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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Nice footage! Its like the old days!
  2. You math good. Also nice comic there That explains the mudflaps in the game haha
  3. Yeah, its almost as good as your location....pronounce that for me?
  4. It can be....interesting to say the least. MPRA2 might have more to say on that
  5. Someone model a big ol' fin on that thing @MPRA, why does that video title contain ".exe" on the end?
  6. Alright what next? Welcome back Threve! Hang around for a while!
  7. Exactly! Beat me to it Switching to a monitor of smaller max resolution will cause this. And yes, because the launcher appears to have some difficulty changing the resolution right now..... Glad you got it fixed! See ya ingame
  8. Well it looks like a tech airport. I second MPRA's suggestions.
  9. Have you changed monitors by chance? That can cause this sometimes. Also make sure that the game is allowed in your firewall settings. Any other info you can provide would be nice as well. We'll try to help you get it sorted out!
  10. Please tell me you based that off this movie Best line in the whole movie: "The Japs don't have anything like that!" I encourage you all to watch it /derail
  11. Thats why you leave the supply truck either where it spawns or not far away so as not to draw attention to the fact that you're using it to refill I agree, engi on foot (if alone) is better than single engi in a truck. On the other hand, multiple engis tends to be interesting
  12. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a fan among us. Someone here likes this map just exactly the way it is..... (i kinda like it too)
  13. Well....I kinda agree with the pillbox being where it is now because to be fair, the V2 is easier to aim than the arty. Its not difficult to deal with the pill from the island anyway. My 2 cents. You can see here that Cat5 and I made quick work of the thing. I think that if we caught the allies not paying attention then either of us could have done it alone. (I'm aware that in the screenshot i missed the pill and hit the ref )
  14. Let me just direct you to Pushwall's complaint department
  15. Man that used to be the thing on ridgewar back in the autocannon days...
  16. And there you have it everyone! Straight from the teabag fact checker horse's mouth!
  17. Well nothing stopped the creation of the pimpin' ranger so......have fun!
  18. The germans did it, surely you can too
  19. Before ordering RAM, I would do some research on your specific board. I had an issue a while back with a brand new build that "supported" a certain speed....yet failed to mention that until the new BIOS was complete (which it did NOT ship with) that speed was unattainable.....fail. Fail because I ordered RAM that matched the max speed of the board and it ran at about half that. SO! Do your research first to be sure that your board can even make use of faster RAM! Really wish I had in that case. And on the CPU, go for it but be sure that you'll actually benefit from doing it. (in short, more research)
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