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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. So glad to see that I am held in such high esteem >.> I would join but I don't have the time right now man. I enjoy watching though
  2. CR team == ChopBam (he did do an awesome job!)
  3. Oh man, Alex Jones is the best On that subject, this seems relevant:
  4. Spot on. I'm dealing with this very thing right now actually. Its like agreeing with some part of what someone else said automagically makes you a clone of them or otherwise a minion. Really bad mentality IMO.
  5. I'm glad we're all in agreement then! Civil discussion only sounds perfect to me. I can not speak about the Koran as I have never taken the time to look at it. However, there are many "versions" of the Bible. Since I am a Christian, this obviously presents some....problems right? I mean, Christians are accused of being hypocrites all the time so having so many variations of our holy writ, some of which are vastly different from others, doesn't exactly help. The bottom line when it comes to choosing a version to study is to ask yourself why. Why are you studying this? What knowledge are you hoping to gain and in what form/fashion? Because unfortunately some "bibles" won't give the same message as others. Some (especially very new versions) are tailored rather than translated, to meet the needs of a group that may want to change what might have originally been written. You strike me as an intelligent individual, therefore I will assume that this is not what you seek, but rather clarity and accuracy. To get the clearest picture possible of what was written as "The Bible" originally, the only way is to read it in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Failing that, I recommend the earliest English translations for accuracy. I am guessing that your primary language is German, so there might be some older German translations in existence that could be useful to you, but I honestly do not know. But seeing as your English is quite good, an English translation should not present a problem for you. After you gather up a few older translations, I recommend comparing them. The easiest way may be a bible program for your computer, since many of these possess in-built compare features. Very handy! And above all else, research the versions you plan to read. Make sure that you know their quirks and the "style" in which they were translated. I do not feel comfortable just choosing one for you, however I will give a short list of some older (and a couple newer) ones that I have used for myself, and that I believe to not be not cripplingly perverted by man-edits. Tyndale Wycliffe Smith's Literal translation Young's Literal translation King James version American Standard version English Standard version Contrary to popular belief, there are older English translations than the KJV, which you will find by looking up some in that list. If I remember correctly, the KJV was even partially based on the work of a previous English translation. But thats enough trivia. I apologize for being long-winded, but I do hope that somewhere in all this you will find some useful information. I hope you find what you are looking for!
  6. They do absolutely no checking though. Like there is no form to fill out to prove that you fit that criteria, you literally just hit a button and wait and hope it doesn't bomb out like it likes to do. I recommend it. Even if you don't want to move yet, do it just to get your free license, and then revert back to 8/7. Your license will still "keep". /me remembers thread title Also nice footage, game looks awesome!
  7. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has participated in this thread thus far for keeping it civil. I am appalled at the grossness of the internet at this moment, and the people that hate each other and even whole groups of people now. I thank God that here at W3D Hub our members do not stoop so low and make fools of ourselves publicly. Thanks guys!
  8. This sounds like a Philadelphia reference
  9. I question your sense of humor friend Alright I guess I'll get on with it now.... Favorite Admin/Staff/Moderator: FRAYDO Funniest User: Silverlight Most Helpful User: moonsense715 Biggest Spammer: Dominant Hunter Best APB Player: Voe Tactical Espionage Action: forg0ten1 Most Likely To Succeed Demo-n00b: sammyd
  10. I think his role as a leader probably qualifies him as a political figure.
  11. And they are not limited to IRL things either, as is evidenced by FRAYDO voting for snoopy Anyway, MAKE W3DHUB GREAT AGAIN.....................AND BUILD A WALL AROUND IT AND MAKE THE TESTERS PAY FOR IT!
  12. I was thinking the same thing! Especially during the MAD explosion
  13. I would think that its already possible to do because this is how infantry healing currently works. I would imagine that the code would be very similar for structures to do the same. Good point though Jeod. There is always a trade-off and I was wondering who would bring one out.
  14. Thats an interesting thought for sure, and worth discussing. I would like to hear some opinions on this mosly because it isn't brought up very much. Also, check your PMs pls
  15. Its ok though, I thought it was today too
  16. And I keep saying to use a bote!
  17. Awesome stuff! Welcome (back) to the community!
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