nod does have some decent armored vehicles like the tick tank and T-62. Now the super tank does have decent armor, but I am still not sure how to use it. It feels ineffective at damaging enemy armor because of the slow ROF or attacking buildings (I only use It for it’s AI turrets to end game bother my opponent) I think the super tank should have slightly less damage and slightly higher ROF 4) I agree Nod needs something like the ADATs for water combat (the range + damage + inaccessibility of water) I’m thinking some sort of long range water inferred tank (it would help with trying to hit a hover mrls) 5) at full speed Nod bikes are not too slow (otherwise helicopter missiles would be useless when chasing one down) 6) Nod stealth units have a nitch when it comes to capturing neutral structures. As in GDI captured AA/silo insert stealth helicopter and its Nods. Drive a tank over to it to recapture and... ambushed and it’s Nod’s again. (So yes Nod will have more money on neutral silo maps). Edit: I am not sure how I changed my font. Possibly it might be from posting from my phone
  10. Just up the minelimit and problem solved. It takes 2 mines to kill the spy. The biggest issue is that some maps have a lot of doorways or roof ladders/entrances and not enough mines to protect them. Example: Take the map Vile Facility mine limit last I checked was 80. The HON has 2 ladders 3 doors (12 mines). The power plant has 2 doors 2 ladders (8 mines). The Refinery has 2 doors, 1 ramp, 1 ladder (8 mines). Construction yard 3 doors, 2 ramps, 1 ladder, 1 window (14 mines) Com Center 2 doors 3 ladders (4 if counting tunnel ladder) (10/12 mines) Air Strip 3 doors, 1 ramp, 1 ladder (10 mines). Let’s total up the baseline for mines needed to protect against spies 62/64 mines that leaves 16 for offensive, field use. But I forgot to mention 2 mines won’t kill a Hotwire... so now add 30 more as in 2 more per door and total needed to secure the base is 92/94 so Nod is 14 mines short. (If no ladders are mined 80/82 is just enough for doors and ramps). So yea the issue is not spies being strong or sneaky, but there not being enough mines to cover the base.
  11. I have an idea, maybe bring back the Nod Mobile Gap Generator, but give it a tiny cloaking diameter. It could help defend against GDI early base/harvester rushes. and definitely give a small armor boost to Nod mobile repair vehicle. I will say this, Nod has a lot of good support vehicle roles. Need anti-infantry? Flame tank. Need artillery? Poin/v2/a lot of options. Need a sneak attack? Stealth tanks. Need armor? T-62/Tick/super tanks Nod lacks something like the big repair mammoth, but it has the stealth generator. conclusion, Nod is very versatile just needs better backup/repair
  12. @kickmofo Are you kidding? The previous version of the Ezekiel wheel tank was like a cloaked mammoth tank. They where able mass invisibly, move out unnoticed, and 3 together could take on an advanced guard tower and win. My objection is not to how it performed individually even though it was a fire and forget it took any still to use has you recloak weapon. My objection is when for less than the cost of a tick tank you could mass an invisible steamroller. I remember seeing 36inch mammoth with 2 ion titans getting wreaked by 4 Ezekiel tanks because of their armor and DPS. Both sides had repairers maybe that had something to do with it not sure. My point was that a cheap powerful tank that was cloaked was just being spammed almost every map. I would only agree to reverting the Ezekiel wheel tank’s stats if it was more expensive. Something cloaked and so powerful should be expensive. Considering it was used more than tick tanks and artillery in rushes. And was often an early game rush of choice (early as in first 10 mins)
  13. I’m still trying to figure out the difference between the stealth tank’s role and the phase tank’s role. both shoot 2 missiles, both cloak, both have medium range, and both have tracking. The EZ wheel tank lost some of its ROF (two clicks instead of one) and armor, but gained some speed... it’s like a bigger phase/stealth tank. (-My thoughts on roles- ) ->stealth tank: -fast -low armor -low damage -long range -average ROF ->phase tank: -average speed -average armor -medium range -average damage -average ROF ->Ezekiel Wheel Tank: -slow speed - high armor -medium range -high damage -or- fast speed -low armor -average damage -long range -high ROF -Edit- roles are a scout, a work horse, and a specialist -Edit- I am not including the inferred tank because it doesn’t shoot missiles and thus is in a different category all together.
  14. I would agree on the tick tank, because it has enough armor to take a beating. Most people have to shift their strategy now that 3 ez wheel tanks can’t charge a GDI armor column like they used to. Stealth should be a quick hit and fade or slow armored ambush... in-between is overpowered. Nod shouldn’t just be about stealth, and I know people don’t like rethinking strategy, but Tick tanks, goliths, T-62, V2, artillery, and super tanks do have roles too.
  15. Dumb smelly mutant known as the marauder (big one with plasma cannon) outranges any base defense. But I do agree the major downside is that they are very slow and wide... and easy for stealth infantry to attach C4 to. (Yes it does work surprisingly well) but stinky no, I would only accept the word gooey. ps try the templar you won’t be disappointed... reload? sure after my minute and a half of carnage...
