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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. First off, welcome Kreubs! First post I see We hope you like it here and stick around! Around 2000ish I believe it was (since thats when we got our windows 98 PC), dad got on a gaming kick and raided the local walmart for some cheap games Among those he brought home was the RA1 + Aftermath disk set, Hasbro's Risk (amazing fun game exactly like the classic board game, works fine even on win10, PM me if you want it ), Battle of the Bulge (another RTS), and some others that I have long forgotten. Risk and RA1 are the ones that stuck with me. I would sit and watch dad for hours play RA1, and then try to do exactly what he did when he got finished. I remember being stuck on Allied mission 4 for AGES before I finally got it. Some time passed, and one day I located the big orange box set that contained all the C&C games to date! OH MAN, YOU MEAN THERE ARE MORE?!? My parents began to despise my "addiction" they called it. Pssh So I tore into RA2 and YR, and eventually TS and Renegade. Why I did Renegade last, I have no clue. Renegade was actually my first FPS game believe it or not. I was super impressed that such a thing existed, and even more so when soon after playing it and telling a friend, he replied "well you know they're coming out with one like that for RA1 right?" WOAH MAN. HOLD ON. MY LIFE IS SO GOOD RIGHT NOW . So I waited and waited....got really tired of waiting. During my wait, I discovered "the google" so I decided to look this sucker up! It was then (around 2004ish) that I stumbled on my first mod project....APB. Or as it was still being called at the time "Renegade Alert". My father was wary of things on the internet at that time, and the PC we had could barely play renegade anyway, so I was forced to wait a while. After a fateful lightning strike, we got a new PC. So loaded out with my Abit NF7 board, boasting a single core Athlon @1.6ghz OC'd to 2.2ghz, 512mb of ram, an Abit Siluro 128mb card along with a very early nvidia physx card, I finally played APB for the first time (LAN only) in 2005 and my life was changed forever Looking back, I'm not sure why I didn't play online at first? Maybe I didn't know? Maybe that was in the time window where the project was basically dead and there were no servers? Not sure. Probably so, because I do remember the first time I saw some activity and some new stuff. Man thats all a blur now.... Sorry for the paragraphs guys, I don't know the meaning of "brief" obviously
  2. Bot for sure. Posting disabled Pls continue with beautiful trainstuff pls
  3. (I think this is probably the proper place to post) I've actually heard this idea get tossed around somewhere before now (not sure if it was a staff chat or if it has been brought up on the forum before), and I agree that it would be nice to have such a thing available. I would find it useful for sure. It might also list where the players are from as well? Just a thought.
  4. Oh hi danpaul....didn't know you were around. @SilverShark - please do attach those files for danpaul to look over. Thanks! Glad you got it working!
  5. Hey there! This happens sometimes. Try these steps and see if it helps. Let us know what happens!
  6. It is a feature of IPB forum, but i'm not sure if there is any extra cost associated with it, etc. I know that forums that run it sometimes take a slight performance hit on the page that it runs on. Not always, but i've noticed it before.
  7. Thats one thing that I have always found interesting about APB. I have rarely seen this happen and end badly, so do it to it guys! Don't horde up cash from the guys that are joining mid-match! Donating is teamwork! (And you can do it as an engi from behind your wrench at the MCT ) Every little bit helps.
  8. Hey will the cruiser be included in this update?
  9. The current version has some bugs, some of them are server-side and have been causing crashes. I'll let someone else clarify if I have this wrong, but the last I heard on this is that we were just going to temporarily turn off the TSR server until we can bring some stability to it. That aside, ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!!!! :toot: :toot: :toot:
  10. I'm not knowledgeable on modding either engine, but I would hazard a guess that it would probably be nearly impossible to load a .w3d level into the source engine without some major fanagling/converting. However....assets such as infantry models, tank models....etc would possibly be more doable. What you'll run into though is whether or not the creator of said assets would permit you to use them in such a scenario
  11. I take offense to this! >;( KIDDING
  12. Is that second one what i think it is?
  13. Spot on AZ Also, welcome Greekperson! Do introduce yourself and make yourself at home. Also if you haven't done so already, please read all forum and in-game rules. If you have any more questions, please ask and we'll be happy to answer! See you ingame!
  14. Are you dying or pelvic thrusting Both
  15. The official (Delta™ Delta™)™ flag.
  16. (Thats a bot user dave) >grabs card > runs
  17. Coincidence most likely. It is my understanding that the issue here is that the launcher doesn't currently expect the possibility that MSVC 2015 might already be installed, and so when it encounters that condition then it doesn't quite know what to do about it. Hopefully we'll have it fixed soon!
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