  16. I thought that is where the forgotten hub comes in handy. Like the forgotten scavenger has a repair 3 gun and moves faster than the average unit (it is useful even if the hon/bar is alive) . Besides some dead opponents drop a class change powerup.
  17. ... shallow gave ... the map whose name must not be spoken
  18. For GDI the ion titan and the 36 inch (good missile splash too) are great at clearing infantry so is the zippo and the Spaag (if you know how to aim it). Nod has the Pion (poney) and super tank (AI guns always help) and not to mention flame tank and Tunguska, or just run them over with a stealth tank. Winter assault, I would agree that the tunnel width was strange I had a list somewhere of vehicles that could fit for both Nod and GDI sides. The diameter is different per side, Nod could fit an ore truck through if they get the angle right. Also aircraft work well on ships if you don’t slow down. Or if the boat is really big there are blind spots you can hide a tank in to kill it. I think I know the name of the map but I have to ask is the map snowy and does it have an obilisk? (The map lacks swimming and forgotten units, but it’s still fun) Also that cave can be secured with mines and sapper turrets (that and make sure to get the gun that spawns there sometimes it’s a pic). cold wall (needs forgotten sniper unit, lol) but yea that map needs some tweaks. When ever I play it I try to A.) secure the wall (it has turrets plus money) . Then B.) I try to secure a path to it (this is where pioneers help. Or just secure the tunnel entrance (there is one underground). Also ion cannon beacon help clear the wall for an assault. Out of time but willing to answer/put in my 10 cents.
  19. Hey Guys, first off topic post but the company game stop is about to go under. Which can mean two things, one pull out your stocks now, and get ready for cheap consul games! It’s like the movie collection I got for less than a dollar when block buster closed. I have no idea what that will mean for Internet sales, but I am keeping my eyes open for liquidation sales.
  20. Maybe turn off voting till in-game population is above 12 players. Then have all non-voting players be automatic no votes (also I’ve loaded a level after the vote announcement and had no Idea a vote was taking place till the results were announced.) Edit: I don’t blame Rennan for liking Vile Facility that nap is becoming my favorite too
  21. The mammoth 36inch has one big flaw... slow turret turning speed. So... why not shoot it where it is not looking and cloak? Besides before the nerf an EZ tank could absorb a direct hit and still have have health left... which sucked for me because the EZ cloaked and ran off to repair... finally an ambush of 3 took me down. (Always have an escort) My point, why should the EZ be the heavyweight tank when Nod already has one?
  22. I think the issue is not so much the spies, but an effective counter for them. And I do agree they are insanely powerful, like on the map vile facility having a spy pick up explosives and silently blow up defenses (or use a PIC). I’ve even seen spies with dynamite (yep the worst of both worlds...!ammo). There needs to be an effective way of detecting and killing them. - I think raising the mine limit would help a lot, considering it’s the only effective counter (even though they can be disarmed with a picked up repair gun). -maybe if spies once detected by an MSA and have a special radar marker or something to draw a defender or team’s attention. - this is just as expensive, but I found purchasing Liliths and killing myself in different locations to spawn visceriods in tunnels to work well on some maps (considering spies low health). -So maybe a forgotten unit could have a visceriod pet? Or grenade? Or beacon? - but no taking away a spies ability to enter vehicles means he can’t steal vehicles; more like remove !commands from a spy would be better (no random vehicle flares for you). - don’t think high money is an issue in general because overall gameplay is at most moderately effected. It’s not game breaking to afford both a tank and to donate to research.
  23. Your welcome, I figure I’d do a little numbers crunch to give an approximate rather than let mob rule nerf the tank into obsolescence. (50 percent damage reduction puts the tank on par with the spaag considering it’s half the cost, half the armor points, and it’s light armored)
  24. A few Technicals: The sidam and the spaag: both AA vehicles, both long range, spaag costs 2x the sidam but does 30% the damage of the sidam, the sidam has half the armor of the spaag but if against the spaag lasts 30 percent less than the sidam. The sidam can kill a spaag in 10 seconds, while the spaag takes 15 seconds. The spaag is the twin of the Tunguska. Both have same range and damage, but the Tunguska is more expensive. The Tunguska takes a long time to kill heavy armor like a T-62 (approx 33 seconds) But a sidam takes 11 seconds to kill a T-62. My thoughts cut the damage down 50% so it is slightly higher damage than the spaag but with half the armor
  25. My Definition of Team hampering is intentionally disrupting your team and/or aiding the enemy. Locked vehicles can do this, so can selling unlocked vehicles do this. One solution is to never leave a vehicle unoccupied, another is to not purchase said vehicle. Also repair vehicles are open to opponents to steal by spies or stealth units, so should they be left unoccupied? I do agree with the above about leaving the turret functioning. should a driver be kicked for locking his purchase? Or should we starting down the path of kicking for unoccupied vehicles. Some bases look like parking lots. I will error on the safe side of “no” not kickable offense.
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